A. When I focus on this area I see a small cave system that is deep into this rock. The cave has some underground streams, and I see water actively moving through these vein-like caves. The caves are very narrow, but in one area (that is close or even directly beneath this area) there is a larger pooling of water underground, like an underground lake where many of this narrow caves lead to and connect. The reference I am showing is that the caves are like veins in the human body, and the "lake" is like the heart of this system.
As the underground "lake" starts to grown, it erodes the land around it and creates an even larger pocket of space beneath the mountain. It eventually reached the point where there was not enough support to hold up the mountain in the area, and the motion I see is similar to how a building would collapse during an implosion except the bottom "floors" or earth look to fall first, and then the upper levels follow the collapse. I am not sure if this is technically how a landslide works (the bottom layers fall first taking the upper layers with it) or if this is a geologic slump action.
I also get this mountain isn't done moving. As the underground "lake" grows, the earth above will continue to fall. I see some time in between the "falling," but when it happens, it will happen fast. The growth of the underground lake looks to happen very slow, but the movement above ground is fast and drastic.
Q. Also, what do you think of the recent ufo video tweeted by cliff and posted on the alien wars thread?https://www.youtube.com/watch?

I see the passengers on this craft are very human looking. The main difference is that I see them as "stretched out" sort of like Gumby. They are tall, long arms and long legs. I am also being shown that they have a base on the far side of the moon. Their vibrations feel very flat, not high or low. I do get the "feeling" of them being aggravated. They don't mean to cause harm, but I get that something happened on or near their base (due to humans) that has created this aggravation, and this "irritation" is making them want to force accountability back on humans to honor their "agreement."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Which was is that object flying, to the right or the left?
Great, we've upgraded to galactic politics...
If They're looking for accountability, and are frustrated, then they can join the club with the rest of us :-)
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for another great reading that you gave. I'd just like to know if these particular ETs or groups of ETs are "Okay" doing this. For as far as I know, they have to act in accordance with a certain spiritual law that respects humans' free will and this of others. But by showing their craft that way, they are no doubt intervening. Is this being done because the majority of us have been asking for it and it now reaches a 'critical mass' for this to happen? And so they are 'safe' by spiritual law to do this?
Thank you again. With love and many blessings to you and your tireless contribution.
exactly, we are obviously now "upgraded" and worth to be a part of the "galactic community".
Does this mean that we reached already the 5th or higher dimension? When did we do this? I.e. does this mean that (most of) humanity already is on a higher frequency?
In reference to Earth, there is the notion that how we see the shape of the Earth (as well as other things surrounding us, i.e. the moon)is a result of a hologram. Similar to how a hologram was used in The Hunger Games. It is thought the Earth is actually flat.
Is there truth in this?
Many thanks as always!
Very cool reading. I looked at the video and the craft sorta looks like a butterfly? No one else sees that? Maybe nature makes the best architecture, and all man can do is copy.
@Dada: It is the "butterfly" looking craft. It is the once the first appears in the video.
@They Live: I have had a LOT of requests and questions on this. I need to concentrate on this and do a reading.
Thanks for all the comments and feedback!
@Lynn Yay :-D
Yes it definitely looks like a butterfly/moth. Some angles it reminded me of a bat. Like a helicopter resembles a dragon fly and hovers as such, or even a humming bird with the speed the blades are going. One of man's biggest inspirations is nature :-)
Does the craft flying around indicate that the quarantine for space flight around Earth has been lifted?
Ah, this is the L shaped craft that Tolec has talked about. The Andromedans asked this group to help because they are 3 D Humanoid and advanced technologically and are wholy peaceful. He has stated numerous times that they are based on the far side of the moon. They are meant to be peace keepers but if some of the regressive groups are taking pot shots at them they may just decide to teach them a lesson....
Regarding that post about the Economist magazine cover from early January this year, November 3rd came and went and nothing happened! How come, journalist who hardly are able to grasp what happened during the last week, will make a cover predicting what will happen in 50 weeks to come! Thanks!
well said Hannon ...haha
Possibly the dates were directed at the downed (with an arrow) planes that happened in Russia... Some kind of attack physically versus the market crash..??
@John: I don't get the flight ban has been lifted at all. This feels like a separate issue completely.
Thanks again, Lynn. But are there restictions on how "obvious" they can be? By that I mean, if the sighting was on the Kentucky/Ohio border, why not fly over Cincinnati during a Reds game or at noon over the city? Sorry to be a pill, but if they are trying to make a provocatibe overflight, why not be more blatant?
About the Economist cover: Ken at RedefiningGod.com analyzes the globalist agendas and has been looking in depth of the myriad meanings of the cover with the help of his readers. His latest article on it:
I hope you find some merit to it, Lynn.
Scorpio - LOL when I read your 'galactic politics' comment this morning....good one.
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