Thursday, October 29, 2020

Law of Attraction (Is it fake?)


Q. Please check out this video. He states the Law of Attraction is fake among other things. What are your thoughts?

A.  After viewing the above video, I wanted to break down the three topics a little more.  He states a pro and con of each topic (as viewed by people).  I will then share my intuitive impression. 

1.  Manifestation: The pro is that it is undeniable.  The con is that people expect results to happen from nothing.  
I see manifestation as a very powerful thing when it is done effectively.  Many times people use the Law of Attraction during manifesting (I will get to that).  When manifesting the goal is to have a definitive goal or desire.  When you focus on the goal, things are put in your path to help you accomplish goal or wish.  He was on point stating that manifesting is about creating rather than attracting, and the creation comes with ease (when you manifest effectively).  

2.  Law of Attraction: The pro is that it has been proven that like attracts like.  The con is people think a belief alone will bring you what you want.
I get the he is on point with the Law of Attraction with regards to needing more than just a thought or belief.  Our thoughts and feelings are an important part of attracting what you want, but there is an emotional component that is vital for this to work.  To effectively practice the Law, you have to feel something as if it has already happened.  You can't wish it to happen, or think someday you want something, or else the thing you want will remain a wish that is always someday away.  You have to feel it as already happened and see it in your mind.  Feel what you want in your being.  You can attract money, love, friendships or even a vacation.  The ideas are limitless, but you have to have a thought and live as if it is happening now. 

3.  Spirituality:  The pro is that spirituality is being attracted to the spiritual versus the physical.  It gives life more depth.  The con is that it can be seen as a cult to those that don't understand
I do not see this as a cult at all.  I get a cult is a belief in an entity and you devote everything to that being.  Spiritualism is a connectedness to all versus just one.  It is a belief system is positive energy and the beauty of how energy works.  It encompasses many beliefs rather than just one.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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JJ said...

Thanks for this. I’ve been learning, following, doing, and experience the fruits of LOA for about 8-10 years now. It works. It works in my life and continues to be something that I have to practice actively - because as humans- like all projects (from dieting, to excercise, to making homemade crafts) sometimes you get lazy about it - then you have to get back on the excercises to make sure that you actively practice manifestation and manifesting. The biggest difference I see is that less people were doing it when I started a decade ago- like it was fringe. And now almost everyone I meet knows about “manifesting” and “attracting” at various degrees. Great topic thanks for reading it.

b87g87haofmg68g87g87g87 said...

Thanks for the insight, Lynn. 👍 💕 God bless you always. 💕

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments. You are most welcome!

The Great Teddy said...

I don't know it doesn't seem to work when attracting romantic love. I set the table every night in a symbolic gesture of expecting company. My bed is always made for two. I visualize walking hand in hand with my love on my daily walks. Despite this the universe still stubbornly refuses to grant me my wish of service through family.

Seems some events just cant be forced but are triggered at predetermined times in your own personal timeline. :(

Truth & light said...

Hahaha - sounds a lot like my quandry.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Teddy: Curious if you are putting emotion in this. You have to feel what you want as well. It may take some time as well, but try to focus on the emotional aspect and also create opportunities to meet someone.