Q. If you have time, can you look at this? Is Meghan Markle Dutchess of Sussex faking her pregnancy, and why? There is a lot of speculation out there, and people have spotted what appears to be her "body double." Thanks.
Please see the following video (which is one of many) discussing this:
A. This is a great question that came up during a Patreon chat. I had not heard this theory, so I was excited to approach it from a naive view... So...
When I first tune into this, I see a rather odd shaped table. It sort of looks like a capital letter "D" with one flat side, and the one curved side (basically a circle cut in half). I see the Queen sitting at that flat side, and hear "she is at the head of the table" while a council or small advisory group is sitting around the rounded portion.
Placed on the table, in the middle of this "D" looks like several ancient papers (the off white color and texture are what clue me in). I see lots of astrology diagrams and calendars spread about. They are deep in discussion about certain days, and lining those days up with specific moon cycles. It is my impression (could be symbolic, but a good chance this is literal) they are plotting and planning a new birth into the monarchy. Per their rituals, it has to occur at very specific times and align with specific astrological events.
With that new information confirmed it looks as though they confront Harry, and both he and Meghan have some decisions to make. Should they chose to have a child, he has specific times/months that he can get Meghan pregnant because labor is safely induced to fall on these "chosen" days (she needs to be full term on these specific astrological days). Or, the other option is to have a surrogate to ensure they can follow through with this birth on a timely basis.
I get Harry and Meghan intentionally try to get pregnant during these desired times to keep the Queen happy, (they both fear and respect her), but it looks like they had trouble conceiving... Moving forward, I get they did take some of Meghan's eggs and Harry's sperm to create a child of the desired bloodline, and as a backup plan hired a surrogate. I also get that two eggs were implanted and successful (or somehow there were multiple babies???), and they had a tough decision to reduce the pregnancy to one baby, preferably a boy, which was not easily done by the biological parents. (?????)
I do get Harry and Meghan will be parents, and it will be their child with their bloodline/DNA, but a surrogate will be the one assisting them with this goal. I also get pregnancies have been manipulated in many different ways historically regarding this monarchy....
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you Love and light, Lynn
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A. This is a great question that came up during a Patreon chat. I had not heard this theory, so I was excited to approach it from a naive view... So...
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Surrogate...? |
When I first tune into this, I see a rather odd shaped table. It sort of looks like a capital letter "D" with one flat side, and the one curved side (basically a circle cut in half). I see the Queen sitting at that flat side, and hear "she is at the head of the table" while a council or small advisory group is sitting around the rounded portion.
Placed on the table, in the middle of this "D" looks like several ancient papers (the off white color and texture are what clue me in). I see lots of astrology diagrams and calendars spread about. They are deep in discussion about certain days, and lining those days up with specific moon cycles. It is my impression (could be symbolic, but a good chance this is literal) they are plotting and planning a new birth into the monarchy. Per their rituals, it has to occur at very specific times and align with specific astrological events.
With that new information confirmed it looks as though they confront Harry, and both he and Meghan have some decisions to make. Should they chose to have a child, he has specific times/months that he can get Meghan pregnant because labor is safely induced to fall on these "chosen" days (she needs to be full term on these specific astrological days). Or, the other option is to have a surrogate to ensure they can follow through with this birth on a timely basis.
I get Harry and Meghan intentionally try to get pregnant during these desired times to keep the Queen happy, (they both fear and respect her), but it looks like they had trouble conceiving... Moving forward, I get they did take some of Meghan's eggs and Harry's sperm to create a child of the desired bloodline, and as a backup plan hired a surrogate. I also get that two eggs were implanted and successful (or somehow there were multiple babies???), and they had a tough decision to reduce the pregnancy to one baby, preferably a boy, which was not easily done by the biological parents. (?????)
I do get Harry and Meghan will be parents, and it will be their child with their bloodline/DNA, but a surrogate will be the one assisting them with this goal. I also get pregnancies have been manipulated in many different ways historically regarding this monarchy....
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you Love and light, Lynn
To view free public posts and discussion, please view any of the following channels:
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In the event I "disappear" you can also reach me on GAB (Check it out, and it's free!)
As someone with no interest in this couple except for the political aspect of the royals hating Trump and how Harry marrying Megan who also hated Trump was a nod to the Globalist multicultural agenda, I think this whole marriage was just a stunt to keep Royals relevant. Harry is the illigitimate son of Jame Hewitt, Diane's red haired lover who he looks exactly like, meaning he's not in the royal bloodline so marrying an American is not key except for Virtue signalling PR to
Harry recently visited and met with Melania and she set up on the table between then an Orchid arrangement in the shape of a "Q" When the Trumps visited London, only the Queen met with them but not Phillip or Charles and there was some talk there might have been an assassination attempt on the golf course. If it's a fake or surrogate pregnancy, it might even be a fake marriage by a fake prince.
Robert Schoen you are wrong about Harry's parentage - James Hewitt did not come along until after Harry was born. The red hair comes from Diana's side of her family. I can see Charles quite clearly in Harry as he has gotten older, and Hewitt has stated that Harry is not his child.
@chis, Denial is not only a river it's also the currency of the land. What else is Hewitt gonna say and in a secret affair how do you know when it started? Here in the US there is a very similar situation with Chelsea Clnton being the daughter of Webster Hubble because Bill was shooting blanks and the Hildebeast needed a child for Joan Crawford career purposes. I believe my eyes more than what people or the press say.
The reptilian agenda is to keep the blue blood lines intact, and they are manipulators of DNA beyond what any "normal" doctor can do. People know their history, their timelines and how easy it is for some of them to sacrifice children. As Princess Diana knew, they are not even human.
I think it's rather convenient that Prince Harry married an actress. She is already adept at putting on an act.
There is a legend of a woman becoming pope who pretended to be a man. know one knew her secret until she gave birth.
Do you think there was a woman who became pope?
Thanks so much for the comments! Definitely some things to think on!
Can you confirm or deny comments? Pls. Whats with the desired astrology.....can u do a reading on this...are there certain days reptillians can be birthed on....should we avoid those days?
@Wemdy: I don't do astrology (even though I believe in it, I only know a little). I just saw lots of charts referring to astrology... If there are any astrologers out there that would like I take this on, I'd be happy to post it on the blog (giving you full credit of course).
As an Englishwoman I cannot stand this woman, she seems very fake and conniving in so many ways too. Oily grifter. That said I have no love for the entire concept of Royalty. Replublic please I resent paying for them to live in opulence when so many people subjected to their rule go without basics or suffer poverty.
Forgot to mention Robert, totally agree with much of what you said. I also believe that Diana met with James Hewitt a lot earlier than both of them admitted. I also think the pregnancy is fake. Read plenty of things about Royals the world over using surrogates. From sound of it *Me Again * might have bitten off more than she can chew.
Re Wendy....problem is that the given birthtime is false.MM is not 37.She was born on 6/8/1977.Records and school photos indicate this.So predictions etc are not for the correct year.
Robert Schoen - ok, you could be right, I don't know, I got the information from a Royal commentator (not royal herself).
Psychic Focus - it's now 6 May and still no baby, or announcement at least. Do you have any info?
I will give you all something to think about.
MEHGAN MARKLE is a MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why she wasn't pregnant. I saw her/him in an interview and the stomach was defiantly false, 100%
I also saw some photo's of her/him that make's me certain she is a he and to top it off
Michelle Obama introduced Harry to Meghman Markle and we all know Michelle is a DUDE for sure, if you don't believe me look it up on u-tube or google photo's.
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