This link shows Bruce Jenner's eye:
A. I want to break this down into two parts... I will first put intent out regarding the eye...
I get that his eye and issues with his eye are surrounding nerve damage. The damage is tied to cosmetic procedures. I also get he is self conscious about it and tries to minimize his issues with his eye (and other facial features) with makeup.
Q. Is there an adgenda behind this?

Then I get the media approached this once Olympic icon / and tie to the popular Kardashian family because it made a good story. The approaching turned into harrassing until she finally agreed. The media kept spinning it as she was helping others going through this and she could be a idol to them, but there was more...
Q. What was the "more?"
A. I get the media likes to keep things in contraversy to dodge the bigger issues of the world. If people are talking and debating other people's personal lives (the entire reality tv is founded on this), then they aren't thinking of their own life and how to improve it. It makes light of the real issues of the world.
Then I get this conflict popping up as if there is an argument in my mind. Then I realize that the conflict is what they want us to have... It is great to support people and encourage people to be who they want to be (but not at their spiritual expense). Also, in the spiritual sense we are male, female, all things, so your physcial shell is truly irrelevant and this could be her path to make it feel right). Then, the perspective chimes in and says "Where are the wholesome family shows? Where are the shows that give boys an example of being a good dad?" People facing difficulties in their life path need support, but so do people that are the day to day norm, and that is what they are truly (intentionaly) neglecting.
Broken homes, people looking to fix things that may not be broken and materialism are things that make money (childcare, buying things). In the end, the adgenda is how to distract people and make money while doing so...
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-
As long as it's what Bruce/Caitlyn wants so I'm glad to hear that. He was quite an athlete and she is quite beautiful. Hopefully, her own family will be on board with protecting and not allow the invasion to continue. Helping through this goes both ways. He/she is hardly the first this has happened to and families get to watch the happy confident person they're intended to be emerge.
This is the LAST place on earth I thought I'd be reading about the Kardashians, but Lynn beautifully makes the point they are a train wreck distraction to keep the focus off the real issues.
I wanted to create an app that was like adblocker in which you could type in topics you never want to see on your computer, and the first on my list would be the "Kardashians' The USA is on the brink of becoming an "Idiocracy" like the movie.
Right on, Lyn!
Great reading Lynn. "Intentionally neglecting positive role models" - That is exactly what I see in the barrage of reality tv and dramas on television today. Especially on the ABC Family channel which highlights all types of immorality and dysfunction.
I'm so irritated with the stuff the media presses on us, even if I avoid their media, I still have to keep hearing folks in real life talk about whatever they're hyping. Within the last two weeks, I heard who Bruce was for the first time, then it took me another week to realize the sex change part. I feel so bad for him/her, if I'm this agitated over this story not leaving conversation, I couldn't imagine how rotten this must be for Bruce. I'll give him/her some credit, because I would have lost my patience by now, and went into hiding.
@ RFK Pope
I couldn't agree more, especially for male archetypes and role models. American media went from Andy Griffith and John Wayne, to Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin. We get flooded with images adults acting like shallow degenerate teenagers. I haven't had cable tv ever since I had access to high speed internet, at least ten years, and I don't miss it.
@Everyone: Thanks so much for the comments. Great discussion!
I see the Kardashians as a media-made phenomena; most people seem to be disgusted by all the hype about them, but does that slow the tide? No, since they are a highly valuable social distraction. Look at the coming out of Kylie and Kendall just in the past year!
As for Bruce, what impacts me the most about him is the vacant look in his eyes. The left one may be injured, but that doesn't change the soul-less look he carries. I have wondered about this for a long time. Unhappiness? Gender issue? Brainwashing? Now he's right out there with the rest of his family members snapping selfies and making the world revolve around their bodies and clothes. The shallowness of this clan is truly the perfect storm.
Lynn do you see the kardsahian fame fading into oblivion bc nothing last forever
Fading soon*
This was great insight, particularly where Lynne said as long as we focus on what's happening in the media and the lives of the stars we won't take the time to improve our own lives! Time to turn off the TV and focus on who's most important... "ME".
We've been in an "Idiocracy" for sometime now.
Family Guy foreshadowed Bruce becoming a woman and the Simpsons foreshadowed Joan Rivers coma.
Predictive Programming, but how do those who place such foreshadowing know for certain the event, etc., will happen? Do they ensure it by using our subconcious minds? I know, that's what Predictive Programming is all about.
Are sports used in the same way that reality tv is used to distract people from the real issues? Im watching the NBA finals and I cant help but feel that some of the games are "fixed" to have a certain outcome. It feels like the referees make certain calls on purpose. Maybe one team is more favorable to win in a game that has so many people watching (championship series) for the powers that be.
Once theres a hype...its all smoke in mirors
@Bee: I see them being known, but not at the forefront of the media as they are now. They are just the flavor for now, but I see something new coming in… They keep it fresh to keep people entertained.
@They Live: I see that sometimes things are brought to us through our subconscious.. And sometimes people in the know find out and it is hard to keep to yourself…
@My Picks: I do see more and more games are fixed (just like the recent boxing match).. This really is all an illusion.
These kind of things don't upset me as much as they did before.
I can't help but feeling disgusted every time I see a member of that family (not this guy/ gal) but I'm working so hard in focusing in the positive side of everything and trying not to let these people/media/agenda upset me I think it's finally working.
It's even hard for me to believe I'm so positive lately, so believe me, if you meditate on it, it works, and these low vibes won't get to you.
It doesn't seem to be much of a surprise that there is a focus on the Jenner story. There were some people that were disappointed that Jenner is going to be given the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage instead of Lauren Hill, who was battling terminal brain cancer while still managing to play on her school basketball team until she passed away. I had the feeling that this was more of the ratings/money thing for the media to take advantage of.
I do agree with My Picks regarding the whole possibility of certain sporting events being fixed or attempting to be rigged. The discussion on bad refereeing has no end, that's for certain.
@Lynn Many thanks! I've read the more people talk about an event the "Powers" plan the less likely the event will happen. With telling what is planned it also works as a warning if enough people know about it. One example was a supposed bombing at the Olympics held in London if I remember correctly. Enough people knew about it and warned others and as a result the bombing did not occur.
There is also a potential secret society angle here.
Androgyny is being pushed in our culture more and more.
@Dada: Thank you for that comment. I did have something coming to me about that, but I could not put it into words. I am still fumbling as I try to explain it- we are having perceptions changing of what men are suppose to look like (started with the "metro sexual" movement.) I has an underlying feeling of so much more. Men don't "feel" as celebrated for being men.. (I hope this isn't coming accross offensive. It is an emotion I am getting that is hard to verbalize).
Just to be clear, she did not have a sex change. She still has male anatomy.
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