Q. Do you see any sort of attack or retaliation coming on September 11, 2014?
A. When I focus on this date, there is definitely dark energy that feels like it is hanging in the air. Then I hear a rumbling and revving sound that I would associate to a car engine that was sitting in the park position while someone continued to hit the gas. My image then flips to the rear car tire, seeing it smoke and hearing it squeal as this car remains in the park position. Then the car is taken from the park position, and I watch people scream and run as this car (or truck, etc) drives full blast through a crowd of people and into a building. I don't see or hear an explosion, but I am left with the impression that the car/truck was holding some kind of explosive...
Q. Where is this? Location?
A. I see a NASDAQ sign, leading me down the path of New York (possibly California, but I want to say New York).
Q. Do I see ANYTHING else?
A. I don't see a huge amount of damage, but rather a "wake up" feeling. We need and want a reason to go to war, and it is enough of a reason that Americans will support us going into another battle. I don't see this as something as largely orchestrated as the original 9/11 attack, but it makes the news. People are uneasy and supportive of us sending troops overseas to overpower ISIS.
I also see a fear starting here (in the US), trying to say that there are independent mini groups that are American born and converting to Islam, therefore, joining ISIS while living on US soil. It will be said that is how these types of attacks occur- the people are already here. That will also begin to be further exploited (and over exaggerated) to enable more rights (out of saying they are "protecting" us) to be taken... I see this as already happening (at least the fear based portion) and we will see this escalate as well.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
Something I came across after I did this reading. I couldn't believe CSPAN actually aired this, but found very interesting (and really resonated as truth within me).
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Well I was watching to NEWS channel past 2-3 days back. There was celebration of some festival here in India, The report was al-quaida Terrorist's plan of doing some terror-attack during celebration. The report stated that this Time terrorists were planning to cause explosion by ramming cars fully loaded with gun-powder/explosives!
A few weeks ago a terrorist group tweeted a tweet saying that their next target will be Chicago, do you see any terrorist activity that might happen in Chicago? Thanks
@a2k: I had not heard that. I feel we just need to take caution (not paranoia, but be alert).
@P15: I don't see Chicago- I really got New York (or some kind of financial district- something symbolic of money). I also get that if someone is tweeting that type of information they are intentionally throwing you off.
You are like an guardian angel. A nice angel (although someone just recently mentioned that angels are actually devils, so I'm not sure if this is a nice term but it's meant in a positive/complimentary way).
This doesn't necessarily have to do with tomorrow-- although it might. I am wondering what, if anything, you see happening in Lexington, Massachusetts, where a lot of research and military top secret events and research is occurring. Something is going on. Although I don't consider myself psychic, I have been getting enough strong "gut feelings" and visual impressions about this place that I have decided to move. I gave my friends and colleagues other more general (astronomical housing costs, etc.) reasons for moving-- they just wouldn't get it-- my picking up our family and moving farther away from this place based on a gut feeling and frightening visual images.
@Resident. I don't mean to pry, but I have to ask. What were some of the frightening visual images? Were they ET related? Was it biological? Can you give us a hint without being to specific?
@ArtistSculptor. They are more about military and high tech weaponry. The Air Force base and Lincoln Labs have always been high security. But there's something more-- something else going on (we live across the street). Something more war-like where citizens get caught in the middle. No Worries-- you are not prying-- I put my thoughts out there, right? I don't mean to be too cryptic, but Im not sure how much to say without giving Lynn too much info in my question (I think she likes to not be affected by too much info when first addressing questions). Thanks for asking.
When I think of war like, I think of the Ferguson police. Are the citizens accidentally caught in the middle in your vision, or do you think the military but them there intentionally? I am wondering if your dream is a premonition. Maybe something comes out in the future concerning how the military really acquires some of its technology, and people are protesting. We will see I guess.
@Artistsculptor and Resident: I feel like the central focus will be New York and issues will radiate out from there. I agree with your feelings of Massachusetts- something does feel off. I don't see that happening today, but in the near future, something is off there energetically. I feel like there is a "big secret" that people aren't being told..??
Me too! It is unsettling enough that we are leaving the immediate area. I'm relieved to know you too sense something. At the same time, I wish we were both wrong.
Sounds like the original 9/11 although I heard something was being planned for 9/11/14. Did not happen thank goodness.
@KC: I agree.
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