Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Chinese Communist Party


Lynn, here are some questions I have regarding the Chinese (hopefully this word alone doesn't trigger a censor or flag).  Can you please look at these? 

Q1. What happens to their stronghold of the people of Mainland China? As the Shift is occurring, does their grip loosen? Do they lose their control in the near future?
A.  There is a huge struggle going on right now. China is trying to suppress their own people while reigning in more, even from other countries.  Not only are the Chinese leading China, but trying to get allies in unsuspecting places (like the US government). There has been so much conditioning, that I see people willingly giving up rights out of fear and duty.  I cannot see the control being given up easily or in the near future.  I see the grip tightening before it loosens...

Q2. What about the Chinese people? They have been controlled for so long, their media suppressed and their outlets for expression monitored. (For example, Facebook and Twitter are banned, and they use alternatives for these sites which are monitored by their government.) Do they get emancipated?
A.  Not just yet.  I see this behavior lasting a while longer.  If you control the media, you control the people.  AND if you can put enough fear in the people, they will do what you want.  If anything, I see other countries TRY to go this direction through censorship.  When that happens I see something new emerge that is harder to control, and when that occurs (but will be a few years) everyone starts to feel free.

Q3. How about Hong Kong and Taiwan? China is keen on taking over these neighboring countries, much to their unwillingness. How can the citizens of these countries keep the trespassing off?
A.  They have to keep fighting and not complying.  Mass resistance of a group that is fighting for the same thing feels hard to overcome.  They can manipulate a few, but much harder to manipulate a mass populace.

Q4. Does China know what is going on with the Western government? Say, the deplorable acts of the PTW and ETs?
A.  They are very aware.  They are trying to entrench themselves with the Western Government and PTW.  There has been lots of blackmail and bribes.  China is slowly (and in some cases not so slowly) making it's way to the west.  They have bought up some utilities, land and now bribing the government.  If we go socialist, China will secure their position in the west.  The only way to halt this behavior is to align more with the conservative side (and even some of them have been approached). 

Q5. I've always viewed China to be in a mess, orderly outside but deeply insecure inside. Can the country heal on a spiritual level?
A.  It will take a complete dismantling and rebuild, but yes, all things are possible.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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335AT said...

@Lynn Off topic but in an earlier post you mentioned that the beings making the crop circles are called 'orishas'. This is what the gods are called in the African Yoruba religion. Thought you might be interested to know and can maybe find a connection.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@335AT: Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. I need to think on that.

Myway said...

Oshun is a Yoruba God that has lived. Some of the other God's were aliens.

Robert Schoen said...

The Chinese are smart enough to realize they've been used and made a pariah for the entire world by the US deep dish state. Will be very interesting to see how this plays out. I'm betting they have their own power struggle much like the one going on in the US.

Fabian Wong said...

Hi, Do you see China going to war with Australia ? At the moment they're 'punishing' Australia with a lot of passive aggressive trade sanctions and developing a fishing port at the bottom of Papua New Guinea, right next to the Torres Straight Islands, Australian Territory.

Ryno said...

We are currently going through a silent War, maybe even World War III but this one is being fought a lot different of wars past. This may be more obvious soon as we confront China more openly after they tried to hijack our Presidential election. I suspect Three Gorges Dam will go soon. Unfortunately, the Chinese people have been so oppressed by the CCP. The Chinese people and their culture are wonderful.

@Lynn, do you see any significance with the upcoming "Christmas Star?" I have read from a couple different places that it will symbolize the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

EA RW said...

I heard there was some action in the chinese sea.
There is also a list available with corporations and ccp infiltrators.

Unknown said...

Any link?

Chynna is trying to control South China Sea n even claimed SCS belongs to it in Abominable animation movie. I hv nothing against kind, honest n hard working Chynese but gov pro pa ganda is not welcomed!

Some of them are very obedient.. Hence, the lockdown worked for them (or rather they thought it worked for them?)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. The definitely have their own internal struggles.

@fw3194: I don't know if I would call it a war, or a gradual take over of certain parts. I feel like they are well on their way to doing this.

@Ryno: I do think there is something around the time of Christmas that feels significant. We have it starting with the solstice. Energetically we have a big week coming up!

@EA RW: I heard that yesterday. I tons of spies were made public. I've heard that was why the Google and Gmail hack occurred.

@Unknown: Any link to what? I'm not sure what you are seeking, but if you share a topic I will do what I can to find info for you. You are right about the obedience factor. I did have that emotion of the people come through.

Unknown said...

Was asking EA RW on: There is also a list available with corporations and ccp infiltrators.

Ice said...

Hello! May I ask about the X1njiang province in Western Ch1na? The people of this province are being discriminated and their culture being erased. When can they be free?

EA RW said...

I got it off X22 report

Anyone who wants to download.

Unknown said...

Wow almost 500mb csv file, thanks

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@EARW: Thanks for sharing! I'd heard about this too.

@Ice: They are going to be challenged for a while. CCP is going to emerge as something to deal with in 2021.