A. I see this split playing out in slow motion (in my mind). It looks like what happens is each each person sort of "mentally splits" at a different time depending on when they are ready, and where they are on their life path (the highest and best good of the person will always be a factor in the timing). When that moment is established, it looks more like an enormous awakening or "ah ha" moment when things just become clear.
It appears this split occurs first mentally (as described above), and then later physically as you incarnate into a future life. During this lifetime, you are still able to communicate with friends, family, neighbors, acquaintances, etc, you may just view them differently and feel a different dynamic between the relationship. You will battle wanting to teach what you know, and realizing that it may or may not be someone's time. This split may bring a variety or emotions, and focusing on and maintaining balance is a good way to find peace within yourself during this challenging (and exciting) time.
And that is all I have on this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I've felt like this my entire life!
So, does this mean, when we transition, we will still be living on this earth but on two different timelines? An example, let's say my husband is still asleep but I am wide awake and I am ready to go... now what? Is it like the "Left Behind" movie (LOL).... Still trying to mentally grasp all this.
I think alot of people view the acension/the event as the rapture, where people will disappear before our eyes and we are unable to contact each other between the 3d and the 4d/5d world. Maybe you could clarify what it is going to be like, for example... will people drop dead, disappear or will they still be visible? I know you talked about the reptilian brain/bad people going underground because they can't handle the higher vibration of the 4th/5th dimension, maybe that's why so many people are worried about being divided from their loved ones. I keep visualizing my family members having to go underground and I'm unable to communicate with them.
I am experiencing that split exactly as described! there have been many people in my life recently who have re-located or just dropped off in terms of communicating with as they just don't seem to align with me anymore and I have no desire to maintain that communication. Instead I am in constant search for others with like mind and that explains how it is I ended up at this web site! You would not be here if you were not in that split!
I don't expect any switch from 3d to 5d in this incarnation but perhaps in the next incarnation depending on where you end up after this one. This incarnation to me seems to be about awaking, helping others to awake and devolving a collective conscious. Those who can do this will have choice move on while others will need to repeat 3D until they eventually get it. Rapture to me seems to be a plan of the cabal to remove people from the planet their way and not good!
What I would like conformation on is that I believe the PTW no longer have the technology to control our incarnations back to this planet so perhaps now we finally have opportunity to ascend if we are willing to do the work within required in this incarnation.
I do feel as more people become awake the "100 monkey" effect will come into play and things will really change for the better. At that point it will be safer to introduce new ideas, technology, and truth.
The slow pace of truth information coming out to me is to insure we don't do something stupid like riots and killing ourselves over it. Somebody or something seems to be guiding this rate of info in balance.
My interpretation of this about resonance, frequency and vibration. As we integrate/contain more of our soul essence within our physical structure (DNA upgrade) we physically change into a higher resonance, frequency and vibration. We don't disappear ,we just coexist together . The experience mentally, physically and spiritually is of the octave of the each individuals resonance , frequency and vibration. Physically there is a coexistence of all accomplished octaves. The higher and higher the individual octave there is a point at a certain achievement that there is the appearance of physical separation from the lower octaves. The like is the like and there is a perceived physical separation by the lower octaves but not from the higher octave. Today is 12:12 and Lynn posted this at 12:12 pm. We notice what we are aware of.
Could somebody answer my question?
I don't quite understand all these ascension term. So if somebody evolve into a higher vibration internally in this lifetime, are there any physical changes in our face or body?
By the term ascension, does it mean that we have learned our life lesson and learned it well?
This explains a lot although I believe I have a lot to learn and a long way to go
Alex, I find the Higher Self videos on YouTube very helpful with answering detailed questions...worth checking out.
Very cool reading, Lynn!!
Dada--wish I could say the same thing! I think most of my current life I've spent in the Dark Ages! ;)
Alex--I don't think physically in this lifetime, but I understand that (supposedly), in 5D, we "hold" more light in our beings and are slightly less dense than our physical form here. An interesting explanation I once read said that the higher you go dimensionally (because, of course, you will always ascend higher until you are co-creator with Source), the more light=information/knowledge you can hold within your being/consciousness and the density of a body, as we know "body," will transform into/become light energy...or something. (I have no idea what I'm talking about!)
BTW, did you all see this article, which is very old (2008)...fascinating! The Earth and Sun communicate every 8 minutes or so. "Hey, Sun, got some more of those glactic cosmic rays coming?" "Sure thing, Earth...portal opening!"
Thank you so much for the comments. This is interesting and sort of hard to verbalize.
I see it like a spiritual split first (which you are physically here). You understand and see more than what other groups see (until they get to where you are), but you still share the same plane of existence. In your next lifetime it will be physical (regarding location and vibrational layer / plane).
Lynn, if a person reaches a higher ascension level in their 3D body, and is waiting for the next lifetime for it to complete to full ascension, would their transition from this life be a relatively painless one, or would they be as prone to an unpleasant death scenario as anyone else? Does ascending protect a person from too much suffering at the end? Or is that just my wishful thinking?
This is good.
And for those who haven't seen this...
Dada--wow! Unbelievable.
To different degrees always felt this way and more so these days,
I understand exactly what your saying here Lynn. You awaken to so many thoughts and ideas but the people around you just don't understand. Your family, friends. I don't feel in sync with anyone much these days. Like many of us here. It's been a slow drifting away. I'm also taking care of a mother with dementia (I'm doing my best but I feel like she literally is sucking the life out of me). That closes me off even more. To be honest. I don't want a next life time If I can't do some good in the world and if it is more of the same. Advice anyone? I could use some.
Thank you so much for all the information and comments!! This has been great!
@Diane Hang in there Diane, it sounds like you are doing some good taking care of your Mother. I am sure it is hard, dealing with people that do not think like everyone else is challenging. Hopefully you belong to some support groups, that will ease the stress.
I find it amazing at the amount of people that do not understand that things seem to be different, but it is hard to explain that difference to them. They look at you like you are the crazy one.
I just take each day as it comes and enjoy the little things. I really enjoy this blog thanks Lynn you do a great job, and Dada is pretty good to. This site helps me to expand my horizons and think in terms I might not have found on my own.
@Diane I totally understand what you are going through. I am dealing with the same sort of situation. My mother has dementia, have been caring for her on her long, slow slide for 8 years. I have several "arm chair quarterbacks" in the family who like to "help" from afar, but it's not particularly helpful! And I, too, often feel like the odd man out when it comes to "alternative" thought. To me, it's my joy and my knowing. I often wonder how people don't see how I see!
If you'd like to email me please do. My mother is on a medication that has really helped ease her anxiety and life-sucking narcissism. Perhaps it would help your situation. I also have found Paul Selig's books incredibly helpful and transformational. Highly recommend!!
Hope to hear from you!
can relate to the comments here. I remember a conversation I had with my sister when I was about 8 years old, she is 1.5 years older than me. I said to her-" why is it that I know what you and mom are thinking and feeling but I know not what everyone else is thinking and feeling. Is everyone else puppets and not real?" LOL
Can completely understand what everyone else is saying. Sometimes I feel like all this information is my dirty little secret, as when you talk about it you get these alienating looks and "just ignore the crazy one over there" so I just keep it to myself now sadly. I'm hoping for more of an awakening in people around me because I feel extremely isolated. I'm looking forward to a collective shift and pray it comes soon
I found the following quote from a site called caregivers:
The organization had been asked to review a recently published book entitled The Mindful Caregiver: Finding Ease in the Caregiving Journey by the author. The woman who did the review really didn't want to read or review book. Mindful Caregiving...are you kidding? And then she did. She quotes from the book:
"Mindfulness 'reminds you that you matter! It nudges you to be kind and gentle, nonjudgmental, and compassionate with yourself. It can help you prioritize, set limits, stay true to yourself, and ultimately feel more at ease during the caregiving journey."
The author had taken care of her own mom who "was diagnosed at age 71 with Alzheimer’s disease, and passed away 17 years later." The author was also a geriatric social worker. Another website offered this quote from her book: "“Embracing a healing presence requires you to just be in the moment together.”
I second Charlie's hope that the caregivers on this site belong to a support group and might have enlisted the aid of any nearby (hopefully) organizations which can give you a break for part of day so that you can do something you enjoy doing...whatever...a quiet walk, an art museum, a local group you enjoy, etc.
If this physical split happens in the next lifetime, does it mean we won't reincarnate with the same soul group that we have in this timeline/life now? This thought somehow has become a stumbling block in my mind in wanting to increase my vibration.
If those who are ready to ascend, move on to another plane, then who will be around to help those who haven't awaken yet, to eventually free them from the PTW's hold?
Thank you.
That's kind of how I sense it. To coexist and can tune in, but mostly you're unaffected by frequencies you aren't resonant to.
I once dreamt my nonna called me from another realm, telling me about it. I could see it visually and it looked one of those dotted Matisse paintings. She hadn't passed then yet, though she has now. That's how I envision our loved ones, whom we still share a connection with, will stay in touch with us, even if we are on different energetic planes.
@ Blimpy Peach. . .well said! I feel the same way. . .like I have this dirty little secret about how the world REALLY works, but it's frustrating because no one else seems to want to even consider that some of it might be true. I'm a 50-yr-old midwestern housewife who started "waking up" when I had Morgellon's several years ago--you know, that disease/syndrome that doesn't exist. I'm surrounded with friends and family who trust doctors, the media, NASA, pharmaceutical companies, you name it. Yes, very isolating and lonely. When I look at the sky and see a crazy chemtrail day, I just wish I had someone who'd join me in a big "whoa, look at that one!".
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