Monday, October 26, 2020

Secret Covenant Oath

Q.  Lynn, Can you look at this video on the Secret Covenant Oath on YouTube? What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

A.   When I listened to this video, my intuitive reaction was "Wow, their playbook has been put into the public eye.  So many things discussed within this video are on point and happening now even though they may be hidden.  

Our food has been tainted with "chemicals"  (do we really need red dye in our food?) and it is increasing at an alarming rate.  Sugar is even added unnecessarily.  It is put in things like orange juice, and these added sugars are changing people's taste to where they just want more sweets (not good and notice diabetes is on the rise*). They push pharma for every ailment versus telling people they could benefit from a food that contains a specific vitamin, an herbal tea or even a walk outside.  

The Powers that Were (PTW) have created many distractions to keep us from really being introspective.  True thought happens in silence, or when you have opportunity to REALLY think.  The PTW know this, and want to prevent it.  If people can think for themselves, they are much more difficult to control.  Control is power, which is the ultimate goal.  

Through social media, and overall control of the media, the PTW get people emotional and program them with what to think.  When you control the information stream, they can manipulate people to think they are free thinkers, but they are really only free to think about the information they are able to receive.  This alone is why censorship is so dangerous and why they want it!

When times are uncertain, fear is a useful tool.  In a moments notice they can create a fear of scarcity (remember the toilet paper shortage of 2020?) or fear of illness (Did you get your flu shot? Singles shot? Pneumonia shot? - There is a time and place for these, but in the end the real winner is big pharma.).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  I'm curious your take-away from the video.  Love and light, Lynn 

*Food manufacturers have determined that when they add sugars and sweetness via corn syrup to foods it creates something called a bliss point.  Makes foods/sweets addictive, and you crave the sugar like a drug.  Do your research.

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Robert Schoen said...

This luciferian oath perfectly describes what we are living through today and confirms to me that a lot of the mental disorders we see today are a form of satanic possession. It also lines up with the better known Protocols of Zion and a Jesuit administration handbook written in French that was discovered in Peru in a guest room a Jesuit bishop had accidentally left it. More than anything we see how so many successful people in positions of power and influence are either part of or blackmailed by this secret cult in one way or another. There was a prophecy made back in the Eighties by a "holy man of Loreto, Italy" to an American psychiatrist that Donald Trump would be the President that would bring America back to God. I believe that.

A Man Called Da-da said...

Yuck. I can't even look at that video.

EA RW said...

I don'tmake this up.


late 14c., farmacie, "a medicine that rids the body of an excess of humors (except blood);" also "treatment with medicine; theory of treatment with medicine," from Old French farmacie "a purgative" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia "a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb; a drug, poisonous potion; magic (potion), dye, raw material for physical or chemical processing," from pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Beekes writes that the original meaning cannot be clearly established, and "The word is clearly Pre-Greek." The ph- was restored 16c. in French, 17c. in English (see ph).

TheOnlyOne said...

I know that I've been addicted to sweets for years now. Why do you still call them "the powers that were"? That still puts power in their name.

Truth & light said...

Theres external power and internal power. They are has-been external power

ss said...

@ Robert Schoen .. Your comments got me curious with me wanting to know more about this topic. So sure enough, per link below (on the you tube channel, LifeSiteNews, was able to view a fascinating interview on with Dr. Claude Curran & this topic. ("President Trump Will Lead America back to God = 1983 Prophecy"). How his friend, this holy man who made the prophecy, Tom Miller, had an engraved brick with DJT's name engraved on it as the memorial brick would be placed inside the church to receive prayers (Holy Year 1983). Story is fascinating. Had never heard of it before even though a vid had gone viral apparently 3 years ago.

This is why I love this blog -- the topics & comments keep me coming back for more.

ss said...

Tom ZIMMER (not Tom Miller)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I resonate with your comments as well.

@Dada: Yeah, it was rough, but also honest.

@EA RW: Wow. I do believe that much of our current world is a spell cast, and this totally falls in line.

@TheOnlyOne: Good point. Do you have a better phrase? I am trying to refer to what we are familiar with in the past tense, but I do see your point.

@Truth and Light: Yes, true.

@ss: Thanks so much for sharing this!! Fascinating!

TheOnlyOne said...

I do not at the moment.

Leslie said...
