Hi all, and welcome to our first Friday Five installment for 2017… on Friday the 13th, no less. Buckle up, this one’s eye-opening. As always, Da-da's questions and comments [are in brackets].
Image #1: Backstage at The Big Show, Part 1
Q: WHAT is this object, called 1991 VG, first spotted by a U. of AZ astronomer back in 1991? Apparently, there were two other mysterious objects coming to earth around the same time. Anything interesting there?
What Lynn Saw
A: "I think it’s some kind of spacecraft. Don’t panic, but I see something like George Lucas’ Death Star, with this planetary army heading here. It looks like these ships came here through a portal near Neptune. When I look on board, I see all these pods, like they’re in some sort of hibernation. I have never seen that ever. It’s almost like the ship is smart and it knows what it needs to do w/o a crew. Feels tied to Disclosure. There’s nothing fearful at all. Looks like they’re coming near, but not TO earth." [Pods?? Yikes. Can you see what's IN the pods? These are *positive* beings, right? What star system did they come from? This ship exited that portal sometime back in the early ‘90s, I think. Why have they been waiting so long to do something?] "Pods, yes. I can't see in the pod. I only see the outside shell. They do feel positive, like they are here to rescue us or something. I don't know the name of the system, but the point of entry was somewhere near Neptune. They are waiting on what I hear as "timing." In part due to an energetic shift (the Event), the next dimension has to be ready to receive this much energy (it is a balance there as well), and party a Disclosure thing.” [No wonder spirit guides were calling this point in history, ‘The Big Show.’]
Image #2: Backstage at The Big Show, Part 2
Q: Speaking of that, here's a 2-D magnetograph of the earth from last October, where you can see the earth’s bowshock (where the sun’s energy meets the earth’s magnetic field) and the earth. So, are those two (huge!) round circles behind the earth Sphere Being ships??
What Lynn Saw
A: "Those are Sphere Being Ships." [Are these the same ships as the 1191 VG ship, above? Can you tell which Sphere Beings are in each ship?] "I do feel it has to do with the 1191 ship. I can't see what is in them, but it does feel like a good thing!" [Wow!]
Image #3: Escape From Alcatraz
Q: Speaking of mundane mysteries… did any of these guys really escape from Alcatraz? [From left to right we have Frank Morris, and the Anglin brothers, Clarence and John.]
What Lynn Saw
A: “(Some 13 years ago, I went to Alcatraz. It’s a VERY energetically overwhelming and creepy place. I couldn’t walk into some of the spaces as it was just too much.) I get the guy in the middle really DID escape. He had some help from the outside. He was in the water for a short time, and was rescued by a rickety little boat. He made it." [Who helped the middle guy? One of the guards? And where did he wind up? What happened to the other two guys? Did they drown?] "The other two died in the process. A guard who was threatened by an outside group helped him. He got to the coast, and then ultimately fled to Mexico where he’s stayed ever since.” [So Clarence Anglin was the only man to escape from Alcatraz.]
Image #4: Ok, What ISN’T Buried in Antarctica?
Q: You’ve touched on this recently, but I wanted to drill down a bit. Here’s a structure on Antarctica seen via (increasingly dubious) Google Earth. Is this anything? And are there actually ruins there that are really 1.6 billion years old? And giant stasis pods with 30-foot-tall ETs waking up? Do you ever see this being a big Disclosure thing (and if so, will it be before or after “The Event”)?
What Lynn Saw
A: "I want to say yes to the 1.6 billion-year-old ruins. Some ancient ancient ruins and clues to earth and who we really are are buried there. There’s something really mystical there. I see these ancient intricate pyramids, which were created long before Egypt was ever Egypt. I DO see some pods and frozen ETs there, but i don’t see them waking up -- or 30 feet tall. They could never have survived this frozen state so long. I get a lot of this stuff is gonna come out AFTER The Event, but no one’s going to really tell you. You’re just going to get this telepathic download of all this information and just KNOW the truth, but you’re not going to know why; it’ll be like a part of your subconscious, your wiring. Disclosure will be more subtle and pervasive than people realize. Parts of our DNA are just gonna turn on and people will just KNOW things.” [So, is that thing in the picture anything, or just some ice?] "I get it is a partially underground pyramid.” [Tangentially, when you see 'The Event,' do you see part of it involving a rush of energy that brings people INTO SOURCE for a moment, with people perhaps passing out for a brief period?] "I see that happening to some, while others just get a dazed feeling that sort of stuns them for a moment (like you short circuited and then came back)."
Image #5: The Caldwell Mystery Thread
Q: What was the “Caldwell Mystery Thread”? Alas, there’s no pic of it, anywhere.
What Lynn Saw
A: "Wow, I’d never heard of this. What I get was that, in that area there were some UFO sightings... I see UFO activity, 3-4 ships flying around, then they left. Then the thread showed up a day later. I get that the way that the ships went through the atmosphere caused these threads, caused by the ships (older tech UFOs) creating this chemical reaction in the atmosphere. The result was this hanging thread that naturally broke down and then vanished. Weird."
And that’s it. Jeez, that’s enough. Join us sometime in the near future for the answer to life, the universe, and everything in... Episode #42!
Lynn, can you see when The Event/The Disclosure will occur? Is it this year?
That was so great! Thank you Lynn and DaDa for the mysterious pic posts again.
I just thought I would share this interesting video, presenting evidence that the Mandela effect began occurring around 2009.
I'm not sure if anyone else has seen the show, Colony, on USA tv channel but I would definitely recommend it. Season 2 returned last night but you can find season 1 on their website. The show discloses the idea that the Internet, social media and our society's transition to online systems is the mechanism extraterrestrials have been using to compile intel on everyone on the planet. They state the ETs use algorithms to determine who to exterminate and who to use to rebuild a new society once they have Arrived back on Earth. This is what the show is about, their Arrival. The show also suggests that "a man who came here two thousands years ago" will be returning "but not in the way everyone expects him to" (sounds like Jesus). She shows a diagram of him returning in a spaceship. If you're still watching tv, this is one show I would recommend watching because it is entertaining and appears to be preparing society for Disclosure.
Holy crap is all I can say.
Many thanks for the Five for Friday 😊 Is part of Disclosure the exposing of all the lies constantly put before us i.e. death hoaxes, the uncovering of certain celebrities, politicians and other public figures being transgender etc.?
Wow. Not sure why, but this one really knocked me for a loop.
I feel like we need a way to characterize or redefine "disclosure," because more and more it sounds like less of a "Close Encounters" or "Day the Earth Stood Still" scenario and something more like a social movement that is sparked into life and then changes and grows over time, like abolitionism or civil rights.
Anyway, thanks for this, as always.
@ sikela,I second the request to find out more about when the Disclosure/Event will occur.
Not to beat a dead horse, but it dawned on methat the Mandela effect, which are mostly about relatively minor social changes, could be like crop circles as far as being a gentle wake up call for those who chose to be interested interested,and something others can ignore or shrug off if they are uninterested or don't care. It's a gentle way to make us question our reality using the pop culture we enjoy without imposing a "You MUST Listen.." message or warning that could be too disruptive to the social fabric.
@theenlightenedone's link to a youtube of google search tracking was also fascinating, because whatever's causing these changes is certainly tracking our awareness of them. That youtube video was also great because now I can blame all my crappy spelling and typing on the Mandela effect.
Folks, if you read what Lynn said (above) carefully, "Disclosure" is apparently going to be an inside-out thing. The govt/lamestream media won't have any part in it (like they'd ever relinquish power willingly). At some point, we will all just KNOW what's going on. How cool is that?
Lynn, can you see what happens to those spiritual pilots manning airplanes during The Event. Or will this not happen to them until they're on the ground? (I have no doubt SOURCE already has contingencies in place for this, and other mission-critical individuals.)
Holy crap, Batman!! I looked up Death Star...and I'm trying to remain calm here...but I'm freaking out. I keep repeating...they have good intentions, they have good intentions.💖
I don't know that much about "the event" but seeing how everyone seems to be anticipating this so much, that energy will help bring it as fast as it can manifest. As far as disclosure, I know a person who has been an experiencer from an early age. She said that they told her that the undeniable existence of ETs would come before she was a certain age. That time would be before October 2019. Just putting that out there as an identifier of timing. It very well could be sooner.
when you said that it would be like a switch and our DNA would be turned on, I thought of the whole vaccine/chemtrail thing. If the PTW wanted to keep their power then they would try to disrupt that from happening by trying to alter our dna? Or maybe even that wont work for them.
Lynn, I felt the need to look up "sphere beings" on Google and this popped up and I got goosebumps!.... is there any truth to this?https://www.spherebeingalliance.com/
I love your 5 for Fridays btw! :)
I should add, in addition to the algorithm identifying those who they will exterminate and those chosen to help rebuild the new world, there are also two other categories: the majority, who are defenseless but left alone to their own devices (for the most part) and also the group called The Resistance, who attempt to fight against the invading ETs.
My Picks...RE: DNA........not to worry about anyone altering our DNAs. In fact,... WE HAVE IRREPARABLY ALTERED THE BAD GUYs DNAs. There is nothing the bad guys can do. When we were building our lightbodies...which started as infusions of light into our sub-molecular level,....i was told that this light will be passed on thru our genetic lines....of course,..that includes the bad guys, since everyone here is genetically related. That this is how the world will change, that the bad guys will have a bad case of LIGHT INFECTION, and those who are diehards...those who resist the onslaught of light will deteriorate physically and mentally. they'll go crazy. I half-believed this information until last week when Dr. William Mount said in his YouTube, that he was almost killed because the killers saw that he has a crystalline aura, which he did not know anything about. hahhh.....i was surprised. i thought i'm the only one with crystalline aura.I haven't seen anyone. Now, i believe all of you have well built lightbodies and have CRYSTALLINE AURAs. IF you are curious, look on to a mirror in a darkened room. it is the mental-emotional-aspect , the etheric bodies that have been built up as part of our lightbodies. anyway,..resist the urge to give these bad guys anymore power. THEY ARE FINISHED.
I remember her readings about the blue avians a long time ago even before this website was live. 👌🏼 I think you can look up her older readings on this subject
Anyone notice how quiet it was today? If it's quiet again tomorrow...
Thanks Lynn for another amazing read. Thanks DADA as well.As far as Antarctica is concern, The Web Bot - a project created by Clif High ( http://www.halfpasthuman.com/ALTA)_how.html ) is predicting some sort of monumental discovery out of Antarctica & also before April secret of Antarctica will be revealed. Find below some of his recent tweets on Antarctica:-
1) Ack! Thanks 4this. New IM and ST data have lots more secrets revealed about Antarctica coming b4 end of March!
2) Yes, was just about to tweet this. Data shows that 'cities' will be revealed by ice moving. This causes TPTB to freak & have to disclose!
3) Ack! ST data has '2 more celebrity visits' 2 Antarctica b4 'press conferences' are called in March. TMs 4 disclosure now stacking in data!
To my understanding, all crystals are becoming activated. There are some major ones in the Antarctic that have and are emitting a measureable detectable frequency. The ice is rescinding there and is purposeful by Gaia-this is not do to with global warming or such theories. There is ancient cities and structures under the ice. The ice is melting from heat below and not caused from atmospheric temperatures. There is nothing to fear about this. This situation is very positive other than fear by those perspectives that don't understand what is happening and also those of the power over others proclivity. The thing that the power over others fear is truth and the true history because they themselves don't understand therefore cannot control this. Lots of truths are about to be revealed and no one can control this process nor the truth. With the activation of all things crystalline , this will start the creations of new technological inventions! First the crystals then the inventions. Yes, as mentioned also, DNA is becoming crystalline also. Good times ahead! Freedom ahead! No, alien invasion ahead. There will be no aliens that land and treat us like we treat everything here that is human or non human. That is not allowed to happen and only friendlies will we see and meet that are non terrestrial-nothing to fear here at all.
:)Thanks, Sean.
Some of you, when your rational mind is busy somewhere, your chest area or your whole torso will light up like an electric bulb, just for a sec or two. Don't get all discombobulated. This is your lightbody coming on line. We're very near the finish line.
@DA-da Yes, quiet, since i am stuck in house for nearly two week with a hard sickness(flu symptoms) ... i really want this to finish already...and my dog to, because he is stuck with me inside the most of the time ! lol
Did the ones in the pods in antartica are the same specie than the 1191 VG ship with their hibernation pods ? You seems to feel they are part of the Sphere beings, did they joined them after they came near earth ? It seems lots of benevolant factions merge together this last decades ?
I have just a dream where my sister fall apart in front of me, like strike by something and i catch her. She was looking at a screen and i said to her : "you see ! i told you that will happen! We are the februar 2nd!" and answered me :" yes I wouldn't believe it, but now it is real !"
My mother was next to us, and she hid her eyes out of fear, ask me to see the screen. I could see myself as an E.T. hybride. Sort of white gray with rainbow/chromatic reflections, but more with human features. My sister told me that she saw herself more yellowish/golden !
So it is a personnal event, in which i will see an unknow part of myself? Or a more general event that will touch other too? let see the 2nd !! (first time i have a so clear date in dream).
As always, thanks Da-da and Lynn for this fantastic Five again !
Lynn--congrats and kudos for seeing what the situation would be and is surrounding Trump's inauguration. We now have an explanation.
As being reported on ZeroHedge, Glenn Greenwald (journalist, litigator, author and not a fan of Trump) appeared on a TV show and said:
"The number one foreign policy priority of the CIA over the last four to five years has been the proxy war they're waging in Syria to remove Bashar Al Assad - and Hillary Clinton...wanted to escalate that war to unleash the CIA, to impose a no-fly zone in Syria to confront Russia, whereas Trump took the exact opposite position. He said we have no business in Syria trying to change the government....
He [Trump] was a threat to the CIA's primary institutional priority of regime change in Syria. Beyond that, Clinton wanted a much more confrontational and belligerent posture towards Moscow, which the CIA has been acrimonious with for decades, whereas Trump wanted better relations....
What you're seeing is actually quite dangerous. There really is at this point obvious open warefare between this un-elected, but very powerful faction that resides in Washington and sees Presidents come and go - on the one hand, and the person that the American democracy elected...on the other. There's clearly extreme conflict and subversion taking place."
And for those on this forum, I cannot help but think that as these types of exposes occur, possibly, different timelines have emerged.
@SeanNash -- Oh, THAT'S what those signals were that were reported from Antarctica. Like they sing in the Lego Movie: "Everything is Awesome!"
@BuddhistLAdt -- Actually, the timelines seem to be converging again. The Sphere Beings themselves have been reporting energy "bubbles" all around them. They've never seen this before. Read that again!
Hi everyone! This is great. Thanks for all the sharing and comments.. Yes, I know disclosure is a big topic. I really do need to revisit it. I feel like Trump may shake things up and make stuff happen sooner than later. Our timeline feels a little off (with his semi unexpected win via the PTW).
Blogger A Man Called Da-da said...
@SeanNash -- Oh, THAT'S what those signals were that were reported from Antarctica. Like they sing in the Lego Movie: "Everything is Awesome!"
Yes, that is what I understand. The crystalline grid has been activated and is functioning. Therefore, the new inventions,as much has been alluded to, will become manifest. All things crystalline are a natural vibrational resonance and frequency link in existence as opposed to carbon based singular confinement. Links aren't required like the carbon grid but just tapped into by tuning with crystalline grid.
Everything will be awesome if everything is in "tune".
This is what Nikola Tesla understood and tried to explain- The Crystalline Frequency is Free(dom) energy.
hahh.............here is a little video on this crystalline grid firing up and stargates aligning as we speak.
Guys check the link out, it contain the latest interview done by David Wilcock (DW). https://truthearth.org/2017/01/14/david-wilcock-on-coast-to-coast-with-notes/
I saw a commercial on YouTube for a program on E.T.'s currently living in underground cities. I feel this is their way of disclosing.
Dada--cool. I'll check it out. Great info, everyone. Thanks.
I can't even read it all. More over the top tin foil hat than usual.
Thanks for the comments and all the great info!!
Wondering if the "crystal skulls" will have any part to play in the immediate future and if so, what? Does anyone have any ideas?
Yes Lynn, it's very important. Can you please tell us?
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