(Take a deep breath.. This one is a little charged..)
Q. Despite countless Q-drops and supporters in his favor the Trumpet seems to have a hidden past himself. What stuck out to me right from the beginning is the highly "eroticed" relationship he has with his daughter. See the first few photos here:
And here some of the statements he made about her in public and in TV interviews: https://forward.com/schmooze/357185/7-creepy-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-ivanka/
And here some of the statements he made about her in public and in TV interviews: https://forward.com/schmooze/
Second, in the summer of 1994 he attended several parties of his good buddy Jeff, who also owns a famous island. There he engaged in some adult activities with a 13 year old and threatened to make her and her family disappear if she ever was to tell about it. Both the victim and another eye witness of the above events have been threatened, ridiculed and attacked to this day.
If this was all just a made up it probably wouldn't have made it into a court case and been corroborated by other witnesses.
Can you confirm that Trumpet has indeed such a hidden past and not only knew about but participated in such parties?
A. When I first read this question, I needed to sit with it a moment and allow my guides and Source to figure out how to approach and answer the question. Then I heard what sounded like "Trumpet's" voice, and realize that this is really going to come through more like an interview/discussion with his higher self.
I want to break this down into parts, and the first will be to address the pics. I get and understand that there is SO much HATRED toward this man that the alt left will not stop. They take things out of context, and dig and dig to try to find something that appears "questionable." They are masters of taking nothing to create something.
I then hear, go back through your life, and just imagine having someone pick apart everything you say and do, and what story would or could they write about you?
Then the messaged paused for a moment (as if I am to ponder that message), and I hear that he is many things, but a predator of younger girls is not one of them. I then hear (in his voice) that he loves his daughter, and has always been proud of her. Pics of her kissing him on the cheek or sitting on his lap are just that. His children are important to him, and like many dads and daughters, she is a "daddy's girl" but nothing more. In the one pic I featured on this post, I watched it play out in real time- she had recently had a baby and he was commenting on how great she looked so soon after giving birth (intentional story spin by the MSM to make something dirty out of a compliment).
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I then hear, before he was the president, he was a celebrity. He says things to entertain, and it comes naturally to him (even though it may not be proper). He wasn't trained to be a politician, so he doesn't always act like one. He doesn't always subscribe to being politically correct either, and at times will do things on purpose just for attention or to stir people up.
Trumpet was against EVERYTHING Jeff was doing on that island and is fighting to get it stopped in this country. Any rumor of him hitching a ride on the Lolita Express just wasn't true. It is true they shook hands a few times, and ended up at a few social events, but that is about it. It is Mr. and Mrs. Clinton that were thick with that person. I even get that just like "she" helped to get a fake dossier to start the Russian fiasco that was a lie, she is putting fake info and court docs out there on Trumpet because she is still angry she lost to him. (The deflection game at play... )
I then hear "there are two sides to every story." The narrative they try to push is only half the story, and far from the truth. Regardless of what side you are on, be objective in your research. Always question....
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light- Lynn
What's the most interesting aspects of trump derangement syndrome is that those who hate him hardly ever listen to what he says or at the most just tiny highly selected sound bites. For every word he says, there might be a hundred made by TV pundits who go out the way to distort or spin it in the worst possible way.
Coincidentally, last night I read a four-year-old psychological portrait of trump written in the Atlantic, certainly not by a fan, which described him as a charismatic narcissist with a very disagreeable or confrontational personality. Interestingly the article went on to say that the closest historical president that shared similar personality traits was Andrew Jackson, considered a classless rube by the effete of his day & known for his confrontational personality in which he fought 12 duels. Trump keeps a small Bronze of Jackson behind his desk modeled after the large equestrian Monument in Lafayette Park rioters tried to pull down a week ago. you have to be a tough guy to withstand all of the attacks that have been made against Trump and his family, so his tough and even vindictive personality is going to come in quite handy what he goes after all of the crooked politicians open trying to get rid of him since before he took office.
Anyone who closely follows Trump and Q knows that he is made ending the huge black market of human trafficking, primarily of babies and children, a top priority. They tried to kill Steve Scalise over this, and there were reports by nurses that the tent Hospital set up in Central Park at the peak of covid-19 was set up to treat and rescue children taken from underground tunnels. in the news they have been many reports of a captured pedophiles and rescued children & other victims. You only have to look at what's going on in the world right now to see who the real bad guys are.
@Robert: I agree. It is about distraction and deflection from themselves. It really is true that for every finger you point, three point back and you. It is the ones pointing the fingers that are complicit in these shameful acts.
hey Lynn, reading about the similarities between Andrew Jackson and Trump made me think there might be some kind of past life or monad connection between the two. What do you think?
This is about Saint Trump.
Thanks Lynn for taking the time to answer this thoroughly. When lies have been spread for so long and so often, the public will believe them. Thanks for breaking down this question, part by part.
Wait then why was his name on the flight records to the island. That was fake too,?
A special Thank You too to Robert S. I have been a long time admirer of your comments on this blog.
thanks @ss, it's an honor to be a part of Lynn's community, because she's a great teacher showing us the way to trust our inner voices for the answers. We all have the ability but Lynn is like an Olympic Athlete when it comes to tapping in to the truth, especially in these divided times where we're being gaslighted daily. Often just asking the question puts you halfway there to finding the answer.
Hellokitty. He took one flight from Palm Beach to Newark, not to the island. There were no allegations made of impropriety.
While Trump has been cleared of this but he's definitely a racist especially against the Chinese from his attitude and mannerism.
How do you see his chances for winning at the moment? Still in the uncertain realm?
Can you do a reading on this? Was this really just a meteor?
Bright meteor lights up skies above Tokyo as witnesses report explosion
@ Lynn
He did fly on Jeff's plane, it's not a rumour, has been documented in the flight logs and confirmed by his brother. https://www.insider.com/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-flight-logs-unsealed-2019-8
If he detested Jeff's antics why was he friends (his own words) with him for years and publicly endorsed him: "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
And why a man in his 40s, whose main business was real-estate development, would he want to host beauty contests for teenage girls?
@ Robert
Though a good Hollywood-style story the-tunnels-under-central-park-rumours have never been verified, the same goes for the children-treated-in-the-military-ship and, unfortunately, most other Q drops. After waiting for almost 3 years for the unsealing of indictments and the arrest of hill-awry it becomes more and more obvious that Q is not what he/it presents to be.
@Robert: I think anything is possible... Most likely crossed paths in a past life.
@haydeeally: Definitely not a saint (most definitely not), but wrongly accused...
@hellokitty: I don't think it was... did you actually read the flight logs? I think some are public.
@Randy: Thanks for clearing that up. I just was reading through all this. :-)
@Cyber: I'm not saying he is a super great guy, but why do you feel that way. I don't see him being racist..??
@mycale: I always saw him winning, but the Dems are working hard at changing that timeline. Nov will be ugly.
@ken: I will take this and add it to my drafts. Thanks for the suggestion.
@Makw: I really can't speak to all that and I'm at a point that I don't really believe much of what I find online. Our media is bought and paid for. I can just say that based on focusing on him he does like beautiful women (key is WOMEN, not girls) and he does not endorse or participate in the activities on that island.
@Everyone: I have a confession I would like to make, I too like beautiful women.
When will these people who feel they have a right to make choices for the planet and hurt others get their cumuppance? Im tired of them
It's an amazing bit of synchronicity, and also an indicator that Lynn's followers are psychically attuned, to have brought this subject up just 2 days before the arrest of Ghislain Maxwell, who was Jeffrey Epstein's groomer and pimp of underage girls. She's the daughter of Robert Maxwell, of Britain's MI5, and was most probably The Mastermind behind using underaged girls and boys to Blackmail the powerful so as to control politics. She also dated Bill Clinton, participated in underage threesomes, & was at Chelsea's wedding, so creating rumors about Trump involved with Epstein or Ivanka is literally accusing them of exactly what the Clinton's themselves were doing.
@Ryno: :-)
@Iverna: I feel like what will happen is a segment will ascend, and those that want to live 3D stuff will keep incarnating here over and over again to live in the world they make.
@Robert: Thanks for the comment and update!! That is great news!
Ryno, I feel like starting a # Me Too with you, except that I'm a woman. lol.
Cyber he's not a racist. He's simply calling out the Chinese Communist Party on their lying, sabotage and manipulation. He calls it the Chinese virus just like the pandemic 100 years ago was, and is still, called the Spanish flu. It's the Chinese who are rounding up Uyghurs into "re-education camps" and putting signs up on their shops saying "no blacks allowed" in the year 2020.
An attorney representing one of the JE victims in 2009 said of all the requests he made for assistance, DT was the only one that would talk to him. And one of the young women has gone on record to say DT did not engage in sex with any of the girls at any time.
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