Thursday, August 6, 2020

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Incoming Asteroids

Q.  Hi Lynn,

Please take a look at Steven Ben Nun's video on titled New Source Confirms Incoming Asteroids.  He makes a very serious claim that we are heading into an asteroid belt that will result in many, many asteroids hitting the earth in just a few months.  He claims that his information comes from reliable sources in the government.  If he is correct, we might be heading for an extinction event.  Thanks,

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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RealCousinIT said...

After watching the video, George Michael Scallion predicted this over a dozen years ago. He said it was due to a pole shift, and that we would need to be on the floor of our homes for several days due to the wind and gravity. My hope is that our benevolent beings would help mitigate this catastrophe. In light of all the bizarreness going on right now, we believe anything can happen. I’m 60 and I can’t fathom what has transpired over the last 5 months would ever happen in my lifetime.

@Watch said...

several months ago cassiopaean ETs predicted "heavy space weager"...

@Watch said...


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RealCousinIT: I do agree that we are in very strange times right now. I don't think this will be a pole shift event, but the weather feels very extreme while this happens.

@Watch: Interesting. I have very similar thoughts.