Thursday, March 18, 2021

Depopulation Plan for 2025

Q Greetings Lynn,

I watched this video (I shared the link below). The focus was what the Deep State/Powers That Were are planning to do to depopulate by millions/billions by 2025.  Question is by what means?  It’s like a great reset is planned for 2025.  Can you please look into this?  Will it happen or will a greater force intervene?  What countries are safe if this does happen?

A.  I do see a reset on the horizon if things don't change.  If Hilary would have won in 2016, we would already be there, but Trumpet set this scheme back by several years.  Now that the PTW (Powers That Were) finally got some control, regardless of the fact it was through cheating, they can now course correct and get back on track.  

It was no coincidence that Faucci announced in 2017 during a keynote speech at Georgetown [watch here] that this administration would have a planned bug of some sort.  After Trumpet was sworn in on January 2016 they worked overtime to get him impeached, and also a contingency plan to make Trumpet's job harder for the next year.  The PTW didn't care about sculpting a candidate or a running platform, they focused their efforts on getting Trumpet out of the way by any means possible. 

I get this "bug" has several agendas behind it.  One is depopulation.  I get that the "stab" people are getting will (in some) cause death, disability and fertility issues.  This is seen as a much more humane way to control population in the mind's of the PTW.

This bug has also allowed "beer bug shot" manufacturers to make money both on the "shot" and on the health issues caused.  Tremendous amounts of money have been made on products used to combat the beer bug and also the medical remedies.

The last main thing I see it the stage was set to cancel culture and limit free speech.  In the name of "being safe" any opposing views are slowly being scrubbed.  Free thinking and alternative approaches are being discouraged and even omitted from our media.

I don't see a "great force" intervening.  It is up to us to do something.  A force may guide, protect or encourage, but I cannot see anything or anyone coming in to save the day.  We have to put action forth for what we want.  It is like a parent wanting to help a child, but they cannot do things for them.  We have to earn the world we want.  If we do nothing, I see we will continue on the path we are on because nothing is there to stop it.

I don't know that there are "safe" countries, but some are impacted more than others.  The world that is emerging will touch everyone in some capacity.

Please send some love and light into this situation.  Put intent for insight on manifesting the world we want, and how to best achieve it.  And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

The James Bond villains plotting this dark new world need the censorship we're already seeing because they want everyone to lie down like sheeple & feel hopeless. Instead people are rising up all over the world to challenge their governments like never before and a lot has happened behind the scenes to negate their evil schemes. Who really believes Bidet is the leader of the free world or that the White Hats have not anticipated their every move? A whole new and more humanistic political paradigm is underway & I feel very optimistic despite their temporary near Monopolistic control of all media, that they've already lost.

Michelle Albo said...

Hi Lynn
This is really upsetting
I was hoping that ETs like the Dog ETs, Lion ETs, Arcturians, Pleiadians and Andromedans gives us the push we need to change? I thought their presence here in our planet might help to inspire people to see the truth finally? Will they not intercede on our behalf? Or have they given hope after all these attempts to save us or enlighten us?

How many more lifetimes will it take to get this planet and everything in the correct path?

NatalieW said...

Quite upsetting. So scared for my children. The world is completely nuts, so much evil, yet no place to run.

NatalieW said...

Quite upsetting. So scared for my children. The world is completely nuts, so much evil, yet no place to run.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I am hoping you are right. I do feel like there are a lot of power plays going on, and we are in a tug of war right now.

@Michelle: I think those groups will only interfere after we really battle for ourselves. They aren't going to do it for, but rather with us.

@Natalie: As a mom I totally agree. I am very concerned with this world that is emerging.

Cyber said...


Why is it that WHO just endorsed Astrazen as 'safe' when it has caused blood clots and deaths in some countries? Are they controlled by PTW?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: Mr. Gates is affiliated with them... so.....

RL said...

Thank you for doing this blog, I know it must have been tough for you to look at a negative subject like this. At the same time, we need to remind ourselves and others that we can’t sit and wait for someone to come and save us we need to battle for ourselves. That reminds me of something I read in the Bible. I know you are not a big Bible reader, but you may want to check out the last chapter (Revelations). There’s plenty of metaphors but theres one thing that stood out.. that there would be wars here and that we would fail ... THEN Michael and his army of angels would come in and fight with us and we would finally win the final battle. There are also speaking animal/human hybrids in this chapter, it’s pretty wild, lol.

On a side note, I noticed that there is a huge push to discredit the Que movement, i hope it doesnt work because that kind of movement is really working to wake people up

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RL: Thanks for sharing that. Regarding the Que... yes there is a HUGE push. That was another topic that Patr*** banned me from discussing. Must be truth in it if people have to censor it.

Iverna said...

I am sick of the unfairness of the extraterrestial position. I am not convinced that they want to help. The playing field has never been level. Most humans are
unaware of the reality of what's going. I said to someone today that there are thousands of doctors screaming for this vaccine madness to stop, and i was asked,"well how come I don't see that in the news?". Most of the people on this planet are struggling to survive put food on the table pay bills etc. , they really can't break through the grid to see the truth. Heck they may be younger souls. Help us to level the playing by getting all the truth (no interference/no lies/no half truths)out there then let us decide. I'm really disheartened by this stance. We are being terrorized through no fault of our own. Politicians making deals in secret on our behalf not in our best interest and we should fight? Tell me what is it we should be fighting? Only a segment of something we are seeing that we think is wrong? What about the bigger picture? Fighting half a war is not winning.These people are having a jolly good laugh at us. I'm angry.THIS STANCE IS A CRIME.

The Great Teddy said...

Hey Iverna. I feel your pain. The only answer can be free will. If most people want to live in this hellish realm and never wake up then so be it. I feel like I am done incarnating after this life. Watching the steal and watching them get away with it was the darkest point in my entire life.

Astrolofting said...

hi Lynn,
can you do a post on how to detox the vac*ine?

Cathari said...

Part of the problem is that there really is no clearly defined Enemy to focus upon as a target of attack. Sure, everyone has their personal idea as to who is behind the current Evil Impulse circulating throughout our world, but the fact remains we really do not have any idea who or what we are fighting against.

Simply put, you cannot win a war for Human Freedom and Spiritual Independence if there is no clearly defined King George III-type personality or Parliament-type organization to battle with on a daily basis.

There truly are ignorant persons who still imagine that things will get better if only Trump, or some other candidate of the Republican party, were elected in the next scam-election. Well, anyone with an open mind and a bit of clarity of thought knows the problem runs far, far, deeper than the mere Democratic Party. The public party personalities on both sides are merely puppets of Forces playing a much larger game of strategic geopolitical and spiritual chess.

So, what is the next layer of Evil above the public personalities? The Bankers? The Jewish Financiers, such as Soros? Secret military forces with their own "break-away" civilization? The British Monarchy, as some still believe? Sinister corporations run by reptilian CEOs? The theories abound, and perhaps all of them contain some degree of Truth.

The point is that once we get beyond the first layer of Evil (the public personalities), everything immediately begins to get vague and shadowy. And anyone with a bit of healthy knowledge knows there are higher levels of Evil further up some sort of esoteric hierarchy. There is a pyramid of Evil.

At the apex of that pyramid is, most certainly, spiritual beings who are outside our normal earthly frame of reference. That is, beings far above Humanity in evolution, but also at odds with Humanity's proper and healthy spiritual evolutionary path. Again, however, we are at a point where all is vague and shadowy. There is no specific Enemy to attack ( assuming we could even attempt such ).

Thus there is no clearly defined Enemy to go to war with. Winning a war demands knowing your Enemy to the point of knowing how he thinks, feels, and wills. We know not our true Enemy.

This is why so many people are frustrated. They know we must fight and defend ourselves from the growing tentacles of Evil spreading over the USA and the globe; yet, at the same time, they also instinctively feel that defeating a mere political party will change nothing of significance any more. They feel as if there is no clearly defined Enemy Force to focus upon, and no organization for themselves to join with to become a loyal combatant in the war for the True, the Beautiful, and the Good.

Until this problem is solved, nothing much is going to change.

I challenge everyone to share ideas for solutions.

Ice said...

If we were given the option to reincarnate here, knowing about the evil and the hellish circumstances, AND that we'd forget that we knew all about this as soon as we step foot here, then there must be a darn good reason we'd choose this! The odds seem so stacked against us it's a wonder why we agreed to begin with; oh, if only we can remember!

It could take lifetimes of being here; maybe that's the big plan. Highly dependent on other people's spiritual progress and maturity, as well. Being here burns out everyone on purpose, like no matter how optimistic I can be, something inevitably happens that tests us, or steps on us, or turns everything upside down -- on another childish human's whim!

All this talk of the upcoming dark ages is continually reminding me of a dark Japanese graphic novel called The Promised Neverland. The story is about a group of children who realize they are being farmed by demonic beings for food. Amidst a seemingly idyllic life as esteemed produce, they eventually try to escape and strategize ways to save their kind and wipe out the demons. As they are isolated from humanity at large and it is not known that they exist within the demon world, they are truly the only ones who can save themselves.

I realize this story is becoming more and more poignant and relevant to our situation. Fiction really does bring elements of applicable wisdom.

I mean, instead of an idyllic house to grow up in, we have the civilized world with pockets of unspeakable cruelty in hard-to-reach places. We do not usually see this on the street, but IT EXISTS. And because humans are poised in a situation where we have to work for money to survive, inundated with mass media run by mostly unenlightened beings, surrounded by people whose points of view are bounded by the material realm, people don't believe it happens! We don't see it, other people don't know it, and the few who chirp about it are crazy conspiracy theorists lucky enough to have too much time on their hands.

I'm tired of looking like a nutcase to normies! What the hell, we're on this earth plane for YOU (for all of us) and you're basically rejecting what's good for you for what's comfortable, despite warnings that this familiar state isn't sustainable. The future of humanity is at stake! Why is it that all people care about is their next holiday?

I guess it's because we've lost our way a long time ago. Where we go majority, we go all.

Weeze said...

To chime in with what others have said here, if the average person doesn't realize that the PTW just see us as insects to be squashed, they're never going to question that maybe what's going on is false, that they should be skeptical of taking the you-know-what, that Big Pharma's first and only priority is making money, not saving lives, and that the MSM is totally controlled and they'll never get the truth there, so their decision-making is based on faulty info at best.

We here at some point noticed that something was askew and began to look for our own answers. We found you can't "force" someone else to take notice and wake up, especially if to do so would reveal extremely harsh truths that would blow their worldview and then need to be dealt with.

And of course, that's why society is set up as a jungle of daily survival - no free time to take a breath, let alone do some private investigating. And if someone they know actually does investigate and tries to share it, they find it too "out there" and quickly label them a "Conspiracy Theorist" (a label created by the worst of the 3-letter orgs to quickly discredit anyone who dared to question the official JFK assassination narrative - it's been working wonderfully since then - we picked up the mantel and routinely use it against each other). It's easier to damn the messenger than to take precious time to see if it might actually be true (especially if you don't WANT it to be true).

The "Truthers" ARE we the people making an effort to fight this, but in a physical battle we would lose before we even started - citizens don't have the PTW's "gadgets".

Then what's the answer? Peaceful non-compliance. Refuse to wear a mask (another case of us policing each other). Refuse the you-know-what (I'm the ONLY one in my family with no plans to get it). Stop voting - we've seen ad infinitum that it doesn't matter which side you vote for - don't play their game.

We outnumber them by a fantastically ridiculous degree. Only as a united front of peaceful noncompliance can we win - there aren't enough prisons, cells in Gitmo, FEMA camps and whatever else is waiting to contain us all. Go all Gandhi on their ass. ��

The problem is that since the awake are in the vast minority, we don't have the numbers, and they know it. I do think there are more of us secretly out there. They might be like me, the ONLY one in their family who's awake. They've tried to wake the others to no avail and been mocked/ostracized as a result. But those of us awake can never turn back - it's the seen that can never be unseen.

Trumpet as our knight in shining armor was a nice thought, but as each week of the usurper's reign continues on we have to get real. Without good guys within the power structure leading the charge it's not going to happen. It's hard not to feel that we've been royally played.

I think we're meant to fight this only on the spiritual level, and with a majority of us upholding the light we'll show we have had enough and THEN we'll get help, but not from this 3D realm. Literally what we're left with is the epic final battle of good and evil, but the majority have to show themselves worthy of intervention.

Truth & light said...

Doom & gloom.

Cathari said...

A few of my own thoughts resulting from your comments:

With all of the Darkness in our world today, we should not lose site of the fact that, compared to past ages of human history, we are actually living in rather comfortable times, generally speaking. One of the reasons, among many, that we do not recall our past incarnations in those former times when life was "nasty, brutish, and short," is because our modern day consciousness could not withstand that painful knowledge. We are, in fact, shielded from the past, and it is good that it is so.

While there is a large element of freedom given us as to when and where to incarnate, there are also general laws governing our incarnations which are beyond our ability to break. These laws give us the larger framework in which we move and have our being, as well as place us within a particular stream of long-term evolutionary direction.

We are all individuals with a unique path, but we are also all evolving together within the larger Cosmic context. Thus, whatever your objections, your Higher Self may have freely chosen to incarnate in this era, whereas I may have been forced in this era by a combination of Karma and other necessity working contrary to my own Higher will. Or vice versa.

The obstacles, frustrations, and sufferings of Life, despite our desire for it to be otherwise, are actually what mold us into healthy, strong, and free beings on the evolutionary pathway. Part of our lesson is to accept what is given, in order to grow and mature through it all. The inner desire to give up is natural to us all to some degree or another, but it is the strongest soul who confronts suffering head on, and becomes far better because of it.

There is an element of truth to the story you mention. When in sleep, whatever spiritual thoughts and feelings we had during the day, are actually fed upon by discarnate souls in the higher realms. Such is nourishment to them. They literally feed upon us. On the other hand, the more our thoughts and feelings are focused upon the material aspect of life during our waking hours, the more we create a sort of famine for discarnate souls during our sleep.

Likewise there are both human souls and other non-human entities which feed upon our darker emotions and thoughts for nourishment. Such are ravenous for our Fear, Hatred, Anger, and Materialistic Thoughts and Feelings. They grow mightier with every bite, so to speak. It is Vampirism, of a kind. As is what others do, who feed upon our "lifeforce" in the most predatory manner.

In the real world we cannot "try to escape and strategize ways to save their kind and wipe out the demons." Escape is not an option. To the contrary, part of our task is to evolve though the Darkness of the material world, and to manifest a truly clear Self-Consciousness and Inner Freedom. And, certainly, there is no chance of us wiping out the demons. The demons must be courageously confronted head-on by our ever-growing spiritual fortitude and trust in the Divine's long-term plan for humanity and the Cosmos.

A "nutcase" you most certainly are not. And those who are healthy in disposition will always be confident of that fact. Let not the others discourage you.

Iverna said...

The healers, white lighters, shamans etc. A global call to all light workers. Target the energy on one thought one voice at one moment of time to change this trajectory. Get masses of people to pray....we cannot passively watch this happen.

Anyone else?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Great comments everyone! Thank you so SO much for sharing. We are in some of the most challenging times. Iverna, I agree we have to do what we can and this is a great place to start. Helping shift the collective will also shift our physical reality. Astrolifting, I think that is a great idea for a post especially since some are forced into making this decision for work/travel.

Thanks again. These comments are very thought out and well said. Much love,

Cathari said...

Robert Schoen, Sir,

Although I admire your attempt to maintain optimism, I do not see how street demonstrations of crowds of angry people will accomplish much of anything in today's world of facial recognition and other surveillance technologies. If anything, all that does is offer up the names and histories of those who are demonstrating to the government departments which desire that information.

In past centuries a good sized street demonstration, riot, or strike could do a decent amount of damage and bring a targeted government, if not to its knees, at least to the point of submitting to various suggested reforms. In 2021, in my humble opinion at least ( and I am very often wrong in my opinions ), such activities of protest, although visually appealing to us as a sign of solidarity, are not viable answer to the current crisis.

Perhaps you are referring to other forms of protest and I am assuming too much?

How would you define a "new humanistic paradigm"?

And how will the media monopoly be crushed?

mariac said...

I am wondering what you are seeing as far as states lifting restrictions and opening up more? My state just announced yesterday that we will reopen at 75% indoor and 100% outdoor. Do you see this lasting long nationwide? Some of the independent news are saying that they will lift restrictions then lock us down again, lift them again, then lockdown again...that it will just be a continuous cycle. Do you see any truth to that? My family in Sicily is on full lockdown again and they had pretty much reopened last month

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@mariac: I think we are SLOWLY opening... They need fear alive to motivate people to get the stab, but as more people sign up they are lifting mandates... It is like a reward to "doing a good thing."

Vicki Mayhew said...

We are still so locked down in NM. Masks mandated, even when you are alone outside. No government official should have that much control! My neighbor who lives alone across the street is wearing a mask in her own house. This is madness. No matter how hard I try, I cannot convince my kids how dangerous the vaccine is. It makes me so very sad. I hope and pray that someday, there will be a remedy, antidote, to reverse the effects on testosterone and fertility and DNA. I remain a "truther" and keep pressing on as a lightworker.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Vicki: Oh wow. I am so sorry to hear this. I cannot believe the amount of fear and control they have successfully pushed on people..