Monday, January 14, 2019

Ego: To Embrace or Release

Q.  Many philosophers regard the letting go of the ego as the ultimate goal of life. But at the same time, isn't it the ego that incites us to engage in and invest in the physical world, which in turn is responsible for our spiritual evolution? So if we all denounced our ego, we wouldn't learn anything from the physical world?

So, what it all boils down to is: How can you tell a sound and healthy engagement and emotional investment in the physical world (if such a thing is at all possible), from a negative ditto, where you become locked up in feelings of anger or grieve tied to the physical world?

A.   It is true that ego can be your friend, and your enemy, sometimes both at the same time.  Ego drives the physical, 3D actions and emotions on earth.  Success, greed, fortitude and grit all stem from a trigger within our ego.  Specifically, emotions such as failure, fear, judgments, success and accomplishments are tied to the ego, and spark the trigger for the actions creating the success, greed, etc.  

Letting go of the ego enables for a greater spiritual evolution because the fears, judgement, rational mind opinions, and doubts don't weigh you down.  These "emotions" can lower vibrations and make it more difficult to open up and experience the Source connectedness.  To ascend to the next level, much of the ego has to be released and replaced with humility and gratitude.

So in looking at the question, the best thing I can say is that ego, like everything, needs to be handled in balance.  We are spiritual beings living a 3D, so we need to experience 3D things such as a battle of ego, but then also know when to dismiss it when it is not in your greater good.  

For example, ego may make you competitive, wanting to be better, improving yourself, etc.  If you try, and are honest with yourself, and fail, that is when you need to dismiss your ego and forgive yourself (which is a very powerful, high vibrational emotion).  Even though ego can be a positive element in creating goals and drive, it is important to know when it isn't serving you, and you need to set it aside.  

In our 3D world, finding that balance is truly the ultimate goal of life.  You are still following your path, completing life lessons to grow and expand through experience, while spiritually evolving without the challenges the ego puts in place.   Both the 3D and spiritual aspects of our being are important in the evolutionary process.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

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