Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Significance of the "Vector" in Space Program Emblems

Q.  Lynn, I just came across a video that talks about how the "vector" is shown within many (if not most) space program emblems regardless of the country or program.  Can you look at it and see what you think?  This does feel like symbology at play, but what is is symbolizing?  There are lots of theories out there.  Some are innocent, and some not so innocent.. I'm curious of your perspective.  Thanks. 

Video that got me thinking:

A.  When I look at this, I do see the synchronicity of the "vector" in multiple emblems dealing with space and space exploration (I will share some here, and I encourage you to browse through the attached video).  What I wanted to know was why and what did it REALLY mean, as nothing is left to chance... 

UN Map (Note the surrounding Vectors)
As I started to think about it, the big thing that came to me was to look at the United Nations map.  I got that there are many "truths" hidden in plain sight within this emblem.  It nagged at me until I pulled it up and saw the image.  As I looked at it, even it had several "vectors" surrounding the map itself.  These aren't leaves or branches, they are "vectors." I heard and simultaneously had a realization that in our physical form "we really are trapped here, and surrounded/guarded by ETs."  I then saw these "vectors" to be "ships" that are outside earth's firmament.  To clarify, the "vectors" are symbols for the ET crafts that are around earth at all times, sometimes closer than others, but still there.  The governments know this to be true, but again, hide the truth in plain sight for all to see.

Image of ET Craft (note the shape)
My mind next goes to, "who are the beings and what are they doing?"  I somewhat expected to see the Avians, so I was surprised to see the Dog ETs (from Sirius) that were banned from earth a long time ago with the battle of Enlil and Enki.  They look as though they are out there, guarding at a distance.  It is true and the Avians, Pleiadians and Archons (sadly) are out there, but there is a presence from our early history there as well.  They all look to be far at an orbit and living in tolerance of one another, waiting on the moment (disclosure).  when they can come to the ground.   This symbol on the emblems looks like a disclosure, without verbalizing the "disclosure" itself.  

The next thing I ask myself is "when is disclosure going to happen?"  I get it is slowly happening. The interesting thing is that even though it isn't in the media, I get that disclosure (to some extent) in in the collective consciousness, and people are waking up, expanding their minds and opening up to ideas that they many have not previously considered.  Disclosure looks to happen from both the inside out (through a subconscious awakening) and externally through signs and subtle hints.  They are helping guide their own disclosure since the PTW (Powers That Were) insist on suppressing it.  I don't see an "official" disclosure for a few more years, but we are progressing in the right direction.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn

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Amanda Nicolich said...

What do dog ETs look like? Are they good?

Raymond said...

It's easy to see the double meaning of the vector and the olive branches after you look at it again. But, I never saw it before.

If all the space agencies have vectors, is it because they copied each other's flags when new agencies were established? Or is there an agreement between nations that space agency flags will contain a vector to project a subliminal message?

Do the vectors represent anything on the flags? Do they point to a specific direction or does the size of the angle represent something unique to each symbol?

Thanks Lynn !

daisy said...

One of the Mandela effects for me and others is the vector sign replacing the capital A in many logos as in Samsung, Kia, and other local product names. This seems the best explanation for it appearing now.
Thank you, Lynn.

TruthSeeker999 said...

Why aliens never mentioned in any holy books?
I am christian since I was born, and aliens existence REALLY changed my life.

Why no pastors and priests talk about aliens in churches?
Are you really sure 100000000% in the existence of the aliens?

@Watch said...

@Amanda: I can´t tell you exactly how they look but I can assure one thing: they don´t bark! ;)

Neeraj said...

Thanks Lynn for the reading. Is this how Dog ET look like (check 2.22 min) from movie
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets opening scene:-

Who is the Most evolve ET race out of Avians, Pleiadians, Dog ETs, Cat ETs?

Neeraj said...

According to Grayham Forscutt‎ (Galactic Astrologer) global landing event will happen around 2032/2033. He is of the opinion that by the same time Human Race will be function as single organism. whats your opinion Lynn?

Arthur said...

I love symbolism! Also, Star Trek's logo is a vector and a lot of speculation that Star Trek is also a 'soft' disclosure of sorts...
Regarding disclosure of the ETs, I believe that a lot of them are already here, amongst us to awaken humanity. It is only through the collective conscious' raising of their awareness and vibration and through further awakening that disclosure will happen sooner than anticipated. Remember, when the collective conscious wants disclosure NOW, with pure intent, then the ETs will show themselves. So, the more humans awaken and WANT disclosure, then our calls will be answered. Ask and you SHALL receive. :-)

EA RW said...

I also heard another explanation about the UN flag that I find very interesting.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Amanda: As I see them, imagine 2 arms, 2 legs, stand upright, but their face is what is strange. They have an elongated nose, squared off ears (in the same location as human, but human's are more rounded) and they have "peach fuzz" all over their skin. Think of a werewolf (best thing I can relate to), but not as hairy (and more of a peach fuzz look).

@Raymond: I see it in general as symbolism, but didn't get specifics as to direction or location. It was more about acknowledging that they exist.

@daisy: The Mandela Effect experience is interesting! Thanks for sharing.

@Truthseeker: I do believe in them, but if we acknowledge them after so much time it will change so many paradigms. I do feel like they are referenced, just not discussed. You can even see them depicted in artwork. I did a quick search and found this which may be interesting.

@Neeraj: This isn't exactly how I saw them... I did try to explain some to Amanda above.. I hope this helps. I know it can be confusing.

@Arthur: Great message. Thanks for the comments!

@EARW: Thanks for the info. I will check it out!

Thanks again for the comments, everyone!

Robert Schoen said...

Really great post and liked all the comments a lot. The Vector ships in photos also look like wishbones in shape, very organic. Bet these vectors can be found in Hieroglyphics and other pictogram languages as vestiges of ancient past knowledge. Wonder if they are connected to Christianity's winged "angels" They did depict flying saucers in renaissance paintings.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: That is an interesting point. Thank you for sharing!

Robert Schoen said...

The more I thought about the organic shape of these Vectors, the more they remided me of the Sylphs which most of us can see outlined in the beautiful wing-like cloud formations as they eat Chemtrails and the sky turns a beautiful blue. I really am believing there is a firmamant and the array of these protective "vectors" are related to and mirror the more visible Sylphs below. Maybe we really are in God's terrarium or "Nursery" with Vectors and Sylphs protecting us until we humans get our act together and stop destroying ourselves and the planet.