Friday, November 9, 2018

Enlil and the Old Testament

Q.  Hot button, here!  Is Enlil the real Old Testament God? And does that make the followers of that collection of chapters the tools of Enlil who allegedly hates humanity and is no doubt pissed that some survived the flood? (That didn't work, so let's try again by trying to incite everyone to kill each other off? 

That could explain a lot of our history, though I don't think it's a good thing in the Karmic scheme of things to have been 'CHOSEN' by the likes of Enlil, (not that I like Enki any better.) I've been reviewing the Epic of Gilgamesh again, and it's older than the Bible, so. . .
A.  When I tune into this, and flash back to my previous reading (outlined below), I do get that Enlil and Enki were both beings described as "gods" in the old testament.  I have not read the Epic of Gilgamesh, but get there are two opposing figures or an enemy of Enlil, which is Enki.  The Epic of Gilgamesh may describe this literally or symbolically, but there is definitely a struggle of powers. They weren't always enemies, but started to compete over battles of power.  

The battle described between them was the second major battle on earth that shaped the existence of people.  The first was the battle of the humanoid cat and dog ETs, in which they were banished from earth.  At the end of the first battle, the Reptilians went underground, where they stayed for many centuries.  During the rule of Enki and Enlil, they remained underground; however, I get they when Enlil left he gave the Reptilians permission to come to the surface.  As a punishment for those humans left behind, Enlil allowed the Reptilians to do what was necessary to keep the humans under control and their consciousness from rising.  

Enlil wanted to purge the earth to start over, but since that was not allowed, his goal was to "punish" those behind by helping to create a "consciousness trap."  I have always seen that the Reptilians took over after the battle of the cat and dog ETs, but I didn't know "who" gave them the permission or "how" it happened until I saw this play out.  The Reptilian desire for power and control (and no checks and balances to stop them) created their ruthless manipulation, but it was Enlil that made it easy.  Enlil's only requirement was that the Reptilians needed permission from humans to lead their control, and it was up to the Reptilians to determine how to get this permission.  The Reptilians realized a "truth in plain sight" method was the easiest, and if humans knew the truth and didn't object, it was the same as implied permission.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-

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Link to previous reading 7/21/14:
Q. Who was Enki and Enlil? What was their role, if any in creating humans on Earth?  Is Enlil blocking our knowledge of the things we know today?
A. The first thing I get when I focus on them is that there is something off with the names.. As if these gods (or aliens) did exist, they came to earth, but the names feels like a place holder and they were either said differently, spelled differently or existed in tones that our human vocal chords cannot say.  I get they came to earth after humans were already here (I see an image of them communicating mentally with the humans).  I cannot see they created humans, but there was definitely a connectedness with their consciousness- as if in some way they (Enki, Enlil and humans) were all connected in a spiritual/psychic/subconscious level.
I see the Enki and Enlil came to earth to lay claim to portions of it.  (I get an image of Columbus laying claim to America- not really owning it, or even having rights to it, but claiming it as his own).- This feels like the same thing.
They came here for resources and a haven from home, with no real right or ownership, but took command.  Enki ruling the land and water, and Enlil controlling the air and atmosphere.  They did a good job of keeping balance for all life, and earth had a "good feel" to it during their rule.
Something then happened that tilted the scale.  The balance of energy became off (jealously, control, competition??).  I see the weather was effected, and therefore, life was effected too.  I see air infiltrating the earth (like a downspin of air causing huge waves in the water, and winds damaging earth).  I also see the earth and water trying to infiltrate the air in the form of volcanoes and flooding.
The imbalance was hostile, angry and detrimental to earth overall.  As I see this hostile atmosphere I get that there was a debate about the humans that were there.  One god/alien wanted to wipe the earth clean and start over (of which he would have been a part of), and the other god/alien wanted to save earth and felt with the guidance or interference humans could be redirected- they needed some kind of enlightenment, or energy come over them that would increase the density / vibration that we lived in... 
The battle between these two gods/aliens lasted a long time until someone else came in and intervened (I am looking at Orions belt and I want to say Zeus??).  I get it was a powerful, strong god/alien.  They were both forced to retreat by Zeus? and his small army that followed. (There is also an importance of the sun, or a god affiliated with the sun that was very influential in this peaceful retreat as well. The emotions are intense, and the sun feels very relevant, but didn't see it clearly..)
After the retreat, earth regained balance and life resumed.  There was a lot of loss of life, but those that survived were strong, and a repopulation began to occur.
Q. Is Enlil blocking our knowledge of the things we know today?
A. I do get we are being blocked, but my bigger question is "why?"  I get it has to do with the punishment of not being wiped out and allowing a fresh start of a new type of human.  We were unruly and in Enlil's eyes destroying earth.  We evolved from being submissive, to more analytical.  We were evolving in a way that was not approved.  Since they were forced into retreat, the way to punish the humans is to block them from the truth.  It stunts their spiritual growth- it is possible, and you can grow, but it is harder (I get an image of walking through mud, as if that is what it feels like on some people's spiritual journey to enlightenment..). 
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  


Lori said...

I think we would have been way better off with the cats ET. But we got the bad & ugly ones... Sad. I want them off of our planet and solar system and galaxy.

Karoline said...

Wonderful reading. Lynn, who are these atrocious beings (Enlil & Enki)? What race of aliens? Do they still exist? Do the cat & dog race still live? Also, do you know if any human soul may have participated in that great battle as aliens? For instance, maybe your soul resided in cat race and was there when battle took place?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Lori: I know what you mean. It would be interesting to know how it could have been different (or would they have ultimately turned out that way too...)

@Karoline: I feel they can from a system in Orion. I do not see that these beings are still around (or at least come around). The cats and dogs are very much alive though! I don't see that humans were involved in their battle in the physical form, but yes in a more spiritual form... Great questions- thank you!

EA RW said...

So what did humans do to get stuck in the same level of conciousness and what has happened in the meantime since some of us are opening up to higher levels of conciousness?
Who or what decides this...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@EA RW: We actually decide and control our own consciousness. We sort of allowed them to keep us low, but more and more people are now awakening..

Pissed said...

I asked this question to The Council previously and they said yes, Enki is the old testament god.