Friday, October 2, 2020

Paris Hilton Documentary


Q.  Hey Lynn! Paris Hilton has recently come out with a documentary exposing some childhood trauma. She says her parents sent her away to a school for bad kids and it was traumatic! They kidnapped her in her sleep and abused her at the school for two years. Her parents don't show much remorse in her documentary. Paris Hilton's sister is married to a Rothschild and she never got sent to the school, just Paris. What's going on with the Hilton's? is this some type of MKUltra control/abuse that Paris is breaking out of? Apparently, this school still exists in Utah, and she's helping to get it closed, especially since children as young as 8 are sent there. Sounds like Paris is the scapegoat child and Nikki is the golden child, as many abusive parents label. Thanks Lynn!

A.  The first thing I heard was "this is a Corey Feldman story all over again."  My impression is for many years people abused by the PTW (Powers There Were) and their influences didn't feel they had a voice, but now that people are listening, and opening to what they have to say, they feel as if they can speak out.  This doesn't mean it is accepted, and they do have to watch their back, but the message is out there.  The Hilton's have aligned with money for decades, and will do anything to prevent what they feel is a stain on their name, even if it means causing harm to their own child.

I also get that in some cases, and I see this with Paris, that the Hilton's have upset someone also tied to the PTW.  When that happens or a member if the PTW is threatened, they will sell someone out to save themselves.  Not only was what they did to Paris known, she was encouraged to talk about it and bring negative attention to her family (deflecting from the other issues).  

I also see the Hilton's have some affiliation with the underground tunnels and "people trade" rings that are being busted.  Before more comes out on that, these people want to distance themselves and create a distraction.  It felt like a way to isolate the Hilton's while distancing themselves.

Between the two kids, Nikki did what her parents wanted and Paris wanted to be her own person.  I get the image we saw of Paris on TV was a bit of an act to gain attention and notoriety.  Her parents really wanted her to use her looks and marry into a prominent and wealthy family.  She hated the feeling of not having a choice and feeling like her life wasn't hers.  Paris was pretty lost, and felt alone.  I hear she wanted to run away 1000 times, but knew they would find her.

I sense a lot of truth in her story, and it is worth paying attention to.  Even though her encouragement and support to come forward had manipulative intentions, her message resonate as being true and worth listening to.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn

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Robert Schoen said...

I usually ignore anything on this woman or the Kardashians and ironically the truth about both of these wealthy and titled Clans is now being exposed. Kanye West picked a Kardashian for a trophy wife only to realize he was in a witches coven saying recently he tried to divorce Kim & they had him committed in 2016 when he started to talk about supporting Trump in concerts & telling blacks to get off the Dem plantation.

Paris seemed like the typical high profile MKUltra partygirl along with Britney Spears,Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, & maybe GaGa (who might just be pure evil instead of a victim) and they don't let anyone getso big without it being part of an agenda. Yesterday someone posted a pic of Ellen Degeneres next to JD Rockefeller and it seemed undeniable she was sired by one of them. Good for Paris for coming out with her story now, bet she wakes up a lot of people about what's going on. The Hiltons have long used women direct from Honduras & other countries with no English to clean their hotels. I had a friend from Honduras who's wife was brought over by the Hiltons and put to work and she didn't even know how to use a vacumn cleaner! Cheap labor you can get deported if they don't work out.

ss said...

@ Robert Schoen -- I agree! Normally I would ignore topics on this woman as well (or similar families like the K family), but truth is oozing out on many fronts. I feel for Paris because growing up in a MKUltra family has to be gut wrenching. Hopefully Paris' programming continues to be shed layer by layer with her "real self" left intact in a way that is strong & healthy. Would be nice if the millions that follow her social media platforms awaken to what's really going on. I for one send her loving healing light.

Truth & light said...

I am convinced she was sexually abused too - she didnt mention that

Unknown said...

What made the other PTW upset at Hiltons?

I thought their grandfather n family worked hard from hotel line?

Are Paris n her sis involved in the undeground business/activities?


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I had similar feelings. I try to stay out of the energy of these people, but felt this was interesting and this needed exposed. This is the time for change, and these elites are being called out.

@ss: I agree.

@Truth and Light: I somewhat suspected it. didn't seemed forced, but manipulated.

@Unknown: The Hiltons know people in the human trade business and i get something got sloppy with some of the transactions.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Lynn! These bad ppl, whoever in human trade should be exposed and get their karma.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Unknown: I totally agree! I know many of us are waiting (and waiting and waiting) for something big to happen. I think we are in the middle of it, and much is being hidden from us because they have to move so slowly.