Q. A friend of mine told me about the Mayan Cross. This is kind of interesting. Can you talk about this topic. Thank you.

A. When I tune into this cross, I see it as a guide or a tool to open thought. Most tools have an element of being open to interpretation, and I see the cross working that way too. It helps to narrow a category, and provide an area of focus for a person. I also get that this cross involves traits of your current life along with past lives that have carried over in our DNA. If you do the cross, and some results don't resonate, it may mean that you have either chosen a different life path, or a previous life path is residually attached.
There is wisdom within the cross, and it looks to be a hybrid of astrology and combined collective analysis (people come together and see how traits align with birthday and the info is stored in a data base). It is worth trying with an open mind. 🙂
And that is all I have. I'd love to hear your thoughts or even your own personal results.
Love and light, Lynn
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