By Lynn & A Man Called Da-da
Welcome to Friday Mystery Five #3 (which is actually a re-named version of the old “Five for Friday” series, which were up to... #45 at last count, not to mention all our Life Detective segments). Anyway, as usual after each prologue, Lynn’s words will appear “in quotes” and Da-da’s subsequent questions/thoughts will be [in brackets]. Here we go.
1. The Blob
What Lynn Saw
"Wow, that’s cool. I get that it was originally some kind of amber, but it was somehow liquefied; superheated and melted, along with surrounding sand, and then recalesced into that blob. This is a unique substance. There was a lightning strike or something that created this."
[So, it’s basically a complex fulgurite.]
2. Missing Medical Student
This next one is a bit involved. This 2nd year medical student vanished a while ago right after he’d been with people at a bar… he went back downstairs for something, and his friends waited for him outside... but he never came back out.
Here are the details. There’s even a reward.
What Lynn Saw
"I feel like he went back downstairs to buy a pill or some kind of LSD substance, and he wound up taking it and what he took wasn’t right and he wound up freaking out and the drug sellers freaked out and he ended up dying. The drug sellers then took his body out the back door. Very sad.”
3. The Zone of Silence

Some backstory:

Travelers crossing the zone regularly report seeing strange lights or fireballs maneuvering at night, changing colors, hanging motionless and then taking off at great speed. Two ranchers heading back from a festivity witnessed how a coruscant light floated down from the dark sky and disgorged humanoid occupants, who glowed with the same eerie light and were walking toward them. The ranchers broke into a frantic run.”
So, what goes on here?
What Lynn Saw
"I get that radios don’t work because of interference. There’s a shielding around this area. Symbolically, I’m being shown someone wearing a lead x-ray apron that blocks the X-rays. Ah, I see a lot of copper in the ground there. it’s working in this area just like orgonite works, creating a natural shield. The ETs there were looking for resources. There may even be… yes, there’s an underground base there to collect the copper, which seems to have special properties. Unlike orgonite, I didn't see crystals in the “zone” area, but I did get the vibe of this area being like a huge piece of organite. (??) I feel like if you went there, you would get a huge break from all this WIFI/cellular signal stuff, like being in a Faraday cage or something.”
4. “Ghost Hiker” in the Canyon
Some have called this a “ghost hiker” picture, but I think it's actually a trick of the eye. That looks like a doorway carved into the rock. Can you see what’s inside? And who built it?
What Lynn Saw

5. Mohenjo Daro
This is Mohenjo Daro (which translates as “Mound of the Dead”) in India. Legend tells of it being the site of a terrible war or cataclysm long ago, in what sounded like a nuclear blast. There’s even a crater and the skeletons uncovered are radioactive. What happened here and when did it happen?
What Lynn Saw
“I see a radioactive meteorite hitting the ground… which left this crater. The radioactivity is from this meteorite. Part of the meteorite is still there. When? I want to say 500-600 AD."
[Was the meteorite DIRECTED there?]
“No, it was natural.”
[The timing suggests that this could be responsible for Roman accounts of what was to eventually be termed, “The Dark Ages,” where the sun was literally occluded by “dirty clouds” for 15-18 months, causing temperatures to drop and the crop cycle to become disrupted in the N. Hemisphere. scientists had hypothesized that it might’ve been due to a volcanic eruption, somewhere; perhaps it was both.]

Is this object implying that Brother J was originally... a Pleiadian??
What Lynn Saw

"I get it was a premonition, a Pleiadian prophecy from way way back... so that’s where the Pleiadian aspect comes from.”
[Aha. Btw, what did that eye atop the pyramid actually mean before the reptiles messed up its meaning?]
"I feel like it was tied to our own inner sight or guidance. It has to do with what we all have within.”
Thanks so much, Lynn!!! Love your great insight on so many mysteries.
And so the two people who helped the two stranded in their car were ETs? If so, what type?
thanks Da da and Lynn for another great group of mysteries, and the one about The Vanishing med student Brian Shaffer was compelling especially given the fact that he was dealing with the death of his mother right after taking stressful exams, and may have sought out drugs as a way of dealing with the loss. perhaps instead upper leaving his pain, whatever he took heightened his feelings about his mother which caused his death.
the read on the eye on the pyramid was also fascinating in that I never felt it was a sinister image and even thought it was cool that it was on the dollar, as if connoting enlightenment on the part of our government instead of a dark alignment with the cabal. the dark sides inversion of this pyramid with the eye might also be connected to how archons enter humans through a wound near the eye taking over that person's soul.
Thanks so much for the comments!
@Craig: Sorry, I'm not following... car?
@Robert: Interesting! I never thought about the eye thing, but I have done readings where I saw a "worm" looking thing being put into the eye during a ritual (and that is what the "black eye club" was about). Interesting insight!
Oh i was talking about the people in the pick up stranded in the mud and the 2 tall men in the yellow raincoats. Who were those tall men?
Thanks Lynn!
Another question that probably will remain unanswered (as in the case of the recent Puma Punku post): Who built the US American Pyramids (over 200!) the tallest of which is 12% higher than the famous Gizeh Pyramid in Egypt? Despite the fact that they are made out of sandstone rocks of different sizes they are designated "Mounds of Cahokia"
next to Missippi river! It is said that red indians built them, but they didn´t have the technology to cut and handle such big sandstones then. (
@Craig: Gosh, I'm not sure. I would need to think on this...
@Watch: Sounds like a great idea for a reading. I will most definitely save this to look and look at it..
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