Q. Hi Lynn, I'd like to know what the Chinese government is really up to in regards to the students and citizens protests in Hong Kong. Are the protesters safe for now? Why did the CEO of Cathay Pacific resign from his job around the same time as the riots? Was he 'pushed' to do so? Thank you Lynn for your insight into this crisis.
A. This is a very serious situation between China and Hong Kong. I see this as China is trying to force their will over Hong Kong, and the citizens of Hong Kong are fighting to prevent a very controlling, communist county from taking over. Even though the initial talks are centered around passing a extradition bill, the people of Hong Kong know this is just the first step to China crossing boundaries and forcing their will, laws and control onto them. The people of Hong Kong see how China is run and do NOT want that for themselves.
China is getting very frustrated at the strong willed citizens that are fighting them. China isn't used to having people stand up, especially in their fear based country that is now being influenced by "social credit scores." Not only is China becoming intolerant to this, they don't want Chinese citizens getting any ideas. I get that China is going to react sooner rather than later to get some control, and it will get much uglier before it gets better. These citizens are not safe or immune from harm as this will be very confrontational.
The CEO was forced to resign. He took accountability for his role in the riots, and wasn't ashamed of it. The riots did play a major role in him stepping down.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please send some love and light to Hong Kong- They need all the positive vibes they can get during this crisis they are facing to fight to keep their freedoms.
Love and light- Lynn
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I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
It does not look good for the long term health of the former CEO. According to this exiled Chinese businessman, people that fall out of favor with the Chinese government usually last about a year before they die prematurely.
@Raymond: Thanks for sharing!
Can you see Hong Kong winning this? How long will China uphold their governance by fear? It seems terrible. What will happen to Hong Kong after their contract with Britain runs out?
I sincerely hope China is not allowed to continue. It sets a bad example for other goverments (who I'm sure love how much control China has over their citizens)
@mycale: I feel like Hong Kong is buying time until the contract runs out. For now they will win, but down the road this will happen again (sadly).
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