Q. Hi Lynn,
I went back in your Q & A and blog archives to see if you touched on this topic and did find some replies and great info, but they were older dated. Now I'm wondering if you could check in again on this much talked about subject?

My intuition and connection to my high-self is pretty good, but really would like your insight or you to shed some light on what the Event will truly do to this much loved planet?
A. This is a great question that lots of people wonder about. I know many of you, myself included, have been waiting (and waiting and waiting) on this to happen.
The good news is the Event has been going on for a long time. This is a slow and steady process as our systems and even our world cannot handle this all at once. Physically, I see that two earths emerge, one in our current 3D earth, and the other is a higher vibrational 4D earth. The two worlds look to coexist, much like a new layer to our current earth.
What I see happening is as people cross into spirit, their vibration at the time of passing gives them choices on their next step. Some, should they chose to reincarnate, will have to come back to the 3D world to learn and grow, while others of a higher vibration will allowed to reincarnate in the 4D world. You cannot take a person of low vibration and put them in a higher vibratory realm as they energetically could not tolerate it.
It is true that many wave X energies comes from the direction of the sun. The sun also serves as portals for some beings, so needless to say, the sun is very active right now. Many of the "space" programs are really to study the phenomenon and see what is happening. I cannot see a solar flash taking people out, but I see huge energetic disturbances within our mind, body and spirit. People think by studying and understanding it, they can control it, but the reality is there is nothing to be controlled. No matter how far you are underground, wave X will find you, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing as every little flash of energy enables you to "upgrade" to handle a higher vibration. Now, if you are a low vibe being, this can be very uncomfortable (their systems are not able to handle the upgrade, and they may feel like they have the flu).
Don't fear or hide from the Event as this is your pathway to ascension. The PTW (Powers That Were) want you to fear the things they cannot control, and things that take the control from them (especially since most are a low vibe and will remain to this 3D earth). Embrace it, and allow yourself to enjoy the journey.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
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The good news is the Event has been going on for a long time. This is a slow and steady process as our systems and even our world cannot handle this all at once. Physically, I see that two earths emerge, one in our current 3D earth, and the other is a higher vibrational 4D earth. The two worlds look to coexist, much like a new layer to our current earth.
What I see happening is as people cross into spirit, their vibration at the time of passing gives them choices on their next step. Some, should they chose to reincarnate, will have to come back to the 3D world to learn and grow, while others of a higher vibration will allowed to reincarnate in the 4D world. You cannot take a person of low vibration and put them in a higher vibratory realm as they energetically could not tolerate it.
It is true that many wave X energies comes from the direction of the sun. The sun also serves as portals for some beings, so needless to say, the sun is very active right now. Many of the "space" programs are really to study the phenomenon and see what is happening. I cannot see a solar flash taking people out, but I see huge energetic disturbances within our mind, body and spirit. People think by studying and understanding it, they can control it, but the reality is there is nothing to be controlled. No matter how far you are underground, wave X will find you, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing as every little flash of energy enables you to "upgrade" to handle a higher vibration. Now, if you are a low vibe being, this can be very uncomfortable (their systems are not able to handle the upgrade, and they may feel like they have the flu).
Don't fear or hide from the Event as this is your pathway to ascension. The PTW (Powers That Were) want you to fear the things they cannot control, and things that take the control from them (especially since most are a low vibe and will remain to this 3D earth). Embrace it, and allow yourself to enjoy the journey.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
To view free public posts and discussion, please view any of the following channels:
Brighteon Channel (formerly REAL.Video)
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In the event I "disappear" you can also reach me on GAB (Check it out, and it's free!)
I've long thought the huge divide in perception of issues, political, ecological, spiritual ect, was a symptom of "The Event" in which people wake up at different times while others cling to old and more comfortable beliefs. The irrational and unbridled anger of many expressed when confronted by a belief they don't agree with is proof that are in a struggle with their higher selves. It is a difficult time for all, and we just have to project love and energy to creating a better world.
This reminds me of a movie called "Knowing", with Nicholas Cage. My question is about the sun. Is it really that big as it's been portrayed? Ever since the flat earth theory, I've seen images of the suppose sun and moon being the same size. What are your thoughts.
Do people still take Corey Goode seriously? The "Solar Flash" is meant to only create and spread fear.
I have heard that May is a big month for the Earth and her purging of energy with special attention to May 10th. Any truth to this that you see, Lynn?
@Robert -- Agreed. Everywhere around me I see people splitting off into sides. Even in Canada where our politics have tended to be dull and tepid, there is the growing ideological divide. It reminds me of a train track with two parallel lines that never meet in the middle. I do believe that the one side is ensnared in the illusion/delusion trap or control grid set by the PTW and the other side is moving away from it.
@Karoline - uh oh, if you even mention the "flat earth theory", the trolls will be out in full force. Heads will explode!
@Robert: I think you may be right. I do think this is all necessary to force us to wake up, and everyone opens up at a different pace.
@Karoline: I agree that the sun isn't as far away as they say, and it isn't as big... I admit, the FE theory can sound crazy, until you research it and it doesn't. I've honestly seen it both ways, and I think it depends on what timeline or dimension we are tapped into.
@Ryno: We are always purging energy. I don't see anything "huge" happening though (or something that we need to fear).
Thanks for the comments!
In regards to the Flat Earth, which has many valid proofs yet I can only see we are on a planet, I think the visual and scientific measurements that make FE compelling are very much akin to how we experience and measure time. The 24 hour clock works perfectly for all purposes but Tao and other high sources say time is really more like spokes on a wheel in which past, present and future all transpire simultaneously. Maybe this is like what Lynn says our perception depends on a different timeline or dimension, but on this "plane," of existence, we experience the world as flat even if we're really on a spinning ball. I still don't get why the moon and sun are the same size...
This resonates with me, the solar flash would have to be a catalyst for some instant healing..I feel like there's only so much "inner work" one can do.
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