Dare Stones
Q. Hello I would be very interested to hear what you have to say about Elizabeth Dare and the Dare Stones. What really happened to them?
A. When I first focus on her, I see a little girl. The town looks like very early town with early settlers, possibly some of the first?? And it seems very small, no more than 50 people. Then I hear that for that time, the town was actually a good size. They were struggling with crops and ensuring people were fed. It doesn't look to be an established town, but rather very fresh in being built up. While the village became more and more like a town, some of the villagers returned home to Europe for food, seed,medicine and to report their status to the people investing in their adventure west. While these men were gone I see some kind of illness began to take over much of the town. (The image I get is sweating, fevers, coughing, mucus and a pink rash on the cheeks). It was a horrible illness and people were dying.
The town was becoming overall weak, and an Indian tribe surrounded the town, came in and captured the healthy people, leaving the sick and diseased to die. (I keep seeing images of Little Red Riding hood entering the forest?). Elizabeth Dare was one of the girls captured and taken by this tribe.
It looks like as the villagers walked to the village of the Indian tribe Elizabeth left these stones. (Now I see Hansel and Gretel leaving bread crumbs, similar to Elizabeth leaving a stone marker..). It took many days to actually travel back to the Indian village. It appears that the Indians were travelling east and west when they happened upon these villagers. it was Elizabeth's hopes that by leaving these stones like a trail, someone would find them when they returned back from Europe. The stones would tell a message and lead them to Elizabeth and the remaining villagers. It was a clue, warning and a message for help all in one. Sadly the stones were not found, and they were not rescued.
Even though the Indians were feared and viewed as savages, they took to Elizabeth.. There was something about her they liked. She was a young girl at the time of capture, and was raised and grew up with the Indians. After several years, she developed a sense of belonging and felt like one of them.
I get some of the stones discovered were real, but many were forged out of a desire for fame (and to see if they could do it). I hear that Elizabeth Dare only made four stones. .I do see this as a true story and a piece of history.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Narrated reading available on YouTube.
Thank you Lynn! these testimonies of harship given through the Dare stones kind of remember me of the Hard-ground imprints in these pics. What I sense due to impairity of the imprints seen in an area slightly bigger than a soccer-game field, is that it is rather a testimony left by somebody (when and why?) than imprints left by beings (dead or alive). What do you get? :) http://tinypic.com/r/zskcj9/8 (click on the image to enlarge plz) Merci beaucoup!
@knockandwatch: I did look at these pics. Are you saying that these prints were made in Bolivia in a range the size of a soccer field? I see these were carvings on the top of a cave or structure that was covered by dirt over the years.. What they are seeing is the very surface of these structures that were decorated with these prints. There is much more there to uncover.
Thanks Lynn, these carvings (which occupy an area approx. equal to a soccer field) are uncommon because they where made on hardground and as you confirm now apparently where made with an illustrative intention. Haven't heard of caves in the area but I'll try to find out more once I get back to East Bolivia. Muchas Gracias!
@knockandwatch: If they aren't on caves, then it is a mound of sorts... These were illustrations that were left on the surface.
Hi Lynn thank you, but what actually does "mound of sorts" mean? The area next to this site comprises some hills many of which are rich in Iron-ore. Is this what you meant, that somewhere an entrance to subterraneous living sites could be found? Sorry for my lack of English knowledge. I don't discard the existence of caves at all, just said that I would have to check for it next time! :)
@knockandwatch: It could be burial mounds, working mounds, etc... Something of major significance to the tribes that lived there.
There's been a discovery
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