11:55 AM
Q. Hi, the
people in Venezuela Are really suffering under President Nicolas Maduros, who
is using repression, violence,and lies to squash any peaceful protest against
his ruling. Majority are against him. Do you see him being ousted from power
this March,next couple of month or year?

If President Nicolas Maduros leaves office, the initial feeling will be one of relief and a sense of empowerment to the people, but the new rule will soon be corrupted. I get that not many people know of the oil deal, and once the new rule finds out, they too would end up having negative impacts on the people. I get that no matter who is in power, they will soon become weak to the counties that came to Venezuelan aid and this will end up with an adverse effect on the people.
Q. What do you see on the climate and social
unrest problems during 2014 World Cup of Soccer in Brazil next June
and July? We are over 220 million inhabitants here.
A. I first get a strange weather pattern. It feels unseasonably hot! I mean I see people sweating, and I also get an image of an insect problem. I get the impression from my images that this weather is very different than the normal weather for this time of year. I don't see flooding, or storms, just intense heat and humidity.

I do see Dilma Rousseff being re-elected, and in thinking of her, I get that she make take a stern tone to the people, and give the illusion of being strong, but in reality she is very easily manipulated by certain other officials or people of power. I cannot see if it is bribes or if she is somehow encouraged to look the other way with regard to the corruption, but I can't see her stand up against it.
I see that there will eventually be some special interest group raise up, like some third party revolt occurring or forming. It looks as if the people have had enough, and there is a large opposing force on the horizon. I feel like it is being formed in the southern part of Brazil. I looks to be that they group is somewhat known, but not taken seriously yet, but within the next few years will start to really make trouble, and make a difference with the treatment of the people.
Thank you. It is 12:15 PM.
thank you very much! actually Brazil is facing excess of water in the NW (amazon basin lato sensu) and a severe drought in the NE (traditionally arid interior domains). But this year the SE (which is the most inhabitated area) had an unusual hot and dry summer, actually the São Paulo metropolitan area is undergoing water shortages. Electricity (which is mainly generated by hidroelectric facilities will probably also undergo rationalisation in 4-8 weeks. Drought in the SE is likely to go on until November because the winters are generally a low precipitation period!
@ 4:02 PM: That must be why I got the sensation of strange weather- very not typical of what you are used to. There is a huge imbalance there right now. I'm am sorry to hear it was even more intense than what I felt. I do feel that it will balance, it is just going to take some time (like 6 to 9 months.)
Can you do a reading sometime on king ahab and Jezebel please. Thank you for your readings
When you see bananas I'm pretty sure that the image is indicating a political science term called a "banana republic". This term refers mostly to a country that is solely dependent on exporting a limited resource such as oil for Venezuela. Hope this helped.
@12:01 thank you
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