Friday, June 5, 2020

SpaceX Mouse

Q.  Lynn, Check out this video.  Is this a mouse on the SpaceX during the launch?  Sure looks like one.

A.  When I focused on this, I did go back and forth.  It was as if my rational mind wanted to fight my subconscious.  In looking at (what I thought was) a launch, it would be impossible to have a mouse hanging out as it would either have fallen off or died during takeoff.  

SO... I really had to clear my mind and take a more meditative approach.   The intent I took was to see truth, and receive images / phrases to support the truth. (Some readings are instantaneous, and others I have to meditate on if I have an internal subconscious bias preventing me from being able to settle on one clear answer.  If it feels "wishy washy" or I go back and forth, I need to do a little extra work.)

BACK to the reading... I got this was a CGI portion of the launch.  In my mind, I saw a "rocket" and in the background was a green screen.  I get that portions of the launch are real, but they intermingle CGI clips for effect.  It was as if SpaceX launched, and we saw that true launch from a distance, but what they did not show was the trajectory it made.  It went up so far, and then turned and came back down in an arc pattern.  They only showed half the launch.

To add legitimacy to the launch, they added the CGI footage to give the illusion of SpaceX being in space.  It did make it high in the sky, but didn't make it to space.

In meditation, I did get this is a real mouse.  Things were happening quickly and chaotically during the filming, and no one on set saw this mouse.  It was like the filming was done last minute, they thought it looked good and believable, but they missed an important detail- a mouse!

Even what you think is live broadcasting (done to eliminate disbelief) is not necessarily what you think it is.  Always use critical thinking.  At the end of my meditation I heard "if it looks like a mouse and moves like a mouse, it's a mouse!"

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I seem to remember someone asked you about the SpaceX launch and you said it was done with some clever CGI. This is the first I ever heard about the mouse which really isn't a parent in the still photo, and you really have to look at one of the videos on YouTube that shows the mouse crawling inside and peeking out of the hollow dark rim. I'm wondering if this mouse was a deliberate "crisis actor" allowed to be there in the CGI as the same kind of in-your-face disclosure they do for all their false flag events. I was completely uninterested by this launch of 70 + year old rocket technology,because by now they must have saucers or other Advanced craft, specially if they want to go to Mars, they're still hiding. Makes you wonder if the whole history of NASA is really the history of the ever-improving evolution of movie special effects.

mycale said...

Do you see the SpaceX 5G satelite programm beeing shut down at some point? Making a worldwide 5G grid would be very bad for the health of anyone.

Cyber said...

What's the purpose of this fake SpaceX launch? In 1969, they faked the Moon landing but how can they fake the launch with all the satellites floating around?

SB said...

Do they have a space program at all? Do they at least have one with ETs secretly since seems like portals or stargates is the only way to get out? Charles Hall said the tall whites offered a chance to get out with their tech but they refused to show them how they made it or give them their own. They just wanted us to build bases for them on colder worlds they couldn’t take the temp but we could.

EA RW said...

Just another projectile cast into eternity where it is fated to live a life as coral reef on the bottom of the ocean.
In previous readings about the nasa rockets they weren't going to space either. So why would it with the current technology be any different. If they still need to fake this with cgi you know there is more to the story. Trolling the public.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I laughed when you said newest crisis actor. So true. They have been trying to dupe people for a long time.

@mycale: I think something like it will be launched, or a modified version will be released.

@Cyber: Some satellites are in the upper atmosphere with weather balloons, but not in "space." Many "satellites" are actually on towers on the ground. This is why GPS does not work if you are in the ocean.

@SB: They do work with ETs or rather study them and try to reverse engineer technology. The program is real and a cover for funding, and also to justify a reason to study ETs.

@EA RW: Absolutely!

Have a great Friday everyone!

RevRedLew said...

This footage looked identical to the launch in December 2019, with you guessed it a "mouse" in the same area. We are being duped, did you see the landing go black and then poof it landed! Probably taking their 5G crap to further try and keep us suppressed. Thanks Lynn for the reading, much appreciated.

Wendy said...

Lynn, why would they fake it? Are we under a dome? What's above the dome? ANOTHER PSYCHIC SAID IT WAS used to disguise more surveillance satelites going up. What ya think. That mouse is a Truther!

Robin Hood said...

Hi, let’s just say it’s the year of the metal mouse 🤔☺️!!!!

RL said...

Thank you for clearing this up! I was wondering about that mouse thing... I was so excited when the take-off happened because I thought maybe with Trump we could see some new things happening, but it looks like we have a long ways to go before we’ll reach space (the real space). It was still exciting to watch as a family tho, lol. I think the mouse was meant to happen.. like you said, there are no coincidences and it is 2020. Maybe we were supposed to be alerted to this so we can be aware of what’s really going on. Thank you again for all you do! Ever since I started reading your blog in 2014-2015 I’ve woken up to a lot of things <3

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@RevRedLew: Interesting. I knew it was recorded, but didn't pick up on it being recycled.

@Wendy: We are under a dome and there is this material like a plasma above it followed by "space" I didn't pick up on the satellites as much of those are land based (but maybe there is more to it??)

@Robin: Love it!

@RL: Thanks for the comments. 2020 is proving to be a BIG year for sure!

Alisha said...
