A. The PTB, PTW and Cabal are interchangeable terms that refer to the same groups of people. These are the people that have gained powerful influence through fear, money and illusion of control. These people often hide in the shadows, masking who they are while they pull their puppet strings. Perception will become our reality, and our words have power (spell casting is very real). The transition of saying that the "Powers Be" alludes they are actively in control, but by phrasing them in the past tense, "Powers Were" exudes the vibe that we the people are taking our control back. Essentially we are using our words to manifest a better reality.
A. I see the 1111 as a confirmation that you were on the right path, and further exploring the path will lead you to truth. I don't see things as coincidence, but rather synchronistic. I get that the GVF, even though labelled as satellite technology / research, is really looking and analyzing ET and UFO activity. The government has paired them with the military to research, study and reverse engineer ET technology.
I see November 11th as significant in that a soft disclosure looks to occur. Some countries will be very open, but others look to try to diminish the news. I do get that if you look for the news, you will be able to see and find validation versus speculation.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Wow, great research on the GVF. Something about that was pinging for me and I spent a good part of the morning looking into it (but got lost in the search results). If the person who asked the question could post any other findings, that would be greatly appreciated.
@Lynn There is a video where it sounds like the car was being hit with bats before it drove into the crowd. In this video you can hear it and the only other time you hear it is when the bat wielding mob catches up to the car after the crash. After the initial thuds, you can just see a guy with a white tank top being tossed in the air (that was the first group the car crashed into). Supposedly an indie journalist spoke with the police who told her that the car had dents in it that occurred prior to the crash. Most postings of this video, cut off the beginning, but here is the long version. https://twitter.com/LucidHurricaneX/status/897246076528463872
@Alice Liu, Thanks for the link to those videos. The two most posted taken from the back and front both have fingers blocking the key point of impact. There is so much that has been uncovered proving this was a fake psy-op event I think the Mayor and Governor maybe charged with murder. There is photo proof some of those pro-statue marchers with black and white shields later masked as Antifa with the shields covered by black trash bags with the black and white shield seen at a tear. The group screaming "Blood and Soil" the driver was connected to is tied to the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi group John McCain is such buddies with and connected to Clinton as well. The whole thing stinks and hopefully will be exposed.
here's two links that provide some interesting overviews. They can't cant away with these kind of events in the era of cell phones and citizen investigators.
I am favoriting this page. Please keep it up, because events may happen that need these comments to explain. :-)
Nobody died at Charlottesville. Period. They faked the death, just like they fake all the other deaths in these endless psyops.
@Admin, hope you're right. It was done on Soros' birthday so it was a nice present to him even if he paid for it himself. Soros funded to color revolutions of many countries and purple was his symbol which is why the clintons wore it at their concession speech. The photographer of one of the crash videos was a politician who got $250,000 from Soros, so there's that. There is some evidence there were two nearly identical events done with the same actors: a practice run (maybe the one I earlier referred to with the hands covering lens at the point of impact) and the real shot, that would also provide a patsy car to be found as the other got away. THe following Youtube has a lot of good info and says the two pilots were friends of the governor, so maybe they now got a big payday and new names. I still feel it would be great all the principals could be put away for murder even if it was fake.
Agreed, this event is/feels like a psyop. At first I thought it was merely a simple trap set-up to make the so-called alt-right look bad but it's much more elaborate than this. I'm not sure if anyone has investigated the state troopers that were allegedly killed in the helicopter crash but when I saw their photos posted something felt off to me, as if I'd seen their photos somewhere else before this incident. Maybe I'm off-base here but I'd be interested to hear other peoples' impressions.
Here's a link to their photos: www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/08/14/ntsb-no-distress-call-or-post-crash-fire-in-helicopter-crash-that-killed-2-virginia-state-police-troopers/
Robert Schoen, although I do go by facts and research, I simply look at the official photos of the supposedly dead people and I can tell right away that they are part of a psyop. I can spot deception in their eyes and facial expressions. The woman supposedly killed is some sort of government/NGO operative. I can just tell by looking at her photo. She's definitely not dead. I'm not 100% sure about the police officers supposedly killed, but I can tell from their official photos that they are both deceptive and corrupt, and they were the wrong age to be in a helicopter also. The car lunging for the crowd was staged. I can tell by the facial expressions and body language of the crowd. It's a borderline psychic ability I have. I only have to see video or photos, and I can instantly tell you whether something was a psyop or not. This was a pysop.
@Robert Schoen--I just read your comments after I posted mine.
Also, most of the "white nationalist" (whatever the heck that is) crowd were actors--people hired or volunteered to play the part of white supremacists. They were clean cut, clean shaven, baby soft skin, with new haircuts. They were also carrying Walmart tiki torches, which was a dead giveaway of a psyop.
Real white supremacists--if there are even any left in the country--are almost universally unshaven, have leathery skin (from working outdoors their entire lives), in dire need of baths, moisturizer, toothpaste, and haircuts. And they most certainly do not carry tiki torches from Walmart, or any torches unless they are planning to burn a cross. LOL, this psyop was geared toward an audience with an IQ of 80 or below.
Denise Christensen, I got the same sense you did when I saw the police photos. They look just like the Sandy Hook state police. It's probably not the same guys, but their photos definitely gave me the impression that the two of them couldn't be trusted. Police get a certain look when they're corrupt. Also, troopers that age are usually not sent up in helicopters. Why would you need two troopers in one helicopter anyway? You only need a pilot, a camera guy, and one cop relaying information to the ground.
Thanks for the comments and sharing. We do live in a world of division and the PTW will stop at nothing to create hate and tear up apart. The comments on Charleston resonate with me as well - total psy-op and very desperate.
@Admin and Denise Christensen, It's really beautiful to see the sharing of both of your insights that join a larger collective intuitive reconstruction of what actually happened with contributions from many others. Lynn's remarkable ability brings us all here to learn and share, and this gives us an idea of what the world can be if we work together instead of against each other. Hopefully we are on the cusp of a big change where others wake up and this insanity ends. It sure is interesting to live through this.
Nobody died in charlottesville and Apparently nobody got arrested either. You people need to stop listening to Alex Jones and stop reading David Icke. Enjoy Civil War 2
Lynn, will psyops like this ever be exposed?
I can feel the energy of truth ramping up and cause & effect happening much faster, but will there ever be something where someone actually breaks through and exposes this side of the shady cabal?
I know we are in a cleansing, but I'm curious as to how things will play out.
@Robert Schoen--thanks for the encouraging words, I agree. In spite of the chaos unfolding around us, I feel strangely excited and hopeful for the future. For years I've been reading about the dimensional shift and now it seems we're finally in the midst of it. I can almost physically see the world splitting into two. It's a bit unsettling but fascinating to witness.
Great insights!
Why bother with the helicopter crash? What was that about?
Thanks, Lynn.
I like what you wrote: "total psy-op and very desperate." I strongly suspect they would only bring their purple color revolution to bear here in the US if they really were starting to feel the heat of their Luciferian plans for the world starting to unravel on multiple fronts.
Funny, as far as I know, I was the one who started calling them the PTW. They are a sad bunch. Be sure to send them light and healing energy.
the 'mother's' license plate was GVF 1122, far too close to be coincidental. I don't think she was the mother at all, nor was the allegedly deceased person whose name is also suspect. The PTB love double letters, Heather Heyer, pronounced 'hire'. Was Heather for hire? They laugh at their 'in plain sight' clues but this time I think the PTB were surprised as the false flag claims came out immediately. And the driver was a professional, I know from experience that he was a trained driver. No one can back up a car at that speed in a straight line, with that many people around, if he was not trained, probably by the CIA. And there's more, the driver and the man arrested are not the same person. There are lots of questions about the car, which was abandoned a few blocks away, not impounded by the police, it was abandoned in the street. As you always say, the truth is in plain sight, we just have to look.
Here is a link to the video of the mother. It seems set up to show the license plate number that @Enlighten Your Life is referring to...almost as if they are making fun of us. Notice the mother's odd body language. Though she is in a wheelchair, she manages to life her butt off the chair without using her arms to prop herself up. In a longer video, she breaks down just a little bit. Being an actress, I can say that what she is doing is very similar to people who have entered the business with very little training. It takes a long buildup to the poorly executed breakdown, and they are very bad at improv. This is what happens when you hire nonunion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UutFKgo72a0&index=4&t=5s&list=FL6vh1A5FSgpQvP--N_PvGPg
Just want to update everyone on the latest developments here on the west coast of Canada. In the wake of Charlottesville (which I now consider a domestic terrorist psyop), our controlled media in Canada is now warning all its citizens about the threat of the Extreme Right and their hate-fueled racism. It's on all the MSM radio and TV stations. Oh yes, suddenly after 100+ years of multi-cultural harmony that we Canadians pride ourselves on(other than the usual treaty disputes with native Indian bands and the increase in gang violence stemming from the illegal drug trade)suddenly we are told there is the threat of white supremacists and whatever other boogeymen exist on the extreme right. In addition, one of our only Conservative news outlets "The Rebel Media" is suddenly being blacklisted and blackmailed. It's all too much of a coincidence for me.
The bottom line is, the PTW (and yes, I believe I heard it here on Lynn's blog first from A Man Called Da-da)want to subvert the growing movement of those most outspoken and opposed to their globalist agenda to destroy sovereign nations and install their One World Government. We must not buy into their lies and become embroiled in protests with our fellow brothers and sisters.
Sorry one last post...I'm not saying racist groups don't exist but in Canada you need a fine tooth comb to see them. Also Rebel Media is being associated with alt-right because it's conservative and opposing our leftist government.
Let's just hope and pray our fellow citizens can see through the charade. I have no doubt that the majority of the so-called white supremacists are actually actors, whether inside or outside the government. The best thing we can do is keep working to wake up our friends and family and to keep calm in spite of the attempts to get us to react emotionally. Slow and steady wins the race. It also helps to NOT watch MSM. Just one minute of those clowns gets my blood boiling. I've had to change my home page because the leftist agenda headlines were too outrageous and upsetting. I now only read news headlines--not articles--on Fox News home page to get the general MSM picture and then I get the details from favorite channels on YouTube--truther channels that I trust. I absolutely refuse to contribute a single advertising penny for MSM. I won't even click on their articles unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks again for all the comments and discussion. I do feel that one day this will all be in the open.. It is just a waiting game, and the PTW know it.
Lynn, sorry, but one more question. How do you define "soft disclosure"? Any idea which countries might pursue this.
I define it as widely known in the alternative media arena (like proof and undeniable) which is further supported by smaller countries openly admitting it (these countries just have to be on the lookout for economic hitmen that will want to take them down).
@Lynn: The deception is already out in the open, in broad daylight, all over the net and in the news. Anyone with a TV, a computer, and internet can see it. So, I'm not really wondering when the world will all know about the scam. They already can.
It's just that 90% or so do not want to know.
So, my question is--When will they change their minds? Will there have to be a mass psychotic break before they do? That's scary, because if you have ever seen someone with a high IQ on total talking points about the "official story" of the day, you know they are in a psychotic state of self hypnosis.
Looking forward to reading any answers. Thank you for this thread. This information is being played out on several fronts.
I was just watching a video last night about the Marxist ideological subversion that has been going on in the US public schools and universities since at least the 60's. All of us who have gone through this system, to one degree or another, have been systematically and intentionally brainwashed with Marxist/communist ideology, cleverly disguised. Depending on our own family and community, some of us are more brainwashed than others. For example, if you had a strong intact family with Christian, conservative values, you would be less embedded with Marxist ideas than the average person raised in a secular household. Also, if you are naturally highly intelligent and inquisitive and perhaps even psychic, you'll be able to see through the mist at a younger age. Most of us, when we reach the age of true maturity and wisdom (I was in my 50's, lol), we are ready for an awakening and the brainwashing is slowly dismantled until we can easily and readily see these psyops for what they are. Most of the country (and the Western world) is not there yet, but external and spiritual events will speed up the process as we move further into the Age of Aquarius. The prophet has spoken, lol.
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