Q. Maybe you can do a post someday about the best way to set mental protection. I know you've given tips in the past but it would be good to have it there so if your followers search for it and can find a post dedicated to different ways or the best way to set mental protection against negativity.

As an example, I say "Please keep me and my family safe and protected physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Only allow high vibrational beings in my space while allowing me to work in the greater good." I am very clear and concise on what I want and will allow. Most importantly, I KNOW and BELIEVE in my mental will and my ability to surround myself with protection. Knowing and believing in your statement is so important, because if you lack confidence or show fear, beings will try to manipulate you (they want to be heard).
When I am dealing with tough topics and feel I need a little extra, I add some visualizations along with my mantra. I visualize my family, and surround them with white light. I then visualize my home and fill it with white light. White light is powerful because white contains all light spectrum, so it is a strong tool to use in visualizing.
Occasionally when our vibrations are lower (maybe you've been sick, depressed or eaten poorly) you may feel the effects of negativity around you. Be mindful of your feelings, and if something comes to your mind (perhaps you suddenly get irritated, or you feel like you want to cry) work on recognizing it. Once you acknowledge that there is no basis, or you don't understand where it is coming from, tell those thoughts to leave. You only want thoughts and feelings that are genuine to you, and all else must leave. This is similar to how you would clear your home, only you are clearing yourself. You have the power to shut these thoughts down. (The above mentioned is how psychic attacks start. People find a weakened target, and if they are allowed to keep manipulating the person, they can be relentless. No matter what, YOU have control of your mind, and YOU can take the control back).
Physically, there are some things you can do to strengthen you intent (I can't say enough it is YOUR mental will and YOUR intent and it is all within YOU). I like crystals, and depending on what you are working through, different crystals can help to elevate your personal vibrational space, and help to shield you from negativity.
Orgonite is also a fabulous tool. It can deflect negativity (and also ward off EMF waves and help to bust up weather systems, but that is another reading).
In closing, if you are in need to protection, and aren't sure how to do it, please leave a comment so we can support each other. There are people out there that prey on fears, selling magic crystals or spells, and you do not need it. It does not cost thousands of dollars to accomplish this, you just need to have clear intent and believe you can do this because you can.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
Thank you. I have crystals but I don't know what to do with them. Whenever I start to freak out, I distract myself by playing video games or something. But I do kno that I am being watched over.
Wow, excellent post. I love it.
Love this! THANK YOU! :)
Thanks Lynn for the post!
And for all the readers, remember to keep praying heavily for the better peaceful world. Amen.
What is your view on Shamanic journey to the Lower World to find our Power Animal? And why to the Lower World to find one? During the journey in the Lower World, is there a risk of being attack by a negative entity? Or a negative entity “attached” to us and follow us back to Our World?
And how do we know if what we "see" or "hear voices" that others around us can't see/hear are not due to psychic attacks but rather that our Third Eye chakra is opened?
Thank you.
Hello Lynn,
I am currently suffering from anxiety and based on what you said, I am afraid that my mental state is too weak and my confidence in myself is too low to ask for strength and protection. Do you have any suggestions on how I can ask for help while in an anxious, timid state?
Thank you for this post!! I love it so much! ❤️ There’s a lot of good advice and tips in here, I truly appreciate it!!
Thank you everyone for the comments. I really enjoyed this post and thought it was a good reminder (especially during these heavy and divided times).
@TheOnlyOne: Take a deep breath, and just say something to yourself asking to be protected. Say something like "all negative forces need to leave and go to where they are better served." Repeat it over and over until you feel better (and with each time you say it, believe it because you are strong).
@Hope: During a journey you are very spiritually protected with the energy and mantras focused on. I would feel very safe in that circle, and it can be a beautiful thing.
Seeing and hearing things can be confusing. What I would do is see how you feel about what you see or hear. IF it isn't making you feel good, or worse, making you feel bad, tell the voices or image to leave immediately. I would gauge by how you feel, and use that as your metric.
@That Girl: Honestly, just ask for it and believe you will get it. People in trauma ask for help all the time, and our guides want to provide it. When times are low, ask more frequently because it could be harder to hold your space. Instead of once a day, maybe ask 3 or four.
Thanks again. I appreciate the comments!
Thank you. I am the strongest. And you're strong too. :)
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