A. As soon as I read this, I heard the phrase "the mark of the beast may not be a number, but may be a transmitter of numbers." I get there are several agendas at play, and our Greater Good isn't one of them.
There has been a plot to release this virus since they started studying it in a Wuhan lab several years ago. Fauci had a Freudian slip when he announced there would be a surprise outbreak during this administration during a 2017 speaking engagement at Georgetown University. They knew then what they were going to do, and they needed to make up for the 20 years Trumpet put them behind when the "chosen one, HRC" was not elected into office. To keep up with the agendas they had in place, they had to do something drastic. The collusion claim was a flop, and impeachment didn't work, so they had to pull a pandemic from their back pocket.
A couple hiccups they had were not being able to predict how China would react. They hoped to cause fear without it impacting the entire world, but that failed. They wanted a two-fold approach of sending a message to China of who is in control, while creating a huge media based fear scene.
Now that the virus spread, they used that to their advantage. Not only do they have the ability to control and spread fear through most every media outlet, they are keeping people from talking. No rallies, no gatherings, no open-minded discussions, and all during a major election year. They do not want to see people rally at a Tumpet gathering. They are also opening the gateway for major voter fraud in November. I see lots of manipulating and confusion tied to voting, and see them doing what they can to keep people out of the poles and forcing mail-in ballots.
What they didn't anticipate was that Trumpet would see their play, and go with it. In fact, he went ahead and shut down Hollywood. The other unintended benefit is it is much harder to have a mass scale false flag when everyone is at home. He further saw this as an opportunity to ground planes and prevent fleeing in situations where indictments have been unsealed.
Lastly, they didn't see that a drug that has been on the market for decades, and used by thousands for malaria and other ailments would be beneficial in treating this illness. Combining this drug with vitamin C and zinc even further boosts the effectiveness. The left want to fight these facts because if they find a cure, then the immunization they are frantically trying to produce doesn't feel as urgent, and buys people time to think on what is right for them. The left need to keep fear alive because fear is a huge motivator and forces people into rash decisions.
Back to "Powers That Were" and the agenda.. To set them back on the path of socialism, one world government and a cashless society, they had to create the problem, foster it was a bunch of fear, and come in with a solution / immunization. Combining the immunization with an antibody record/imprint in your hand is a "convenient" solution (ID2020). In no way do I see this as a win-win for the people. This will further control. They want to know what you buy, where you buy it, where you are and what you have in your body. I also hear that the person preaching population control (Bill) is one of the heads of the immunization (so what the heck is even in it? Future disease? Cancer? Sterility? Birth defects?).
I do not feel good about this, or get good vibes... I truly see us headed this way if we don't rise our collective against it. Please do your research, and send some positive energy.
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Lots of people in the lightworker tribe are optimistic about where we're going. Posts in/of Schrodinger's Other Cat, Sophia Love, and Blossom Goodchild express this.
It is stated that the darkness has already been defeated, and further expressions of darkness are mere remnants.
Energies are changing, too, in preparation for 4D. It is said that we are also being helped by the high-vibe ETs. We only have to walk through the door, which is already open.
I want the Best Possible Timeline, with all my heart. I'll be the highest vibe I can be, to lift people up to be the highest vibe they can be.
4D is for everyone, eventually, in each individual's own time.
The country I am living in is also on lockdown. People are indoors mouch of the time, and much of everyone is on FB. Everything on the news is about the beer bug and what's being done about it, despite it, with it. Anything that happens about it can go immediately viral. It's a special experience to see people's minds plunging into our government's decisions like a democracy should be, rightly so as our future depends on this involvement.
I also see in people around me doubts and questioning: Is the virus real, or really that deadly? How do we survive amid the government's decisions, whether these work or not? Is the virus artificial, a bioweapon? Who is at fault: our incompetent and self-serving government, or civilians who don't follow orders to stay home?
I think this involvement is a good thing; we're using our heads, coming up with solutions beyond routine and command, sorting for ourselves the facts.
Only wish to warn folks of the dangers of this chloroquine .THIS DRUG IS NOT A PANACEA .Far better to use CHINCHONA bark instead. This is where quinine comes from .Chloroquine is responsible for military personnel going insane .Among other effects.
Thanks for the reading. An anon posted the list of indictments leaked from a source in the DoJ
What your opinion on the above leaked list? Is it real? Thanks.
@Ice: I do think it is real, and we need to wash hands and have good hygiene. In doing so, I get you can carry on with normal life, NOT THE "NEW NORMAL" bc that isn't real, I'm talking about how we were. This is more about driving fear and lowering vibrations and seeing how people can be controlled. Don't let the PTW win at this experiment.
@David: Thanks for sharing. This gives people something to check out and do a little research.
@Neeraj: I have a healthy skepticism vibe, but I do feel that if this isn't in motion, it will be soon. I do think T is going to shock the world with these investigations in some way.
In your reading, you said that a malarial drug hydroxychloroquine combined with vitamin C and Zinc is effective against the beer bug. Is the mainstream press trying to spread disinformation that it isn't as effective as you claim?
Thank you Lynn!
May I ask: As Trumpet stated earlier, do you see Clorine Dioxide solutions (which is not Bleech BTW) injections being effective against Covid19? Thanks
Yesterday Trump signaled that he's going to do to the AMA /FDA Medical Mafia what he did to politics: shake things up by suggesting homeopathic, energetic, and Eastern therapies that have been long ignored or Banned by big Pharma. Light therapy has been used for centuries and is the reason why they created stained glass. taking a daily dose of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted in water(look up online the proper dilution rate on educate-yourself.Org) kills many harmful bacterias and viruses. The white hats new this virus was coming & are using it to the max to keep people safe from false Flags, reset the economy, & Round Up criminals holding the highest of offices. look at all the CEOs who've had to resign,including Bill Gates & Randall Stephenson of ATT NBC! good things are happening!
And here's the OTHER "Mark of the Beast":
I came across Liz Crokin a journalist on youtube, she is confirming what Lynn has been telling us, about the beerbug and more.
@Cyber: I get that they want to keep fear alive because fear is what controls. If people have options for treatment, they are less likely to rush to the vaccine. Yes, I do see it as disinfo.
@Watch: No, do not inject any kind of thing like that in you body. I have no idea why he would say (even in a joking way) this could work.
@Robert: I love that all methods are being considered by him. I see a HUGE benefit to the UV light as well!
Thanks for all the info and sharing! We will get through this!
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