Universe Questions
Q. Hi Lynn, the reading you did on the 15th of April got me thinking and spurred a few big picture questions for me. I know that a current theory of the multiuniverse is that "it always was and always will be", which doesn't make sense to me. What was there before the multiverse even came to be? And what was there before that? Where did it all originate from? (And where did that which it originated from, originate from?) If we think of each universe being like a planet in a solar system, what would be considered the galaxy at that point? Or THAT universe? And when we say our universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? Im sure we. Could say "nothingness", but nothing IS something. It at the very least must take up space! And what encompasses that nothingness? I know this is a pretty complicated question, but its something I wonder about periodically. Any insights you may have would be wonderful!
A. When I first think about the Universe, and where did it come from, I get that it really "was and always will be." I then pose, What created it? and I get that "it has always been here, there is never a time in which it did not exist" then I hear that to ask where the Universe came from is like asking where the air came from- it is just there (may have changes in gas content or quality or toxicity) but some medium of air has always existed.
The universe does expand into nothingness.. This "nothingness" is infinite. As the universe grows it consumes the nothingness (then I hear the term "creep" as if the universe "creeps" into the nothingness and slowly consumes it.??).
And that is all I have so far.. Feel free to leave questions, and I will be happy to address them. Love and light-
When the universe expands into nothingness I wonder if it is dark like space or the polar opposite like a bright white ? We will never know. But it would be really interesting to see it. I bet the laws of physics and time as we know it to be now would be dramatically different.
I wonder if there is someplace like the Akashic Records or a wavelength in another dimension that someone could tap into and be able to know all that is known ? And receive all the answers that a physicist could ask ?
This universe isn't "it" to put it simply. It's just an experience within a larger multiverse
Here is a question, if something morphs into something else, was it ever really that first thing to begin with?
Thank Yoy Lynn, intresting post!
That sounds right to me, it always was and is. It's us humans that try to reference the universe within our own realm of experience, a little like how we do in the Lucifer reading of yesterday. If the Universe is the father (or mother) of Earth, then maybe the Earth is the same parent figure for all of us. That's me slipping into another human metaphor, of course.
What role do Black Holes have in the multiverse? Where do they lead? Do they connect at least two universes together?
Alot of these questions we may not get the answer to and for good reason, we aren't suppose to know everything. If we did than that would take us to God status. Some think they're gods now with the little extra knowledge they received via secret societies and such. I.e. Kanye, Jay-Z the list goes on....
That statement was also going off of the reading of Lucifer and how pride and arrogance sometimes holds hands with knowledge.
Awhile back I read something about 12 being the base for mathematics in the universe and not 10 like we use. The author suggested that if we used 12, that in addition to having to teach new mathematical models; it would also solve a lot of the problems and unsolved questions we have with a 10 system. Do you sense that the author has a valid argument ?
Is the use of sacred geometry like PI and PHI still important in other worlds ?
So in theory if the Universe is creeping along in our dimension. It would also be creeping along in other dimensions. Black holes could be the recycling points. Maybe their is a limited amount of matter that can be used for the expansion.
My feeling is that the human mind can only attempt to understand the "all that is" therefore putting labels and words to it all is impossible. It's also possible that everything we experience is a product of our thoughts. So everything is possible.
It would be interesting to know whether there was a planet circling the sun between Mars and Jupiter. What do the residents there look like. Are they less intelligent or more intelligent than humans? What was the size of the planet when compared to Earth? When and how did the planet become the asteroid belt.
Is Ceres a remnant of the planet or a moon of that planet?
What are those bright lights on Ceres captured in the photo below.
Here's the black hole reading done in the past.
How off, or infected, are we in science today that is trying to answer these same questions posed here, used in exploration etc., due to leaving physics and fundamental mathematics for abstract mathematics, keeping scientists busy with the false and foolish? It's said the community is a clique of ego, ignoring and even smearing questioning theories, amateur scientists, [which Einstein once was], while prizing inept theory of the week, killing the true pursuit with fascism. I think we forget about, or feel disconnected from the science field, while knowing the same practice has permeated education, government, food, medicine, arts, on and on, so why not this.
@Raymond: I see it dark… The absence of everything…
@Johnny: Things can be many things and evolve, so I see the answer as yes.
@Dante: Yes, I do see them working that way and also “bending” time.
@They Live: Very true.. The greater good only allows us to see and know what we are supposed to.
@Diane: I feel you are right.. Some concepts are too much for our human body and minds to understand.
@Alex: That sounds like a great reading! I will save this!
Pertaining to the Universe, what do you see about the Marine Kingdom residing here on earth? I just started reading up about it. I knew of the Sirens/Mermaids, Mermen etc., this article below goes in even more depth (no pun intended) about it:
Many blessings!
I wonder what life is like on other planets in another galaxy...........I bet they have lives that we cannot even conceive of.
Have you ever heard of Urantia ? Urantia explains a fair amount of science and space concepts. If you are not familiar with the book , it was supposedly channeled by a man in the 1920's.
It's pretty interesting, especially if you consider that they discuss things that were not even generally conceived of during the period when it was channeled.
the story i heard is that the human brain is not sufficiently
wired to handle this information. The information is probably a non-verbal holographic construct, and to understand it, humans have to have the 12 strand DNAs activated, the 4 dimensional lightbody wirings activated, all blockages, implants, and all kinds of negative etheric programs , such as the ego,removed.
nah............I don't know if this is true.
it looks simple information to me.
It's a puzzle.
You might find this video of Itzhak Bentov interesting. Deals with this subject but expands on it.
Thank you so much for the comments. You have inspired me with even more great questions for future readings. :-)
Wow, such mind boggling answers! In one of Dolores Cannon's books it talks about other universes having completely different rules of physics and energy, like perhaps cube shaped planets rather than spheres. Can you get a read on other universes with different laws?
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