Monday, September 22, 2014

Pedophilia Rings and People in Power

Q. Hi Lynn, today I found this horror story on the net – if this is true, everyone needs to be informed. Fancy trying to clean this mess up!  Is this true? Have all the people as indicated below really been involved in attending (and /or) participating in these hunts, raping and killing of children? Is the Mafia wife speaking the truth? Will she be safe now?  Are the children orphans from Belgium (and have no families) with no one to turn to, although seemingly according to the story the kids don’t stand a chance anyway. Was it the chosen ‘life purpose’ of these kids to suffer this horrendous pedophilia..? Were the kids perpetrators in their last life? 

This is a story of a woman who’s husband is Mafia member. She has come forward to verify the raping and killing of children (by the hierarchy seemingly worldwide) Mafia Wife Says Royals, Politicians, are Killing, Raping Children For Fun (video) The video is hard to hear in the below link – eventually I could hear it better on youtube:  THE LINK : 

Below is a list of people who apparently have been involved.
According to the ITCCS website ( ) - over sixty eyewitnesses have identified members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult as Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Popes Francis, John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger; Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon, a Dutch Cardinal, other Catholic Cardinals; the UK’s Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip; Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, UK High Court Justice Judge Fulford; in the Netherlands the consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, former Dutch ministers, the top man of the Dutch Army Force, head of the Dutch Parliament Geert Wilers, Belgian royals King Hendrick, Netherlands Bilderberger Founder Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, his daughter Belgium Queen Beatrix, her son Prince Johan Friso, Friso’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit, Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, Dumont’s wife and President of the Court in Amsterdam Carla Eradus, the present under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix, former minister of the Netherlands law department Herr Donner, former Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin, head of Netherlands judges Van den Emster, former head of the Netherlands military department Dick Berlijn, a prominent Netherlands journalist, a prominent Netherlands judge, head of the Netherlands PVV political party and President of the Netherlands Mark Rutte; officials of the Canadian, Dutch, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians, businessmen and celebrities in the US, UK, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France and Ireland.
A. [As I tune into this, I immediately get this very dark feeling.  My rational mind didn't want to believe this as true, but the deeper I get into it, there is some truth behind these accusations- very dark, and get an energetic impression that I am not suppose to "go there" so I will do my best..]

It is coming to me that abuse of humans and power over other people goes back to the beginning of time.  I also get these actions aren't just inflicted on children, but adults (I get an image of adult women being forced into prostitution) have been victims of negative or ill will toward humans as well.  There have been versions of human torture for personal entertainment since very ancient times (I get an image of a group of gladiators fighting ill nourished peasants in the middle of an arena).  Some peoples' minds have the idea that these weaker, more powerless people are insignificant or "don't count."  They justify these actions as if they are doing some kind of "cleansing" of the earth.

As I read through the list of perpetrators, I get an overwhelming sense of truth.  When I go through the names I see an image of a face and they keep shaking their head up and down as if to say "yes, keep going."  Then I pose the question who could do this to another person, and do they not think of karma?  I immediately I see a face turn to me and before I can recognize their face and identify them the image I get is their mouth opens so wide it is as if their jaws come unhinged and a snake pops out with a forked tongue and hisses at me!  My immediate impression is that those involved have some type of reptilian DNA that runs on primal instinct and a very "me" centered way of thinking- they are not capable of higher vibrational thoughts and are very focused on their current life and the "right now."

Q.  Why were these kids chosen for this life?

A.  When I focus on this, I see that within this group of kids there are fighters born... As if karma is working through this kids, and the children don't realize it, but there are very strong souls born into this group.  It looks like it is destined to happen where one of the almost victims or "underdog" will rise up and kill someone of power, turning the table. (I get an image of a peasant rising up and defeating the gladiator.) There is some incarnation loop occurring where this handful of strong, very strong souls, keeps reliving this, and one day one or more will rise up and fight against this and have some shocking results.  I see the victims taking this ring down, and not an outside influence.

Q.  What will happen to the mafia wife?  Is she safe?

A.  I see her living in hiding for the rest of her life. She had to get the story off her chest (I see it being a huge weight to where she couldn't breathe holding it in.).  I get for personal protection she used an alias when she came forward.  People suspect who it was, but there is no definite proof.  She will be "ok" but never be able to admit that she was the one that came forward.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Narrated reading on YouTube.


mandalorian said...

What's up with the Georgia guild stones getting 2014 put on it. Is this the year they go invoke their plan to cleanse the world ?

Odin said...

Hi Lynn!! It was an amazing reading. What about black market of humans transplant organs?? I heard it a lot in China, South East Asia, and Latin America.......

There are lots of people from rich countries queing up for fresh organs from poor people, I heard.

Me too said...

I can't see the pope involved on this, even John Paul II and the current one - maybe people below him, but their vibe is not that type of thing. Plus I wouldn't think the Queen of England would be on this either... I don't feel any vibe from her on this...

Unknown said...

Thank you for a very comprehensive reading. Do the people with reptilian DNA have the impression that their DNA will stop them from accumulating karma. Yes, I understand they need immediate gratification, but what do they think will happen to them in their next life? I understand that in certain bloodline they marry within the bloodline. That takes care of your birth, but it dies not account for your outgoing soul. Are these people able to capture their souls at death, and redirect them within there own family groups? This would make sure they were always the perpetrator and never the victim.

Unknown said...

The previous Pope was well aware of the pedophilia in the church. He was in charge of moving priest around before becoming Pope. Many questions were asked about the last Pope. I think the new one is different. He does not even sleep at the Vatican. That about says it all.

Unknown said...

Are the Georgia stone people at it AGAIN? I can't imagine a functional way to decrease the population by 6.5 billion people and maintain a stable earth world wide can you?

Hope said...

Psychic Focus,

You mentioned that “There is some incarnation loop occurring where this handful of strong, very strong souls, keeps reliving this, and one day one or more will rise up and fight against this and have some shocking results. I see the victims taking this ring down, and not an outside influence.”

Does it mean this sinful, horrible, sickening, inhumane activity is still going on (keeps reliving this) or the “one day one or more will rise up…” is happening now? I read in other blogs that two victims have spoken up and have encouraged other victims to speak up.

Many on the list are really shocking !!!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@michael: I watched that YouTube. Wow! When I was tuning in I got the creators of this monument aren’t causing “the change” to happen, but rather warning you to be cautious of it. I hear that to watch out for forced immunizations and also man-made illness that are about to break out.. It is almost like you are naturally immune until you TAKE the immunization… Very backwards.

@Baku: This does happen and is very real. People in power will do ruthless things for survival..

@Fernanda: I am not saying everyone on this list was guilty, but a good portion are… I couldn’t get a definitely “yes” or “no” but rather this head shaking to confirm that I needed to keep going…

@Artistsculptor: They see themselves as untouchable.. It is as if there is a conscious / subconscious part of their mind that doesn’t filter events or interpret their surrounding with empathy.

@lilian: Yes, but that is what gives these souls and energy and wisdom to take them down. I see a HUGE revelation happening with this, and a balance will be restored…

Truth & light said... are in deep sleep. Theres a reason the universe exposed the catholic church and molestation. This is why hollywood is so sick...see miley cyrus and the likes....they promote this kind of behavior. Theres a book trans america or something like that where a lady wrote about the abuse she experienced and her dad allowed her to be abuse by cia and presidents. Wake up

Unknown said...

The book is called "Trance Formation of America" author Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips. This is one of the most disturbing books I have ever read in my life. I am surprised that it was ever published,

Unknown said...

When the wealthy abuse there own children, how do they think those children will turn out? What do you pick up from Angelena Jolie. I always "felt" that she was trying to heal something that happened to her by helping the children of the world. Does she just have a big heart, or is she a survivor of abuse. She has a VERY strained relationship with her father.

Odin said...

@Lynn Thank you for reading!!

Truth & light said...

@ aristscuptor thats the book i was referring to....of course they willl not publish it....its too truthful...most ppl do not want to hear the truth

Unknown said...

@Psychic Focus - Do the Reptilians feel justified to mistreat people because they were the original race that created homosapiens on Earth? Is their sick mentality, "We created you and we can do what we want with you"?

Also, are they the ones responsible for creating advanced civilizations on Earth and thus feel superior to humans? If so, will humans every obtain power over them?

Unknown said...

When I read about children being hurt or abused in anyway I feel physically sick and I ask myself why am I here in this world. I feel I don't belong here. I can't stand all this violence that blasted me from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep. The abuse of children most of all. I can't handle that!

razi09 said...

Hello PF,

When you stress that these souls being born into this loop are 'very strong' do you think they are even angels sent for this mission, empowered to endure such a horrific existence? Sounds they are fighting satan's army.

Very grateful to you.

KailaDaddy said...

Hi Lynn, how can we tell if we have reptilian DNA within ourselves?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@razio09: I don't see them as angels, but I do see that they are of very high vibrations- there is something very special about them.

@kailaDaddy: I get it is more a feeling than anything- you almost know or have moments of clarity when you feel like you are fighting something bad or primal...or you may even do something and reflect and feel like "something took a hold of you." I also get it is much easier for someone else to see it within you, than you to see it yourself (we don't want to believe it).

Nikky said...

I don't know about the Pope,but it is very well known that the entire UK Royal Family are shape-shifting reptilians. I used to think it was BS and a laugh until I did the research myself and what you will find regarding the Windsors will chill you to the bone. It is shocking, appalling, and very scary. Look up the real story of Princess Diana and what they put her through and the satanic sacrificial ritual that was her and her unborn baby's death. Disgusting. (Search Arizona Wilder and the Windsors.)

Anonymous said...

How did the Reptilian Clan/Family rise into power since the age of time?

For example, in those days where Kingdoms were not yet established... how did these reptilians rise into power? Thank you!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@kaie: They were more ruthless- as if they weren't afraid of dying as they made their deals. It was like they had a negative guiding force assisting them.