Q. With the advent of social mediums like Twitter and Instagram where we are "Followers" of celebrities, are we "worshipping" idols in the same way that the Bible prohibits? And if the Gods of the Bible are actually ETs, is there any harm in doing this?
A. I see a couple things with this... I don't see the Bible as just a book describing events or interpretations of events, but it was a book used to form a set of guidelines for people to live by. For a society to maintain order certain established rules had to exist. I see the Bible (aside from all the stories) as a book of guidelines or encouragement for how to live (even though there is a large influence of religion included). If you take the religion out, it is just outlining certain principles for a society to live according to the people that told, wrote or interpreted the books within the Bible. It was the base foundation and other rules added along the way... (And it was harder to dispute or rebel against the rules if they came from "God").
Religion didn't want people having sex without the intention to procreate because they wanted a larger following. They wanted people married to create a cohesive family unity and have a dual parental influence and support for the children. Coveting someones spouse threatened the family unit, etc... Stealing, murder, all of those things break apart society... The purpose was to lay a foundation for how to live (even though society is much different now and things have been added to the "purpose" over the years).

Then I get that you have to remember when the Bible came about it was for good intention- documentation of events, describing someones interpretation of events, and trying to describe ways to live that was thought to be a wholesome life back then. When it described not to worship idols, I get that it is because you are to worship only yourself [I also get that the bible states something about you are to worship "one God" - but that "God" means the piece of "God / universal light / universal consciousness within yourself and not "God as a separate person". People created the worshiping and that was never expected. I feel like the reading wants to go a different direction so I will try to reign it back in and save that for a different reading]...OK... You are to look to yourself and your connectedness to the universal consciousness for answers, guidance, inner strength, etc... The bible is telling people that when you look outward, covet what others have, you are discounting what you have within yourself- it isn't a healthy way to live. You can like something, be happy for people, enjoy what they have, but when those feelings turn to envy, jealousy, depression and sadness, it doesn't help you.
When you "follow" a celebrity it isn't harmful unless the end result is harming you. If your intent is curiosity, they make you feel good, you like them or they inspire you or make your life feel more enriched, go for it. If it turns to something negative, you may reconsider. The same is true with books, tv (especially reality tv), the internet, etc... It is truly your free will to do as you like, but the "original" intention was good and encouraged you to do things that make you more complete rather than feel empty or longing for something else.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Narrated reading on YouTube.
Hi Lyn, thanks for great work!
just wondered.....how do universal oneness or God view the homeless people in developed countries such as USA or UK? Is it their detiny?????
Dear Lyn,your readings are mind blowing. You are able to read so much is to say the least; you lay bare the very foundation of things our wise wise world professes to know but is sadly only confused.
The major religions of the world are suffering from a serious lack of misinterpretation in the very name of correct interpretation. I hope your message reaches out to every person out there who is in search of truth or real meaning of things.
By the way, I would like to call your attention to an astonishing fact: almost all of your readings on various questions on life, birth, death, spirit, world, universe and etc. closely echo the answers or explanations given in Hindu religious literature.
There's an error. I meant to say serious misinterpretation instead of serious lack of misinterpretation.
@Baku: This is part of their life path- there is something their soul needs to learn, and that situation creates that growth through experience. At some point all of us will or already have experienced poverty, starvation, sickness, etc.. as our soul expands.
Dear Psychic, I really wonder, whether sex in mankind was designed as a means of procreation or a degeneration in reproduction.Then, why is the breeding season of mankind not restricted to a certain season much like animals have? Was this mechanism initially meant to produce in certain season, then it was intentionally made deteriorated by dark alien species into an addictive trapping mechanism?
@a2k: I get that humans can get pregnant once a month (followed by a gestation of 40 weeks) because we only have one offspring (normally) at a time where many animals can have more than one. To keep the species alive (because our young require a lot of assistance - for example can't walk for a year versus animals almost instantly) we need to have many opportunities to have children. Humans are very vulnerable as babies and animals in a short time are able to be on their own.
How can we take this piece of God within us all,universal light, consciousness and change the world for the better? That is the biggest question and the most important answer. I have had a hard time with meditation myself. I've done a lot of yoga, at this time I'm a bit lost but, like most, wanting, needing to help our existence in a positive way. I asked you a question a while back about if you felt that your readings were in anyway adding fear and hopelessness to the world. You said you would address that at some time?? I read your site everyday. I don't in anyway wan to sound mean but I also feel people (as I know you will agree) must question. Otherwise we are just dupes. Then maybe it is all as it should be and maybe we should just stop worrying, looking for answers, getting upset at all the crap all over the world?
@Diane: (I thought I answered you before, so I apologize if I did not). I think the biggest thing we can do it share knowledge, seek truth and collectively focus on the the greater good / positive energy of the universe. I don't look at what I do as spreading fear (I talk about ALL kinds of things- good, bad and ugly) but rather sharing truth which is more important in the process of gaining a bigger picture understanding and higher level of consciousness.
To ask what society can do- if we could collectively sync ourselves to put intent out to the universe for the greater good- the best interest of society would happen just as the law of attraction describes. If that could be organized, it could be Amazing!!
I work on not just my own understanding, but helping others to understand too. If this didn't answer you, please let me know.
How can we collectively sync ourselves? I'd like to make a difference.
@Diane: It would take the individual action of many to pull together and do this. It sounds difficult or overwhelming to think that many people will "wake up" and work toward that momentum, but I have faith in our universal oneness that we are spiritually awakening as a whole (world wide) enough that this can be possible. Look and focus on the positive of we can do rather than the state of affairs currently. Every positive motion in the right direction brings us closer together.
I love you GIRL. Anyway I am being an information piggie. I don't know if I should but I watch a quite a few paranormal shows and I'm not really an organized religious person. I grew out of that closed off way of seeing things many years ago. I can't help but wonder why when there is some sort of negative entity the Catholic religion seems to be the only way to fight the battle. I grew up Catholic. I still have a very strong connection to the Virgin Mary and in more recent years Arch Angel Micheal. Is it all the power of intent, the power of belief.
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