Crypto Currencies
Q. Lynn, Can you look to see the future of Crypto-currencies? Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple etc. There are a ton of coins popping up and they say that they are not manipulated the way the dollar, gold, silver, etc are. I can't imagine the governments and bankers allowing this if it is true. Will they continue? Do governments have a plan for stopping or controlling them in the future?
A. I get the governments are allowing the crypto currencies to grow and just watching to see what they do (trends, likability, acceptability etc). The goal is to switch all money into electronic currency, actually a World Wide electronic currency. The desensitization process is occurring now. I get the mass use of credit cards was phase one, and now this crypto currency fad is the next phase of the plan.
I also get that people creating these currencies, that are like no other, don't realize they are a pawn in a larger game. When the time is right these currencies will be manipulated. I see some kind of governmental seizure on the grounds that these currencies don't have a tangible backing (some kind of legal reasoning??), and then another electronic currency, "backed" by gold / precious metals, will emerge. When they emerge they will be facilitated by either the UN or IMF (my mind toggles between the two).
When the World Currency comes forward, data mining will become even higher. All transactions will be tracked between people and merchants. Physical cash will start to be phased out (harder to track, and it looks like a fee will be imposed for a "cash" transaction.)
In closing, I hear to "hold tight to your wallet and precious metals because once they leave your hands it will be near impossible to get them back."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
WOW! This is our future.
Hi Lynn,
Do you see this enforced switch to e-currency happening all around the world, or just parts of it, ie, the West and its satellites? Is any part of the world going to keep its own independent currency?
PS: the whole business looks just like the Mark of the Beast from the Book of Revelation. Is there a compulsory oath to an entity or person involved with joining this economic collective?
Thanks Lynn!
Do you have any guidance as to when this may happen? ...the manipulation. seizure, "backed" currency...
Seems that would be some numbers of years in the future..
They could literally pull all cards now and say use the chip or dont eat....but wow the civil war that might break out.
Let me qoute mr T a.k.a B.A Baracus : I PITY THE FOOL! :)
Hi Lynn, I remember when you said a few years back that China was quietly buying farmland in the US to gradually gain a foothold in the US. Here's confirmation of that story that came out today in the Des Moines Register:
Very interesting. Do you see this becoming a trend in the future?
With China's record of human rights abuses, its concerning that China is quietly acquiring hundreds of thousands of American farmland and gaining control of our food resources when they purchase these American businesses like Smithfield Foods. I have often wondered what China's motivation was in buying the hog farm company which encompasses huge agricultural land all over the eastern part of my homestate of North Carolina. My intuition tells me there are nefarious means beyond this odd company purchase. I would never want my well-being to be at the mercy of communist China, which still executes thousands of people a year for minor infractions.
I don't think cryptocurrencies are going away. India has already eliminated the use of cash in several cities as an experiment to potentially eliminate cash nationwide. It's an attempt to reduce tax evasion.
Do you have any idea which currency will rise in value the most...Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin?
Thanks Lynn and a Happy 4th of July to everyone !
Hi everyone! Thanks for the comments. I do see this coming to a head within the next 2 years (maybe sooner). China is gobbling up gold so they can try to back and be in control of the newer world currency. China is really ahead of the game and can see what is happening. Someone mentioned that this was to avoid tax evasion, which is true, but there is a whole bigger picture of them knowing what you buy, when you buy it and what you own. I do see this more of first world issue (but trade looks to need electronic money). These are uncertain times, and we are slowly moving toward being a cashless society.
Lynn do you feel that they would try to shut down barter apps too? or maybe just want to track these too?
So we can be chipped?
Following is an update shared by Karen Hudes The World Bank Whistleblower on Global Currency Reset:-
The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF announced that fractional reserve fiat currencies will be replaced with gold from a trust created at the end of World War II. Jose Rizal, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and his lawyer, Ferdinand Marcos, established this trust for the benefit of humanity. The trust also contains other precious metals, gems, and artwork. The Bretton Woods institutions held the trust secret for 50 years so that the assets were clear and free for humanity as a whole under the statute of limitations.
The Monetary Board Meeting 1949 Minutes -
Internet data mining expert Clif High uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to spot trends and make predictions for future events. In his latest in-depth report, High sees a “huge” calamity coming for humanity. Clif High explains, “There is all kinds of data for money and lack of money and lack of funding and all kinds of emotions around this. There are hints in the data that something huge is coming for August and September that is being exposed by the language now. I think it’s a bond crash or not a bond crash because I don’t know how that works. It’s not a stock market crash. The data I am looking at now says the stock market is not meaningful. We may lose 50 cents on every dollar in the stock market in just a few days, but it’s meaningless. It won’t make any difference at all to anybody according to what the data is showing me because the real crisis is in the crash of government.”
Thanks for the comments and info!
@Craig: They will try, but I cannot see them being successful shutting them down.
@Wendy: Yes, if you allow it. I cannot see it being required (but one day it will under the guise of safety)..
There is already a fee charged for using cash, by the banks, in India.
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