Q. I have found a very different story about California than we have been told. That it once was a nation of black people ruled by a Queen that held the title of Queen Califa, or Khalifa. They were part of what was once a great African Empire that reached from Africa to Australia, and from Hawaii all the way to America. During history the royal bankers who created the English, Dutch, Spanish Trade Companies with their massive navy and armies slowly wiped it out. Christopher Columbus's navigator was actually African, because the Africans had already been traveling to America before the Europeans did.
One of the most interesting things I've found is that many of the legends about this nation said they had a caste of Amazon like women that road Griffins into battle, but after their nation was almost destroyed to a natural disaster, their spears, bows and arrows, were no match for the Spanish's guns. They were eventually wiped out. This is why when the Spanish tried to name the region Santa Cruz, the name didn't stick because all the natives knew it was California. Is it possible that some of America's black people are actually natives that lost the truth of their past in slavery? Can you see if there's any truth to any of that?
A. GREAT question! I get that much of our history has been rewritten to fit the narratives of those that had money because the wealthy and influential want to be the heroes of their own story. There is good and bad on both sides of battle, and depending on what side you are on, you may have very different perspectives of the exact event.
One of the most interesting things I've found is that many of the legends about this nation said they had a caste of Amazon like women that road Griffins into battle, but after their nation was almost destroyed to a natural disaster, their spears, bows and arrows, were no match for the Spanish's guns. They were eventually wiped out. This is why when the Spanish tried to name the region Santa Cruz, the name didn't stick because all the natives knew it was California. Is it possible that some of America's black people are actually natives that lost the truth of their past in slavery? Can you see if there's any truth to any of that?
A. GREAT question! I get that much of our history has been rewritten to fit the narratives of those that had money because the wealthy and influential want to be the heroes of their own story. There is good and bad on both sides of battle, and depending on what side you are on, you may have very different perspectives of the exact event.
I get that power struggles have evolved, and people have conquered new lands only to be defeated later for centuries. Many groups of people were thriving, and the mud flood posed as a struggle for many societies to sustain and evolve. Several perished during this disaster, but a few of the strong did survive and attempt to rally together to become strong again.
I see that all parts of current day North America were inhabited by a variety of natives to some extent when Columbus first came here. Some areas are more concentrated, and others were sparce due to the inhospitable climate and food limitations. The terrain was difficult, and it was by no means developed in the majority of the areas of North America, but none-the-less, there were native people surviving.
When I focus more on California, I do get it was geographically separated from the land mass. I am drawn to the San Andreas fault line, but feel this is symbolic to illustrate there was a physical division. I cannot be clear if it was indeed something with the fault, a water barrier, mud pits or some kind of water/geyser effect going on. My impression is there is a definite barrier.
As I look to see if there is a great African empire, I get that just as there were natives with their more olive and darker complexion, there were also natives living on the North American continent originating from Africa with very dark complexions. It looks more like a powerful empire in southern Africa existed, and smaller groups explored outward and developed smaller societies in northern Australia, New Zealand and eastward to current day California. This formed an amazing trade route, and the differing climates allowed for a variety of goods to be exchanged.
I cannot confirm that Columbus's navigator was African. I get that Columbus knew a land mass existed west of Europe, but he approached North America from the east coast. I see the activity of the African empire over the Pacific and centered around the west coast.
As North America was colonized, there was a battle between the natives (all of them) and the new comers, but I cannot see it was done in the way that was described. It was definitely brutal, and the natives didn't give up without a good fight. Many lives were lost on both sides, and lots of tragedy was experienced.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
I'm trying to figure out exactly - does this mean that New Zealand was inhabited at one stage by a race from Africa? I know that there is apparently DNA from either South Africa or South America in some of the Maori race (although they would deny this furiously I expect) - I do know there were some different races in NZ's very early history, including fair hair and blue eyes. Thank you.
@Chris: Yes, I did get just that. I saw that parts of African tribes extended to NZ and then went east.
I always thought that Australia's Aborigines being black was interesting, and if they came from an African Empire the traveled far and wide this would lend a lot of credibility to this Theory. It would also help explain tribal Warfare amongst the American Indians if they first had to start fighting off outside invaders which then lead to fighting each other's tribes.
I'm suspicious of this theory I've never heard before because with all the the emphasis on Black history that's existed as a study & political movement for decades, it would have been widely known by now. You'd think any descendants of "Khalifa" would be loud and proud, maybe even super wealthy landowners in the most expensive state, & given tons of airtime to tell their history while books and courses would be taught in Universities as an affirming example of Black pride. On the other hand there's a huge movement to rewrite known history we see before our eyes today, like the '1619 project,' altering facts to suit current political agendas, and if so, the 'Black Panther' movie, who's star recently died, might have been a deep state psy-op entree to introduce the unknown history of "Kalifa."
@Robert: Very interesting perspective.. I'm open minded to all possibilities and what you stated is plausible...
According to the Book of Urantia the Onamonalonton center was the first civilization in California.
I don't know if the Black Panther movie is based on a real people I thought it was used to encourage Black people to have pride in themselves.
Just when you think you heard it all with respect to who first discovered America, there is a new theory, someone else was there first. I think it's likely that most great empires in history have, albeit briefly, had a presence in America. I've heard about Chinese merchants trading with the Americas in ancient times, then we have the Vikings, and the Phoenicians (from whom Columbus knew about America?). It was probably known for a long time among the enlightened and initiated that America existed.
Only that in the 15th century, for some reason the ptw decided it was time to colonize this continent. Perhaps the European countries had by then reached a sufficiently stabilized state, and adopted a sufficiently advanced administrative system, to be able to administer and rule over colonies so far away.
Fair haired and blue eyed people were once astonishingly ever present around the globe. There are early depictions of Buddha being blue eyed and with nordic features. There are blue eyed mummies in China, and old pyramids built by these fair skinned people. Because of racism against whites, these facts are carefully concealed by China and India.
Wiz Khalifa is a rapper, does he have any connection to it?
Today I was thinking about the Egyptian-like artifacts found in door like opening of a Grand Canyon mountain structure along the Colorado River that looks like it could have been a greatly eroded gigantic temple building carved out of a mountain like Abu Simbel or the Kailasa temples of India. Besides there being giants in ancient America, there were also Pyramids now covered with trees which the Native Indians may have emulated in their similarly shaped burial mounds.
Egypt is of course part of Africa and its believable their culture could have been mariners establishing trade colonies in distant lands including America. What I'm saying is that despite my initial skepticism 'Kalifa' could be a Woke scam, I'd like to look into this more. There's a lot of great researchers on Youtube like "Ancient Architects" that might offer greater insight on this topic.
Thanks so much for all the great comments. This was definitely a mind expanding topic (which I love!).
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