A. When I look at this, I get the internal compass (instincts) were off within these animals. As I look at it closer, I see that as true north shifts (and I see an image of an earth and as it wobbles like a top, true north is not always true north- it wobbles), and the magnetosphere is being tugged due to planetary objects above. The currents and temperatures within the currents are being altered. Animals on a collective get rerouted, and their instincts pull them into waters they would not normally go into.

A. I get this is tied to some kind of gang activity. I hear the phrase "They see themselves as the Jack the Ripper of the feline world." It looks tied to gang hazing or acceptance to be part of the gang. I get the police have no real leads, and rather than look at this as a gang activity, they feel to be focused or distracted in the wrong direction. I also see that there is a tell-tale they are overlooking, something with the ears or something they are doing to the ears (a tattoo, mark or notch??). I cannot see it being resolved and the group being discovered in the short term, but I do see it eventually stopping (the gang seems to stop???). It is like they want to leave a mark and stop before they are caught???
Q. Hello Lynn, I just finished watching The Staircase on Netflix. Could you please shed some light on what really happened? Did Michael Peterson kill his wife, Or was it just a terrible accident? Thank you so much.
A. I did watch a few episodes to get in the zone, and I wanted to be able to focus on this. I must admit when I was done watching this, the energy of the situation stuck with me no matter how hard I tried to disconnect from it. When I went to bed later that night, she showed herself to me (standing in my room). I had a difficult time understanding why she was there, and her vibe was very off. I could tell with her actions and appearance she had a lot of mental imbalance going on. She had a very difficult time trying to convey any type of a message to me, and the way she stood there made me uncomfortable. I realized (somehow intuitively??) she was battling a mental imbalance (on mind altering meds???) and somehow that combined with alcohol made her unsteady on her feet and she fell. It wasn't instant, and I get she tried to get up a few times, but was so out of it, she kept falling and slipping in her own blood, and hit her head several times. By the time she was found, her husband freaked out and handled the situation in an "out of operation" type manner. Then I hear "you cannot image how you react until you find yourself in that situation. It is easy to judge, but not so easy to live in the experience." This does look like a total freak accident.
Q. Hi Lynn, I am feeling VERY STRANGE after having just watched this - to me, it's not just magic, it's actual possession. And if true, what's worse, is, it's generating great interest....directly, not hidden subliminally in music, in fashion, in whatever...here it is, in plain sight.... would love your feedback and hoping it's a hoax, but the judges and entire room are freaked out and too much of what she 'performs' from start to finish of the video seems to be saturated in dark vibes. Look forward to your thoughts so I can sleep tonight!!
A. I do get this is a darker "illusion." I see an image of David Blaine and see she works in the same way. The head twitching is part of her act to aid in the distraction to complete her performance. She creates the "creepy" vibe to intensify the shock factor and get emotions invested. Overall, great performer and try to keep the same perspective as you would while watching a horror movie (can only effect you if you let it, and stay in the mindset that it is only entertainment).
Q. I am noticing an overwhelming increase in women having chest pains and cardiac problems over this past couple months. Women that are in their 30,s 40's and 50's. Is there something going on?
A. People that are sensitive to energies are having a hard time with Wave X blasts that we are continually getting. The heart chakra looks to take the biggest hit from the energy waves we are experiencing (it hits you in the chest first). The energy usually runs down through the root, or up through to the crown, but if it gets stuck, it effects the heart. (As a disclaimer, I'm not a doctor.) If you notice someone feeling things in their chest (starts as tightness or a panic feeling) encourage them to ground themselves (as long as they are medically sound and open to it). They need to move the energy rather than let it pool up in the chest.
Q. Hi Lynn, I did a search for Harry Potter books on here and nothing came up. Have you never looked into them or do I need to search with different key words? I was just curious about your take on them. I love them, but I have a few very fundamental friends who insist they are satanic. So, whenever I'm curious about things I go to your site. I trust the insights you get. Thanks for what you do!
A. I've never read these books, but I've been exposed to them. I do not see them as satanic, but rather encouraging kids to believe in their gifts. It is about understanding what you naturally have and using it for good. People that try to take gifts that are given and discourage them, are trying to encourage people to suppress themselves (out of fear that they will grow, expand and question "things.")
Q. Hi Lynn, I recently had a thought that gave me anxiety and a kind of panicky feeling. I thought maybe getting some insight from you would give me some clarity and/or comfort. I want to know why some people have to experience extremely painful events such as being burned alive or tortured. This has been my worst fear as pain is something I never dealt well with at all and I wish we didn’t experience that feeling.
Do the people who experience these events agree to do this before incarnating? Is it some sort of karmic debt? Or does it just happen because of free will?
A. We do agree to certain life experiences when we incarnate. It could be to help you overcome fears, phobias, break cycles, grow and expand. It could be to resolve a karmatic debt or reset a balance. We do have free will, and if you intend to feel pain, you will feel it regardless of what you "agreed" to, but otherwise it truly is part of your life path. It is important to remember that the Universe doesn't see "pain," it sees experience, and what you do with that experience is the fundamental lesson.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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'The universe doesn't see pain, it sees experience, and what you do with that experience is the fundamental lesson'.
Very nicely said and this is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Sometimes you get stuck and can't seem to move forward from painful events. I'm at a point where certain things have happened (not necessarily physical pain, emotional) and I am thinking do I want to continue to get bitter or get better. It's my choice.
Thank you for the section about chest pains. I have been having this a lot, have had it for years in fact, and the doctors and hospital tests could find nothing. I hate that they might see me as a hypochondriac or complainer, when all the advice is obviously to take chest pains seriously. I even wondered recently if I'd inhaled something that was affecting my lungs. I have always had a tough time with heart chakra issues anyway, but I will try your approach when I do my pre-sleep meditations and yoga sessions. Thank you, it'as nice to know I'm not the only one!
I also have a comment about painful / traumatic situations, though I don't want this to sound dismissive at all. It's just something many people don't know about. The body has its own opioid system, which in mental health is called Dissociation and can be very disruptive and disturbing when it happens at the wrong times. But it's actually how we try to numb pain. Emotional pain and physical pain are received in the same way, and it can trigger a flood of painkiller. When we are struck by a sudden extreme event, we go numb and spaced out and everything feels like a dream, in slow motion but at some remove.
Some of us are better at this than others (it's totally automatic and unconscious) and it's why people who can't 'do' dissociation resort to drugs like heroin instead. But it does mean that when horrific events occur, in the moment, they may not be as bad as we understandably fear. If it ends in death, it may not be experienced so badly in the moment as we imagine. The real torture in those cases is when you survive and in the long term the horror keeps coming back to you.
I hope sunshine blues can move through the pain and enjoy life again. Allow it to pass through, don't judge it or force it.
@Sunshine blues and the person who asked the 'pain' question.
Most people don't have the consciousness to feel what they do to others because they view each other as separate beings. In past lives, they tortured other people/animals for selfish gains, so in order for their consciousness to grow to a higher level, they would have to be on the receiving end.
If it is really free will, NOBODY would want to choose a life of death under torture, bomb attack etc, their souls need to experience what they did to others not as punishment but for their consciousness/vibration to grow so that they won't make the same mistake again. This is one of the spiritual laws unless you want to be stuck at a lower level consciousness forever.
I love these group question sessions. Very interesting about the beached whales as this has happened often in the past also with dolphins, so it might mean things and magnetic north might be always in flux, and if so why doesn't this effect human navigation?
I didn't see the Netflix show but remember the suspect had another woman in his past die from falling down the stairs. It would really be remarkable this coincidence if the wife's death was the accident you see. Maybe it was a resonating part of his life's contract.
In terms of the energies and chest pains...
...BREATHE THROUGH THE PAIN and think "SOURCE" on each inhalation.
Do this till it subsides.
However, if you think you're having an actual emergency, go to the ER. Better safe than sorry. Even *I* went to the ER (twice, actually) because I wasn't sure.
Thanks so much for the comments!
@Kalamota: You are so right about the body, and how it tries to process and even somewhat protect you from the pain. We do have some self defense mechanisms. I do see emotions (even pain) as something to honor because it does serve a purpose, and then let is purge. That may sound counter-intuitive, but if you see it that way, it does help you find inner peace.
@Robert: I do see that to a point our rhythms can get really off. Our technology keeps us from being lost, but our bodies can most definitely get our of sync.
Thanks again everyone!
Thank you for this reading..they always seem to come at the perfect time for me.
I have been having issues with my heart as well. I went camping on the weekend and had no issues get back into the city and bang it starts again.
Yes, the body is an amazing thing I was in a horrific car accident as a teenager. My pelvis was smashed to pieces and I had broken my leg. I was laying in a ditch and just looked at my flattened body BUT I never felt one ounce of pain. It was just like a dream. I was able to talk to people (even though the looks on their faces were horrible) and was very aware of my surroundings. The ambulance attendants came to visit me a couple of weeks later in the hospital to see how I was doing, I asked them where the woman was, they just looked at me and said there was no woman. I swear there was a woman with me in the ambulance I can't remember our conversation but she was very comforting. As time has passed and I reflect back on it I knew getting into the car something terrible was going to happen but I still got in. I guess I needed to suffer to learn life lessons.
Harry Potter is a tool being used to wake people up. The new(old) age is in motion! :-)
Your post was very interesting, Susan Miles. I hope that you did not suffer traumatic flashbacks after the recovery period had passed. The mysterious woman sounds like one of those angel manifestations that pop up in 'normal human' mode.
I felt I should add something to my previous post. It's just as possible to become addicted to our disassociation 'hits' as it is to the corresponding drugs. That's why people who are really messed up keep repeating seemingly self destructive behaviour, like self harming, BDSM, and even the cycle of domestic violence. People don't become compulsive about the drama or pain itself, but rather the druggy hit that naturally results. I think if more people were aware of what was driving their destructive and apparently irrational cycles they'd find the key to breaking the habit.
Kalamota Kook - actually I have had no traumatic flashbacks ever..I did have emotional/mental issues just due to the trauma and how awful some people treated me...but with the love and support of my family, therapists, my true friends and lots of praying I got through it. It's amazing how the body can heal when you are determined and positive.
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Have an awesome day!!!
Great reading, just on the subject of Harry Potter there is a theory that JK Rowling didn't solely write all the books, and was a figure head for a group of writers. Is there any truth to this? Cheers
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