Friday, March 12, 2021

Help Free Speech

Hi Everyone!

Even though I do try to choose my words wisely, the censorship patrol flagged my Patr*** account (not allowed to use their name on my blog).  I was told that anything pertaining to the "beer bug" or the "beer bug shot" was disinformation and needed to be removed.  I begrudgingly removed a few posts as they were older, and thought I was in compliance.  "Thought" being the key word.  

SO, I made a few modifications, unlinked the blog and social medias in hopes it will appease them for some time.  The real issue is they not only want my Patr*** channel modified, they want me to delete any "beer bug" posts on my blog and chat transcripts.  Apparently "Que" (intentionally misspelled) is also a no-no.  In the most recent correspondence I was told I need to delete all links within my posts that link to material they deem harmful.  It is clear to me that this will be a difficult thing to negotiate.  

In an effort to mitigate this, I am asking that any Patr*** please consider moving to my SubscribeStar Channel.  I will offer the same benefit options, and as a thank you for switching I will schedule a Q and A Livestream in early April for all members.

Thank you all,
Love and Light,


S. McDuck said...

FYI, you have an "unidentified" tracker on this site whenever I access it.

Truth & light said...

Free speech is dead! Am worried subscribe star will run in to the same issues

Ice said...

Other websites are hosted through their own servers, not under any platform or convenient service. Though I think it will take a little more technical know-how and a lot more patience to get the hang of it.

We can do better than to give up. This is why there has been an exodus to alternative platforms to begin with. Humans create the internet and humans build its digital landscape.

A Man Called Da-da said...

I deleted Patreoff because of this. Let platforms beware: censor us, get deleted. Tech companies can vanish remarkably fast. Remember Netscape? AltaVista? MySpace? Napster? AskJeeves? Path? WebVan? Palm? Iomega? GeoCities? Klout? ("What's your Klout score?") StumbleUpon? AOHell/AmericaOffline? Even stalwarts like WANG and Compaq and Sun Microsystems are gone. Current social media and pay platforms are even more volatile, given how dumb their mgts are.

EA RW said...

Also many videocreators are moving away from yt to bitchute. I don't know why but I never trusted patreon.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@S. McDuck: Hmmmm. It must be something google is doing b/c I don't have anything like that set up. Interesting...

@Truuth and Light: I am truly hoping for the best. I still watch my words and spelling, but I do know what you are saying.

@Ice: That will be my next thing, but yes, it is much more know how than what I have.

@Dada: Good point.

@EA RW: Their uploads are weird. Very slow, and I've had videos that constantly say "processing" and never go live. I've been so annoyed I almost quit too, but I've stayed with it for now...

Carlene said...

FB tracks you across all platforms and offline (I think).

It may be the alphabet agency or they may let FB do all the work. It may be Patr...not but I think someone is telling Patr...not and ‘reporting’ you and they comply.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Carlene: I think you may be right. I just think it is so wrong...