I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Mary Magdalene and Jesus
Q. Hi Lynn, I have a question about Mary Magdalene and Jesus. There are rumors that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child. I have done a little research on the topic and have theorized that the DNA of both Jesus and Mary Magdalene was important to pass down and so they had a child in order to pass down their specific DNA. Was it true that they had a child and if so was it to continue passing on this DNA? And, can you see how many people have their DNA currently in the world? And, If they did have a child, can you read into who that child was, both in soul and human embodiment?
I was also curious about what is it about their DNA (be it Pleiaidan as you have mentioned before) that is different? Is it the DNAs ability to hold more light and therefore embody more light or Source energy on the planet?
Thank you Lynn for this site and all you do.
A. As I tune into this, I do get it is true that they had a child. In fact this child was so significant, I also see that he was spiritually protected (and there were even attacks on his life, or some kind of danger tied to him). I get he was fated to be born, and needed for the passing on of certain DNA.
I also here there was divine intervention when the child was conceived, and the child had to be a male. The reason for this is he could breed and have several children, whereas a woman is limited to in the number of births. I see this "man" with several wives, and at least 50+ kids (in my mind I see his family much like a family portrait.).
I cannot hear a name, I just see what he looks like. I can say he looks much like his father, and I do get that his name started with a "D" (like "David"???? but I cannot hear it clearly).
In looking at the world, many people, thousands of people, look to carry the DNA. It is highly diluted, but it is still there. I do get it is similar to Pleiadian DNA, but is slightly off. The reason I say that is because most Pleiadians have larger eyes that are blue (not all, but most) however this DNA is tied to smaller eyes that are mostly (not all) brown (I have no idea why it came through like that..???)
Energetically, they are very similar and both have gifts that work in the highest and best good. Both energies are funneled through Source, they just took a different pathway to reach humans on earth. I get the purpose is to create some kind of balance, both working to bestow light.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please feel free to leave a comment. Interesting topic! Love and light, Lynn
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Do you see that this child was comceived in the usual way or through some sort of spiritual energetic transference?
Also i have always heard they had a girl named sara. Any commections? Maybe sara was marys granddaughter.
Lynn's reading shows that the intuitive, which is related to faith, is the only way to get a handle on any belief system. It's hard to tie concrete physical evidence like DNA or even a hypothetical reconstruction of a life back then to the oral history of Christ that evolved into a faith based legend. For centuries Mary Magdeline was taught as being a repentent whore, reflecting perhaps the mysoginist Catholic Clerical culture. Modern reinterpretations of the evangelists are likely to be instilled with current cultural bias.(Imagine the St. James Snowflake edition saying Mary Magdeline was sysgender so that her any of her offspring would also be the product of immaculate conception.) In the end it is a matter of faith. One thing I've always felt is that we know for a certainty there is evil being done by Satanists, it conversely affirms a lot of what we've been taught about God.
I believe some of the royal bloodlines claimed ancestry from Jesus and Mary Magdalene?
Thanks Lynn, Ave Maria (Schubert) fingerstyle guitar: Here one can see the power of sacred music, imo. The player, a sort of empath, is not religious at all but stunns the audience with his devoted interpretation!! https://youtu.be/eurqlHaMk4M
Were you not supposed to be married to be a Rabbi according to Jewish Tradition back then?
Was Barabbas (Bar = Son, Rabba or Rabbi = Teacher) or "Son of Teacher" actually Jesus's son? I read this theory that the followers of Jesus convinced the crowds of people to choose the release of Barabbas over Jesus. They had another plan for what to do to save Jesus.
How “Jesus” has blue eyes and pale white yet lived in the desert/wilderness. The lies.....
He was a pleidian hybrid. They are known for their blue eyes and fair skin. All of my siblings are fair skinned with blonde hair despite their mother being almost full Indian with black hair and brown skin... it happens
I don't believe that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. I think she may have been vilified because she was a single woman and Jesus may have been paying too much attention to her. Perhaps they said this after the crucifixion of Jesus to discredit her and Jesus' family. Even today, in the Middle East; some people insist a woman is a prostitute if she marries outside of her sect or dates the wrong man. Women have it tough in the Middle East.
A woman named Akiane, is an exceptionally gifted painter. Apparently, she channels her inspiration from somewhere beyond herself. She painted a picture of Jesus, that she and others insist is realistic. It is an extraordinary painting, considering she painted it when she was 8 years old.
Happy Easter Sunday!
Happy Easter!
Thanks for the great discussion. I will have to answer some of this in more detail when I get a chance! Thanks for the great comments!
Thats your theory. If you live is burning heat/sun - you will darken. Lynn said he had brown eyes.
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