Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ascension Symptoms Upon Us

I'm a little late getting to this, but the message/question/answer is important for any of you going through this during the Wave X surges we are experiencing during the ascension process. 

Q.  Lynn, All my psychic friends and intuitive friends have been feeling "attacked" since Sunday. But we feel overall positive besides the seasickness, nausea and crazy dreams. Then, I read your post about 4D:
"From the 3D perspective I get that as this new layer of Earth forms, sensitive and intuitive people (which are on the higher vibrational end) will physically (fatigue, aches, mental fog) and even psychically (random images, feelings of connectedness) react. This is due to a new, higher vibrational "veil" being formed over all us. The energy surges "over load" our systems (in some ways good, and others with discomfort). For sensitive people it can be helpful to meditate and be mindful of what you eat / drink to help mitigate the fluctuations and maintain balance." 
Is this what's been happening this week? Started Sunday. Thanks!

A.  We are going through huge energy shifts.  As we approach the full moon on September 15th, and moving forward to the Fall Equinox on September 23rd, you will feel the fluctuations in energy even more.  Just be prepared, and understand that what you feel may not be "just you" but rather the shifts that are going on around you. 

I am reminded to not look at this as an "attack," but rather a reaction to the Wave X and energy fluctuations.  I realize the above question was asked a short while ago, but as we approach these changes combined with Wave X (that is constantly sending little "pushes" our way), you will feel was you thought was an "attack" again.  

Realizing this is going on can really help.  You can prepare, set some mental protection, and understand that when you feel unbalanced there is a good reason as to why.  When you do have this experience, it is really important to meditate and do things that assist you with grounding otherwise you may even feel a physical, mental and spiritual disconnect.  The goal it to keep things in balance, and always grounded with the earth.  

I am hopeful this helps to explain much of what many of you are feeling, but please leave a comment if you have any questions. 

And that is all I have on this for now.  Thank you.  Love and light,  Lynn

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Karoline said...

Hi Lynn, as an average person, how does one know whether the above symptoms are related to the wave or just another tiring day? I'm sure most of us feel that way at some point, but it would be nice to know if one is part of the ascension. Is kind of hard to meditate (at least me).

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Karoline: There really is no good way to know unless you are in tune with your body. Maybe pay attention and see if you have a reason to feel this way (poor sleep, stress, change, etc). If you really have no logical reason, it most likely is related to the wave x energies. :-)

Karoline said...

Thank you Lynn 😊