What is Russia Up To?
Q. I read today that mars is conjunct Saturn beginning August 24th. Mars is the planet of war, Saturn is the planet of hard lessons. I also have seen that Russia is massing troops along the border with Ukraine and that the German government has (for the first time since the cold war) advised citizens to stock up on food and water in case of emergency or attack. This is a worrisome combination, in my view. I cannot help but think of September 1, 1939 when Germany started World War II by attacking Poland.
A. I overall get this feeling of times being very critical. The US is handling external affairs (I get) in a somewhat delicate way while trying to buy time until they can get Hilary into office. If the economy were to collapse (stock market) or if a war were to start that the US was pulled into, it would be much harder to make Hilary look favorable. A catastrophe would make the Democrats look bad, and one of Hilary's goals is to eliminate as much guns (and ammo) as possible, which would not go over well in a hostile situation.
Russia knows the US doesn't want to get involved in a huge confrontation right now, and I get they are using this time frame (up to the election) to their advantage. It feels like passive aggressive attacks from Russia are occurring now (and we aren't seeing it in the media), and these attacks will escalate.
Germany (because the communication is more open) is aware and alert. The government is being honest with the people and telling them to prepare for the worst (and hope for the best).
This big question is what is the higher importance: The PTW getting Hilary into office to support their agenda, or allowing someone to come into office (maybe not even someone we even know of) that will work for the greater good of the country? I get the PTW are working overtime to get her in... The preservation of their agenda is too important..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thanks you. Love and light-
Thank You Lynn! One also could politelly ask what are the US up to in Syria, where they intruded without a UN mandate!? While the aforementioned is already a fact one feels inclined to ask if the folowing report is true or fake, in other words are the US seeking the conflict with Russia in Syria? (https://friendsofsyria.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/the-order-has-been-given-shoot-down-russian-jet-within-72-hours/) Thank You again!
Just like the poor people in the Middle East, Russia is getting sick of constantly getting poked & prodded by the Zionist that have a death grip on the US & Isreal. Of course Russia is getting into a war footing, they've been forced to. The US of Assholes has forced theirs and others into this position. People in the CORPORATION. OF THE USA need to wake up. The ship has already gone OVER the abyss, it's now a matter of how it lands. Have you noticed that other governments around the world have recently been instructing their citizens to store up on food...? Have you heard ANYTHING from the Corp of the US suggesting similar actions for their sheep? No, you haven't. We've all been so distracted by the "election" that what is about to befall us, which apparently everyone else, even the freakin Czechs, know but we are still oblivious to.... Wake up, snap out of it, Elvis has left the planet!
Lynn, do you see Poland, Czech, Hungary safe from Russian Military invasion in the future?
There has been a great deal of predictive 'chatter' from very different practitioners and modalities, about the time from now through September - that events are coming that will be game-changing. From Bashar to astrologers analysing the coming eclipses, to remote viewing experiments and beyond, this is by all accounts a Scary Event Funnel. Events are always happening of course, but everything points to this being one of those really heavy buggers where people talk about Before and After...The Event.
Thankfully all those years of meditation and aligning and 'shifting' mean I'm not scared anymore.
Remember, everyone, secure your own oxygen mask before trying to assist others, and do not inflate your life jacket inside the cabin. Stewards will be with you shortly with a selection of drinks and snacks and duty free items. Thank you for choosing Doomgasm Airlines. We should be landing as scheduled around about the beginning of October...
@ Lynn
Thanks for the reading. I have a question - Do you see economy collapsing before Election? It was supposed to happen by now. PTB are able to hold the collapse up till now. How long can they hold or delay the collapse?
Thanks for the work which you really do.Thanks once again.Blessings
Love & Light be with U,
I heard about this too and the remote viewers all drawing the same catastrophe with loss of life around September October .. Would love to have Lynn focus on that .
Thanks for the reading... Huge amoung of activity on youtube about September 27. Think they have one of those G summits. Dollar is having huge issues remaining the world currency or currency for oil. Russia the second largest oil producer wants to go back to a gold standard as well as several other oil producing countries. The USA has been doing a lot of underhanded things lately (more so than usual) to these countries that want this change. Russia and China are tight, thier not the enemy. Nor are these other countries. They want to be treated fairly and not have to trade with over inflated US dollars. These elitist butt heads are going to start another war over oil and world currency and this is redundant. I'm really disappointed in the USA with all the BS their throwing out right now and that is something I thought I would never say. They're even messing with some African coalition that doesn't want US dollars anymore. Yes their is going to be a war and yes their is going to be a global economy colaps. All these elitists need to go. Wow, something else I thought I would never say... Stay in the light yall, it's going to be a bumpy ride...
A question about the PTW, do they control the actions of Russia and other countries considered enemies of the West? In other words is the PTW only for the US and GB power structure or does it control everything?
@Joao: I see the US trying to destabilize Syria so they can get a foot hold there. It positions the US against Russia, China and also near resources.
@Wry: Good points!
@Baku: Yes, at least in the short term. If there does become a threat there, they will have some warning signs…
@Kalamota: Thank you for the comment. Good message!
@Neeraj: They are trying to hold it up until at least the election. They want Hilary, and a collapse now would really hurt her ability..
@A Fox: More like November / December (after the election)…
@Robert: Great question. There are people in power everywhere, but the ones that are influencing us tend to focus more on the US, GB and Israel. It is like it is them versus the rest of the world, and the rest of the world is waking up…
I wonder if Germany has received some intelligence about Putin's motives that we don't know about? After she suggested that Germans maintain a food supply, she also suggested that Germany might return to the Draft, which existed until a few years ago. Do you think that she has received a political assessment for the future that has not been released? Telling your people to prepare for a disaster and reinstating the draft are some serious comments to be making. I think she knows something the average Joe does not.
Lynn, what I would love to know is, regarding your last comment in your message, what can we do to thwart the plans of the PTW? What needs to be done/exposed or focused on that could send us on a new and brighter timeline than what they intend?
Joao--I also periodically read the "Friends of Syria" news site. Our media in the U.S. is utterly disgraceful and bankrupt.
Mark--I, too, believe that an enormous battle is being waged to maintain the dollar as the world's currency and, thereby, the American Empire's domination of world resources, peoples, and wealth. Again, I commend to the reader Michael C. Ruppert's Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.
I do not under any conditions believe that Russia will instigate nor cause war. I have watched a good number of YouTube videos where Putin has been interviewed. My esteem and admiration for him has risen enormously. He is unbelievably smart, well-spoken, and direct.
In "The Twilight of NATO" by Thierry Meyssan on his Voltaire Network, he wrote:
"Now that the United States have backed their allies into a position of dependency on their military industry, they have ceased to update it. Meanwhile, however, Russia has rebuilt its own arms industry, and China is close behind. The Russian army has already out-produced the Pentagon in terms of conventional equipment. The system it deployed in Western Syria, the Black Sea and in Kaliningrad enabled it to scramble the communications networks of NATO, which had to abandon the surveillance of these regions. [emphasis mine] In terms of aeronautics, Russia has already produced multirole combat aircraft which, amongst their other functions, are capable of turning Alliance pilots green with envy. As for China, it will probably overtake NATO in terms of conventional weaponry within the next two years.
So the Allies are now witnessing the decline of the Alliance [NATO], and consequently their own decay, without reaction - with the exception of the United Kingdom."
You might also be interested to note that the English Monarchy entertained the Bank of China, prior to the BREIXT vote, with preliminary negotiations toward introducing the yuan in London financial circles (London is a sovereign state under Monarchy control and not English/UK control, who can rule by fiat and damn the House of Lords/Commons) and that the UK, parenthetically, refused to pick up the "slack" for monetary funding of NATO by their exiting the EU (who are being required by the U.S. to ante up 2% of their individual GDP toward antiquated mandated NATO weaponry sold exclusively through U.S. companies/corporations).
I see the Western (where they are, as Lynn mentioned, largely concentrated) PTW overextended, bloated, and arrogant in their ruthless control of terrorist groups and insistent agenda to destabilize the Middle East into warring tribes, regions, and factions by continuing to foment chaos and the arming of anyone they deem suitable to their purposes.
Ah, but mes amis, utter, absolute control propelled by abject greed and ruthlessness is a razor-sharp double-edged sword. Might, power, domination, and terror always look...well...terrifying, but I assure you that such qualities weave a fine cage which ultimately encapsulates and renders powerless those who energetically spew this signature in 3D time. This is a law of life...of casualty and karma.
Thank you Lynn! Maybe those residing outside the US actually receive (or believe) more infos about the US-imperialist attitudes, and when we read a headline "What is Russia up to?" we immediately think of what might have been the reason for Russia to build up its military forces along its border? I'm sure the truth is somewhere between both sides, and nobody should judge another person living in a different country due to its government attitudes! Thank You again!
A guy I work with manages a web site for a religious guy that has been right on the last three recessions. If he works tonight I'll get the wed address. (Just thought of that) He said the guy was going though some IMF articles and they already came up with a new world currency. They're anticipating the problem comming up on the 27 though 29 with the summit meeting. He said gold is going to go really high as well. The guy said he is anticipating a colaps of world markets at the end of the month...
Off topic but worth of a reading.
I thought I would drop a linky here about what I and A Fox were referring to for those who haven't seen this.
I watched the first few months' videos only after the fact, but easily recognised the news stories they were envisioning (Nice waterfront, Istanbul airport, David Cameron's Brexit resignation, wildfire threatening Santa Barbara. Some of the terror incidents seem to meld into one overall thematic story which is exactly what they've started to do inside my own head). It's the little details that make it freaky, not just 'there'll be a fire/earthquake/bomb', even I can predict those things will happen somewhere at some point. If I'd seen August's video on its own I'd think it was a bit Hollywood blockbuster, but having seen the previous results...
If I was Putin, I'd have have Hillary taken out. As bad as it sounds, it would save a lot of inoccent lives, later on down the road. It would probably save at least ten more people from being found in parking lots, just from her campaign staff alone! He's got to have some kind of space based weapon that can get her.
Interesting! I am also curious about the World Currency. I saw that a long time ago, and China wants to be the controller of it (much like how the US controls so much with the dollar now). That is why (I get) China is ramping up on the gold collection. Other countries are trying to catch up, but they cannot touch the amount China is housing.
Lynn, The U.S. has more gold than anyone else......assuming it's still accounted for...but China and Russia are catching up. China is suppose to have 1800 tons of gold, Russia has 1500 and the U.S. has 8300. However, nations rarely report their exact numbers. China has purchased 15 tons of gold so far this year and Russia purchased `17. At $1350 an ounce, that is a lot of money being spent for something that is basically a security blanket. China and Russia must have some impressive long term plans for their gold or they would not be spending so much money on it at the expense of other programs.
@siketa - Thanks for the article. Things that were mentioned that hark back to Lynn's readings are The Grid (soul trap), Hitler, dark side of the moon, and underground ants (ant hill).
Great read Siketa!! Did you happen to read the article about slipping through the grid that I posted in a previous discussion? I'll post it again if not. I wonder if Lynn would be able to locate the "engine" I think this would be a great follow up to the previous discussion about the grid!! Thanks!!!
whitelite, I think I have read it but you can post the link again if it's not too much trouble...
Here it is: http://humansarefree.com/2015/03/escape-their-trap-and-set-your-soul-free.html?m=0
I also just read a free pdf called "Alien Interview" that everyone should read!!! It's about an alien that crashed, was taken into custody and interviewed. THE BEING REVEILED who we really are, where we came from, and why we are here!! A MUST READ. http://ovnis-usa.com/DIVERS/AlienInterview.pdf
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