A. A little background.. Ok, so I will start out by saying when the news was "fresh" I was able to see the disturbing video the shoe-ter made (I understand he actually live streamed the event and posted the video later). He also posted a several page document outlining his version of "why" he did this, stating declining birth rate states for Caucasians and naming certain people as being influential (note that the people named were outspoken conservatives prominent in social media).
After seeing the video it started weighing on me, and I've been slowly putting together things that felt off to me. This was so disturbing that I left my mind open to see what things would come through as I too want the truth and to see what is really going on. Over the past few days I understand that Neu Zee Lund has made it a criminal offense to possess this video, and social medias are shutting down channels and pages that display it. HOWEVER, some other countries still have it visible... hmmm.. We'll get to that.

His feeling feel to have been known, and he didn't keep his feelings hidden. This opened him up to be provoked into committing a horrible crime. Someone came to him (a year ago??) and started to "make friends" with him. It looks like this encounter happened at some kind of military hospital (symbolic or literal for something he was going through??). The instigation was a steady "project" by this "man" until this plan came to fruition and it was "go time."
Some questions I have received:
Was he working alone? No, he had a small team of at least two others. This is what gave him the confidence to do this, as he knew he wouldn't be alone. The entire time he was "convinced" this needed to happen to "save his country" he was assured he would have help and would have to do this alone. The shoe-ter started to believe this was a real mission and his country was relying on him to see this to completion.
Did the shoe-ter write the 70+ page document? He wrote some of it, and read most of it, but the majority was cleverly crafted by the man that approached him along with this man's "little team."
Why target conservatives in the written document? The goal of all this is to slowly disarm the world, and you have to focus on countries that still have gun rights in place. A shoe-ting of this magnitude, using high capacity magazines, puts a magnifying glass on these weapons. You cannot disarm countries all at once. Like a frog in a boiling pot of water, you have to do it slowly so people don't notice. This tragedy gets the conversation going, and when emotions and fears are high, they have the greatest chance of people giving up their own rights without a fight. This geographic area feels more passive (as a whole) than the US, so this felt like a good place for the PTW (Powers That Were) to start, hopefully firing up the base of the US Dems to follow in their lead.
Conservatives were named (such as Trumpet and other outspoken people on social media) because they are outspoken on the direction they see the US going. Conservatives are fighting a battle against socialism and drastically changing culture, and calling out the PTW (Powers That Were). Yes, the US is a melting pot and gained strength by having many determined people come together and assimilate. Strength has always been from coming together respectfully, sharing ideas and sharing in the collective (even if we have our own individual beliefs differ). However, the PTW are promoting division, and destroying those respectful collaborations.
Why has it been made illegal in Neu Zee Lund to have a copy of the video or discuss this on social media and in other areas of the world, it is still being shown? I see this as twofold. One, they want emotions high so whatever type of law is put out there will be accepted easily, even if rights of law abiding people are taken. I hear "in times like this, it is easy to let emotions override logic" (just think about that statement).
I'm not sure if it is still visible in other areas (I get the internet is being scrubbed), but I see it was done to keep the hatred between race/religion alive. Deep down the PTW want us fighting because you cannot fight them if you are fighting each other.
(On last bit I got while doing the video, I don't care to see any part of this again, but get that there is some confirmation via shadows or voice or even a visual of there being more than one person involved???)
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love, light and healing to all those in Neu Zee Lund.
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The bodies in the corners of the prayer room were already dead by the time he entered. There was also a magazine on the ground before he arrived that he later picked up and loaded into his weapon. Thanks for this Lynn. Crazy times.
Thank you for shedding light on these things. You are protected.
The traces of other perps on the video is the real reason the PTW are in a frenzy to scrub it from the internet. They are crazy afraid someone will see proof that the official narrative is false.
Thank you again Lynn for showing us the real story behind it all!!!
Thanks Lynn. I had a similar impression. In the video, the suspect appeared to be shooting blanks or maybe it was a simulation as some have suggested. Also, the guy looked like a bit of an incompetent yahoo, shooting up his car windshield and going back and forth between his vehicle and the mosque to get another gun. It seems like he was instructed to just show up after the killing for the purpose of making the video for public consumption? I also wonder if the whole video wasn't a fake because of some of the inconsistencies on the video (like the weird soundtrack). Also, on CNN, I heard one of the news anchors talking about rivers of blood in the mosque although not really evident in the video.
After reading most of the manifesto, I got the impression that it was written by someone (or a group) high up in the CIA or some secretive globalist organization who is more interested in gun confiscation and birth rates. It also seemed too well written and knowledgeable to be penned by some crazy mass murderer (although it's possible the guy is more intelligent than he appears to be).
I currently live there now Lynn and in Nu zee land we dont have this racism issue towards muslims etc. The country is very different. So what it has done is bring us closer together..This country is a country of hunters and fishermen etc..so they wouldn't really wipe out guns, as there will be a big uproar, it will be more on the semi automatic weapons, tweaking it. We have yet to see what changes they will make but I dont think this shooting has succeeded in anything really, other than it was bound to happen one day and it happened.
Lynn do you see any other people tied to this shooting arrested, as the main guy is in custody right now.
Nu zee land is a strong country, passive like you say, very different from Australia in general.I just wanted to say though im from elsewhere and have lived here many years, its a very sweet country and has treated me well.
Can you give some insight as to who this mystery person was that came to him to instigate this ? Were the new zealand government in cahoots with this being carried out?
You people are STILL in 3D!
@Alice: Good observation... I knew it felt really wrong, but I didn't want to watch it again to tap into why. Even thinking on it, maybe I was blocked to it.. I think there is even more to why this video is off..
@Unknown: I completely agree. I kept seeing "feet" when I was tuned into it. Like the camera would pan down and you would see their feet or shoes.
@Denise: I agree with so much of what you said. It was just really off.
@Suhail: I do see it being tied to the govt... Didn't see a face or name, but they looked like a black shadown when they spoke.
PS: Not sure about you guys, but google is making it hard to leave comments (and this is my blog). I have to go through 100 picture matching exercises. I can't figure out how to turn it off, so my apologies. I will work on it later as it is super annoying.
Based on audio analysis, audio was added into the soundtrack. It's evident from a patch of NO ambient sound right before the gunfire when there should always be a level of ambient sound. #DeepFake https://www.facebook.com/chunkmusic/posts/10157236983182048
Thanks! Slightly off-topic but recent study confirms that safari tourists who invade wild life habitat with Jeeps and LandRovers do harm to animals! It´s quite obvious but turism industry always tried to hide it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/safari-tourism-elephants-south-africa-study-aggression-a8831786.html
The anti-terrorist police coincidentally had an exercise nearby the same day it happened. Of course, they knew it was gonna happen. Every detail of this event stinks conspiracy.
Fighting socialism. It sounds more like global fascism.
The shooting sequence is really poorly staged, victims were laying in a dead pile waiting for Tarrant as he walked into the room before he even started shooting, looked like they had been killed by some other perp already. None of the frantic commotion, screaming and running you would see if he was the first person to attack them.
@Alice: Thanks for sharing that. I had not hear that yet.
@Watch: Thanks for sharing this.
@enlightened: Really, that further supports that things aren't right. I appreciate you sharing. I guess those that are interested have some other things we can search up on this..
@EA RW: I know..
@Unknown: I agree. Lots didn't add up or feel right..
Thank you Lynn! For those interested, the king of false flag analysis Ole Dammegard was interviewed about the incident earlier this week. His observations and dot-connections are always very interesting. https://youtu.be/wLoz5mQtXuo
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