A. I get that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not able to remote view. To remote view you have to allow yourself to spiritually connect to another remote area, and this technique isn't able to be replicated via AI means. It requires the existence of a pure energy that AI do not possess. To add to this (because it is coming through and I want to share), AI also are not capable of performing psychic attacks or mind control alone (even though they can help to amplify an attack that was instigated by a [human] being).
Q. What is special about the pyramid near Mt Denali, Alaska? It has to be special or the government would not insist that it be shaded out on google maps. Supposedly, UFO's have been seen there and a portal exists in the area.
A. I have seen this pyramid before (and I have even seen it upside down??). I get there is something very special about this area. As I approach this a little deeper, I realize there is a portal between two worlds there (and depending on how I approach the view, I am sometimes on this side of the portal, and sometimes on the other, and THAT is why I may see it differently due to my perspective).
A very strong portal does look to be there, and many crafts use this portal. It isn't limited to just one ET group, but rather several. As I try to determine where the portal goes (other star system, planet, moon, etc..), I keep seeing Jupiter and the moons of Jupiter appear. I am understanding this is a "jump" between the outer solar system and here. Earth is "resource rich" and beings want to come here to explore, observe and extract whatever it is they may need. I am hearing this is why they use underground bases- they don't just hide or live there, they mine materials they need.
Q. I know people can reach their pets psychically, but can pets reach higher planes as well?
As I refer to the lower realms, they can see low vibe beings, but they typically don't attach. The main goal of a low vibe being is to be heard, so the low vibe entities try to work through humans that can speak and act for them. They can taunt a pet, and use the pet as a way to get to the human, but won't try to attach to the pet itself (most times).
Q. On July 16, 2018 you made a comment about vibrations and that if you pray out loud, the vibrations create a greater intent than if they are spoken silently.
A. It is true that when you speak out loud you are strengthening the intent. You are thinking it, speaking it, hearing it and feeling the vibration. You can express intent through thought alone, but in times where you need to be more commanding (like saying a mantra for protection, or saging your home), it makes the thought more direct and confident.
I don't see that the meaning has been lost, it is just reinforced in ways people of influence prefer it to be used. Yes, people in power know the strength of our words, especially when spoken, and that is why we are encouraged to recite and repeat certain things during certain times (some good, and some not so good). When a group repeats and recites, it creates an energy that taps into the collective, and leaders are aware of that as well.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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Folks, portals exist EVERYWHERE (natural ones). Not just in special places. They are all over the place. I won't say specifically where until after The Event.
BTW, that comment was for everyone else, not Lynn. She already knows this. ;)
Lynn, is that AK pyramid a merkaba? (One pyramid inverted on another.)
A Man called Da-da - in your opinion, when is the Event?
" !!! *SOON* !!! "
@Dada: I guess you could say it is one pyramid over another, but oddly, you can only see one half in each dimension (in 3D is is one way, and as you come to 3D you see it a different way) ... Strange but really cool at the same time.
Yeah, that sounds like a merkaba, but in this case it's probably to focus energy down in each direction, like a funnel. Interestingly, all "galactic" civs see pyramids the exact opposite to the way we do: that is, upside-down. The upside-down pyramid/triangle represents SOURCE at the top (the long side being SOURCE, as well as infinity), the lower parts the various levels you have to ascend to get to SOURCE. Only on earth would you find man glorified over SOURCE.
@Hulsie ~ No idea. As the CATs say... technically, The Event is happening RIGHT NOW. The "big one" everyone's anticipating could happen today... it could happen next fall. No one's quite sure. Rather frustrating, I know, but we're simply not allowed to know exactly when.
Da-Da..... When you say portals exist everywhere, are they portals to the underworld and Heaven? Or portals to skip to other places on Earth or perhaps even the Moon and other planets? Do you have any idea when the 'Event' will occur? Or a timeline of events that occur before the big one?
I don't know if you have ever read Penetration by Ingo Swann. Ingo was one of the original members of Stargate and probably one of the best Remote Viewers we had at the time. Penetration is a book of fiction but it was based loosely on his RV experiences.
If you don't have time to read the whole book (160 pages,) just read chapter nine; page 64.
It relates to an experience he had in Alaska.
I wonder what kind of results we would get, if everyone prayed the same prayer, at the same time; across the country?
Thanks for your blog Lynn !
If there are natural portals everywhere, why have humans not found them yet to travel to other planets or star systems? Do different portals allow travel to different planets or all portals gives a common exit in space? How do aliens know which portal to use to travel to different planets/star system?
@Alex ~ Humans have found some, but now we don't make it public, as the PTW learned how to 'poison the stream' if you will. Other beings and spirits use these portals all the time. They understand how they work and go wherever they want.
@Raymond ~ There is no underworld. There is no Heaven, per se. There are millions of variants! I won't go into all the lower levels/dimensions stuff, but there are lots of places *inside* the earth (it's not hollow, exactly, more honeycombed) where nice humanoids live... and some not nice. And there are a BAZILLION places higher than this one that qualify as Heaven -- SO many that the word loses all meaning... unless you yourself project a classic "Heaven" onto your in-between life, as the model. Then, you get harps and clouds and all that stuff... but like Shakespeare said, "It changes even as your mind." Best to be open-minded and take it as it is -- which will be more amazing than any concept of Heaven could ever be. As for portals, they go literally wherever you want to go, provided you're advanced enough to use the "Portal Transit System." As for The Event... pfft, no idea. Either tomorrow or a year from now. Very frustrating. As for a timeline of events prior, go look at:
They have all that stuff there in various posts.
@Alex ~ Sorry, I should have also said that humans aren't advanced enough to use the portals. They have a very high entry speed that we can't manage without being so much raspberry jam; however, you can use the portals astrally, if you know how. They go literally everywhere in the omniverse. (It's a rather big subject.) Advanced ETs just know how to use the system because they've been around longer... but at the next level, it's not so much that there are different ETs, as we're all then seen as Universal Beings, all connected, all ONE. When you reach that level, you can just tell the portal where you want to go... and you go.
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