Welcome to yet another eye-opening set of Friday mysteries. Let’s get started.
1. Aurora 2.0: Trillion Dollar Boondoggle
Da-da: This was photographed over Kansas back in January. I’ve actually seen this myself, zipping across the sky. Looks military, since UFOs don’t leave contrails!
Lynn: I totally agree. UFOs don’t have exhaust; totally different technology. I do get this is military, but... they can’t get it right. They can get close, but it’s not the same. They’re constantly trying to reverse-engineer these things.
Da-da: So, is that a SUPER-supersonic jet, like the old SR-71? Is it using advanced engines or something more exotic? How fast can it go? Mach 30?
Lynn: It is fast, I don't have an exact speed, but it's more like a Mach 20. It does use advanced engines, but still has challenges going left and right [!]. That is the part of the ET technology that the military cannot seem to understand -- the ability to move in all directions.
Da-da: “Our” government in action.
2. The Colombian Cube
Da-da: This from Colombia earlier this month. Whose craft is this? Or is that a fake?
Lynn: Feels fake.
3. Three Ring Circus
Da-da: This is from Russia, taken recently. What goes on here? Portal burp?
Lynn: When I look at that, I get that there is a massive portal near this area. That’s where a cloaked ship came UP through the portal -- actually, three different ships popped through there. It’s a BIG portal. I hear it was a Lyran ship. They may have an underground base nearby. There’s some kind of resource there deep in the planet that they’re interested in.
Da-da: A flying pizza slice hovering over Texas? Too weird not to be real.
Lynn: Feels real. I get a Pleiadian vibe to this ship, but this feels like a derivative or off-shoot of the Pleiadians. There was an energy/weather event there that they were trying to intercept, trying to mitigate some kind of man-made earthquake the PTW were trying to induce there.
Da-da: So, yet another civilization obsessed with (actual) pizza.
Lynn: LOL, for sure!
5. Cavalry Over Canada
Da-da: Here’s another ship over Kelowna, Canada, on Christmas Eve of last year. Whose ship is that?
Lynn: It’s real… but… it’s a fighter! There were bad ETs here and that one came in to intercept. Some ETs aren’t always positive, and take humans for experiments, etc., and this ship was there to intercept that kind of ship that was trolling over Washington State. There was some battle that happened at that time. Must be other UFO reports around the same time.
Da-da: Whose fighter is that? And what kind of weapons does it sport?
Lynn: I couldn't get a clear name. It felt as though there were several species involved in this. Their weapons are like lasers (at least that is how they appear). The beams are invisible to the 3D eye.
Da-da: Shields down to 11%!
Da-da: What caused this weird depression on Mars??
Lynn: It’s a weird CGI thing. Some dork playing with Mars images, sitting at his desk, bored. Photoshop happens!
Da-da: Well, he signed it! So much for credibility.
7. Beached Sadness
Da-da: What was this odd sea beast in Scotland, taken earlier this month?

Da-da: Was this an intelligent dragon? Is it related to the higher-order being/ET dragons? What color was it while alive?
Lynn: It was related to higher order beings and was intelligent. When it was alive it was an olive green.
Da-da: What was this anomaly recently captured near the sun? Just a ship(s) exiting Portal One? [FYI: That’s what we call the portal inside the sun.]
Lynn: That’s a fleet of ships.
Da-da: Whose ships? Why did they send a fleet?
Lynn: They look Lyran, and they feel like they're looking to build a base.
Da-da: Looks like the Lyrans are digging in.
Da-da: Ok, does this famous Palenque tomb cap actually show the king (pictured) being *sucked into a portal*? (The Maya were apparently terrified of going to “Xibalba" after death, which means “Place of Fear.”)
Lynn: So… kinda. I get that it’s the king being equipped for when he goes into the “unknown darkness of death.” Basically that soul-recycler portal. The artwork is a final farewell; each thing around him has a purpose for why it's there, it’s not just for decoration; every thing/symbol has a meaning, for the next world.
10. Mystery of the Vanishing White Buses

Lynn: I get this is totally true. When i was doing question #1 (“Aurora 2.0”), I was thinking that this military project was to protect the Denver Airport. Colorado will be where the DC leaders go of things go south. There’s a whole ominous city under that airport. If there was any kind of apocalypse, the DC folks would go right down there. There are actually tunnels from DC almost all the way to CO.
Da-da: Huh. So, who was on the buses?
Lynn: I feel like the buses were empty and they were just trying to get them in position. I also feel like it had to do with the c-virus going around, doing a drill.
Da-da: Speaking of the fake apocalypse, what kind of train is this? Some people call this a “FEMA death train,” but could it just be a line of car transporters?
Lynn: Kinda strange. I get a creepy vibe with this. Feels like some dirty deals have happened in regards to this thing. Some cars are indeed car transporters, yes…
...but one or two cars in each train can house other things, like for human trafficking.
Da-da: Do you think that it’s the govt itself that's sewing these “FEMA death camp” fears?
Lynn: The government does keep the fear alive to keep emotions going. They don’t want us thinking rationally.
And that’s it. Join us next time for a (hopefully rational) Friday Mysteries #9.
[ Next Week: Bicycle Repair Man! ]
I love the photo of the traffic cone on grass and the lift up on the right showing what an energy Vortex it created in the grass. Maybe the circles in the sky of Russia or another Vestige of a similar energy. Maybe energy Cones could be used to grow pyramids or other structures out of something like Coral.
Hi Lynn! I clicked on the link of the soul-recycler portal. The site's a bit strange but is it true that the facility has been altered for the positive? That would be awesome!
Is any of the stuff on the site true?
Thank You Lynn & Dada for this series. Lynn there is a guy named Florida Maquis on YouTube.He is doing phenomenal work.Below is one of his videos in which there seem to be cloaked craft over florida river.What's your opinion Lynn.Is it real craft?Is it our or of ET origin? Thanks
Yes, all the stuff on that site is true.
I appreciate the humor of this post. My heart has been heavy for days from learning about the darkness of this world, and humor really does remind that things are still okay. The SOC site also gives hope. Thanks, Lynn and Da-da.
Thank you! A new site to keep my eye on. Very glad this facility has been altered
@mycale: Yes, it is true. Things are definitely shifting as the 4D comes more "online"
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