Q. Was there any foul play involved in the death of Justice Antonin Scalia? We he be replaced this year? Who will replace him? Where there be significant changes in the direction of the country as a result of the new justice?
A. When I tune into this I get that he did have some health issues, but things were being managed adequately through medications.
As I look into the cause of death, I see that they are layers to the root cause. The depth of the investigation will reveal the cause, and I see it much like you would peal the layers off an onion (however, few make it to the deepest layer). On the surface, it will be labeled as "natural causes, and given his age will be acceptable to most people." For those that need more closure (which looks to be some of his family) they will determine there was a conflict of meds, or he took something incorrectly. The blame will root back to some medical professionals that Antonin dealt with. For those in the know (which I cannot see the investigation going this deep), they will find something in his toxicology report indicating that he was exposed or given something that spiked his potassium to deadly levels, and that is what ultimately caused his death. The appearance of this spike was similar to a heart attack, but it was more like an induced heart attack.
I then look to see who or what organization is the root of this and why... I keep hearing something about Hilary Clinton. She wasn't involved, but a group that supports her is. It looks to be tied to the "super pacs" that are funding her campaign. I get that there are people that want her (and to some extent Bill) back in the white house. This group also realizes that she has created a lot of problems for herself with the "email scandal" and needs to have people in play that will let her off when the investigation reaches a certain extent.
I see Obama already being approached to give her some immunity as president before his term is done, and he has said that there is no way the people will swallow that. It cannot be done behind closed doors, and it cannot be done and accepted in the public. These people in powerful positions had to resort to "plan B" which involves stacking the deck in their favor to ensure when things escalate she is given a better than good chance of being absolved of all this.
I get it will take some time to get him replaced. They are looking for the right candidate. I see the final result of this being a court that is weighted toward the democratic party ideals. The new justice will be appointed by the current administration with some influence of key players.
The goal is to be able to pass through changes that appear to be unconstitutional. The current structure looked to uphold the constitution and block things that the PTB were in favor of, so the PTB wanted and needed a certain amount of reorganization to take place. Guns and the second amendment look to be one of the first things to be addressed (making some guns illegal, and creating a taxation system for those that are legal).
The long term goal is to create a situation where there is better control of the people and the law looks to work against them rather that for them. Continuing down that path the constitution looks to be manipulated and amended to where the end result is a diluted version of it's true self.
I also get that "we the people" do have the control to stand against this, but the important thing is to recognize what is happening. I hear we can't be the "frog in a boiling pot of water."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Ranch owner said he met him with a pillow over his face. Ive heard hillary is president of the "shadow govt"
I have no clairvoyant faculties, but my gut feeling is that this is a manufactured event. The timing is very suspicious. One of the highest judges in the land dies suddenly, during a very critical moment in US political history. Natural death or not, this will cause more intense tremors in the American social landscape...another sign of the earthquake to come.
If spiked potassium can induce a heart attack, is this how Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, the holistic cancer Dr , in NYC died? By all accounts he was very healthy, and even if there were any health issues, he had the knowledge to take care of them,
The timing of this "death" was also perfect for Obama to make a Recess Appointment to the Supreme Court during the ten day recess that started the day before Scalia died. The White House has since ruled that possibility out, but could this have been done to frame Obama, like a Joan Rivers event? Some posters were mentioning predictions Obama might resign as soon as March and I'm wondering if this death of Scalia could provoke that?
What this "heart-attack" hit also does is put the rest of the Supreme Court -- and really everyone in govt -- on notice that the dirty tricks drawer is open, and that those who've been on the fence about removing these criminals from power had best get off that fence, and that right soon, otherwise it'll be more of the same until whole Branches of govt start dropping dead or slipping on soap.
Thank you everyone. You raise some very valid points. This will most definitely be interesting. :-)
yep. thought he was EMP-ed by the lizards.
I forgot...........
"and the killings will continue, because no one WILL and CAN stand up to these lizards."
the lizards have you by the balls....and nobody is reacting properly.
They killed Finnicum in cold blood,threw everybody in prison and the
Lizards twisted your brains by announcing that they are heroes and a patriots. hah.....
how convoluted can that be..?
my rant.
Hm. Note that not everyone is broken up about this:
No matter what, the light is winning. It cannot be stopped. Tick tock.
To the above comment by "A Man Called Da-da": I humbly disagree. There is no guarantee that the "light" will win in the end. Humanity has been granted the gift of freedom of choice. We are fully capable of choosing the wrong Path. Of course, there will always be a small minority who will enter the healthy spiritual stream and move forward in evolution; but there is no certainty about humanity as a whole. There is the possibility that Darkness "wins" in the end. We may very well be on the threshold of the era of the mechanization of man, and the suppression of all spiritual conceptions. Tick Tock.....
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