Q. Please take a look at the Brett Kavanaugh allegations. What is the truth?
A. When I tune into this, I first get an image of a circus, and all the senate committee members are performers in it. As we, the audience, look on, we are just watching to see what act will come up next. I see this as symbolic as to what is really going on.
HOWEVER, it was not Kavanaugh that did it. He was not even in the proximity. I get an image of him hanging our (keep seeing a guitar, but could be symbolic). He is more than willing to do what the committee wants to clear his name because he didn't do it. The committee keeps pressing the issue of an FBI investigation with an agenda of delaying the vote until after the midterms, NOT with the agenda of truth.
I see someone with an agenda (I will go into this more on the video) took an opportunity to take her and fill her head with ideas. Our minds want solutions and want a fluid explanation. Our minds want to recall events and to feel in control. This concept is what was used to create thoughts, much like finishing an incomplete sentence.
In the end, I see her as a victim, but him as a victim too. Please send some love and light to this very fractured situation.
[I wanted to add this as an after thought as this seems to keep coming to me all day, IF they get the week long FBI investigation that the left wants not only will they try to use it to buy more time, a "NEW" piece of the scandal will emerge. The alt left does not want him confirmed and will not stop unless someone on the right puts this to a halt and basically says "times up."]
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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I get K was completely out of his mind, drunk, in that occasion so may years ago, but that it occurred, and that's why he was not himself.
DeleteWell then you must be correct. What do we do with someone who dry humps a girl? Let’s make it impossible for him to get a job - take him down!
DeleteWhile your at it, do you “get” all the other cases of old white men raping women, cause women are ALWAYS truthful! Especially if they speak in baby voices and act completely defenseless.
Of course all those women who accused Clintn of full on rape are just blowing hot air
Ford looked to me as if she was a recently discharged patient from an MK-ULTRA laboratory in the basement of a 1970's California University.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who can't see that she is a mere tool of the Globalist faction being used to attack Trump's flank in order to weaken the president's power and chances of re-election, is a fool.
This is one aspect of the larger strategic war between Globalism and Nationalism.
haydeeally - "I get K was completely out of his mind, drunk" ... Out of his mind drunk? Even her own friends said he wasn't there. His own circle of friends said he wasn't there. His calendar/diary from 1982 (he keeps them all like his father used to) says he was out of town at the time - So, it appears there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever - As he wasn't there!
ReplyDelete@Cathari -- I agree. During Ford's testimony she reminded me of a lap dog looking up at her master to see if she performed correctly. She's either an MK-ULTRA victim or a self-destructive fool for participating in such a sick and twisted political stunt.
ReplyDeleteAs for K, I think the Dems have picked the wrong guy on which to use their overused rape card strategy. K is about as square and straight-laced as it gets. The thought of him being an out-of-control drunk and a sexual aggressor is almost funny if it weren't so sad to see the way he and his family's reputation is being tarnished.
Denise...good points!
ReplyDeleteLynn...thank you sooooooooo much for doing this...you are a blessing to us all!!!!!!
To see the anguish on Kavanaugh's wifes face was heartbreaking............
ReplyDeleteI think that Kavanaugh is a genuinely good guy that is well qualified for the job.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Kavanaugh that they are attacking, it is Trump and the political advantage that the Republicans have in the House and Senate. Anyone who was nominated would have been attacked, it just would have been a different story line.
I wrote this earlier as a post on the NYTimes, and while it's possible as Lynn says that Ford is a mind control victim with herdeep CIA background (look it up) many details from her testimony such as the home rennovation she said happened in 2012 which records say happen in 2008, being a jetsetter while telling the committee she was a fraid of flying suggest she's a deliberate liar. Besides these inconsistencies, there was not an authentic emotion to her testimony but rather a consistent anxious babyvoice to everything she said. I vote she was in on the global pileon scam against Kavanaugh,who the way while innocent of this and other accusations may have had it coming as karma for his persuit of Clinton over Monica working under Ken Starr. posted earlier on NYTimes:
ReplyDelete"Yesterday's hearing was a contrast between authentic raw emotion of someone bearing their soul and testimony by someone engaged in pedestrian level method acting. Kavanaugh swung from bursts of rage to deep feelings of love and hurt for what his family is going through, smiles of fond memories of his high school days, and raw anger at the unfairness and political gamesmanship of the Democrats. Blasey Ford had a consistent fretted brow, timorous baby voice and monotone cadence of fear or uncertainty whether she was talking about her attack or her trips to Hawaii scuba diving. She fake cried several times never shedding a tear while Kavanaugh hyperventiated and went through facial convulsions holding back his. It is not too hard for to see who was the true victim here.
It's fascinating how the NYTimes overlooks the fact Blasey Ford, who through her Clinton lawyers said needed four days to travel by car out of fear of flying, was proved to be a veritable jet setter in her testimony and in fact flew to Washington for the hearing. You don't mention she is a CIA recruiter of college students, or that her father Ralph and grandafter were both CIA assets, or the fact Kavanaugh's mother ruled on the foreclosure of her parent's property, or that her first mention of Kavanaugh as an attacker in 2012 happened when he was first touted as being potentially Romney's first choice for a SupremeCourt nominee, 6 years of premeditation IMHO."
It should be emphasized that the events under discussion here are a battle within a much larger war. Do not lose sight of the larger global strategic situation, the greater context in which this battle is being waged. That "big picture" should never be lost sight of when focusing on the day to day details of the struggle.
ReplyDeleteThe war is the conflict between the forces of Globalism on the one side, and Nationalism on the other. President Trump is the leading personality on the world stage representing those forces who want to maintain sovereign nation-states existing in a community of shared principles and ideals, while the other side desires to eliminate all borders of any kind..political, economic, racial, sexual, cultural,etc.
This larger strategic context reveals a global war with the objective of destroying everything and anyone who represents the remnants of Western Christian Civilization. Make no mistake about it, it is a war to the death. This is a key moment in human evolution, and in the history of Western Man.
What we see in the Senate now, is an attempt to weaken the President and the Nationalist faction's ability to continue the larger war within the area of Law, within the extremely important branch of the US government..the Supreme Court of the land.
Ford is a mere puppet of the Left Wing factions within the larger Globalist faction. She is a tool, nothing more and nothing less. The degree of her conscious willingness to be part of this battle is an open question, and it would be interesting to know how deep into her soul this manipulation goes.
As of the present moment it appears the dark forces of Globalism have succeeded in delaying the vote on the nominee. These are dark times indeed. And until we all began returning to spiritual ideals, I fear the globe will fall into either anarchy or totalitarianism on a scale never before experienced my humankind.
This whole thing is beyond frustrating to watch. I am afraid for the direction we are going, and I can only hope that enough people are open to realize what is happening. Thank you so much for the comments!
ReplyDeleteFord had some genunine emotion because she did endure a trauma, but not at the hand of Brett. It was hard to see Brett and his wife's face as he defended his innocence. It is even hard to hear them treat him guilty of something he did not do.
They are both pawns in this game, and as someone said, it would not matter who was chosen, they would be in some scandal. That is the agenda of the alt left.
This is truly so sad, and I am concerned for our kids. Comedians can't tell jokes, people are encouraged to live in an offended state, our we have to be so sterile in our environment that we are slowly losing our human connections. This whole thing is so much more than just a sex scandal.
Love and light to these people. Their lives are forever changed. Our country needs to come together again for the greater good...
I think it's good the Republicans give Ford the benefit of the doubt, and in retrospect it's ashame Trump didn't order a specific investigation on the Ford accusation when it first emerged, but the other side would have just come up with some other excuse to trash or plant more dirt on Kavanaugh. I hope the abuse that happened in this process is the low point rather than the start of something worse. Q's last post said the Dems would work to impeach Kavanaugh if they win in November, so the FBI investigation might head that off. They talk about Russians interfering with our politics, we do a good job screwing it up on our own.
ReplyDeleteMy takeaway from the question and answer sessions with Ford and Kavanaugh has nothing to do with them. I was hyperventalatiing over the massive evil assembled in one room - MASSIVE.
ReplyDeleteThese so called humans are the ones rubber stamping the nefarious programs which have killed. maimed and impoverished millions and continue to do so.
Of course, Kavanaugh is the newest minion for evil yearning to be admitted to the club.
*Senate voting records show the Dems and Repubs voting in lockstep with each other. Despite feigning opposition on the Senate floor, eighty senators routinely vote alike passing programs that oppress and poison us. Lynn - you are right to state we should come together because with the continuing Kabuki theater, they do everything to keep us divided.
Can anyone's testimony be considered reliable and independent if they are given $528,000 to testify and remain in the public eye?
ReplyDeletePlease be more specific on why you think Kavanaugh is a "minion for evil".
I would agree that the entire US political system is corrupt from top to bottom, but I do not see how Kavanaugh is part of that corruption. The President is attempting to get him in a position where he can do his part in bringing an end to that corruption.
ReplyDeleteThere are many professions people practice which oblige them to act in a compromised manner. This blog recently covered journalists that no longer are able to independently cover the truth. What about teachers forced to teach the insane Common Core and doctors and nurses administering medicines knowing the harm they might do, like vaccines? I know someone working as a hospital tech at the largest American overseas base, Ramstein in Germany. He says he often witnesses mishaps since doctors there are confined to treating patients by a 'flowchart' which restricts the ability of doctors to treat on a case by case basis. This streamlining means the patient may intitially not be getting the best drug/treatment for their individual needs.
There is an ER doc in my family. I KNOW he has pure motivations, but that doesn't preclude him chasing down his family members to give them vaccinations. He even put himself on statins. Once he expressed surprise when someone told him that a better diet can lead to better health (!)
Indoctrination seems to very effectively wipe clean any critical thinking. So maybe Kavanaugh is like this ER doc - he has pure motivations, but since he has a past, he would be the only survivor of the system in that room.
ReplyDeleteHow are you any different from those who are viewing him as guilty before proven innocent, and therefore reversing the lawful "innocent until proven guilty"?
We cannot completely give up trust and hope that there are still good and decent people out there who can create and project new and healthy impulses into our social order.
You seem to already have him so tainted with "evil" that it is pointless to even give him a chance. And if that is the case, why not give up on anyone who attempts to stand up to the corruption?
Trust & Hope cannot be abandoned.
There are various news organizations on line and on the radio that state Ford is CIA. My feeling is that the Democrats have whipped their followers into a frenzy, telling them that Kavanaugh will get rid of Roe Vs. Wade. However, that is not what the Dem leaders really care about. They want to keep Republicans from the Supreme Court. Their agenda is to get rid of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights altogether. Then any Republicans in the government will be helpless to stop them from taking down our Republic and taking away our rights and freedoms. All Americans will then become their slaves or be killed!
ReplyDeleteHere is one article on Ford: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=104988
Thanks for doing the reading! Everyone deserves: truthfulness, forgiveness and healing and we should have humility as those actions unfold.
ReplyDeleteI am growing so tired of hearing people repeat over and over that they feel sorry for Ford; that they think she suffered from something in her past which we should compassionately acknowledge. To hell will these pathetic attempts to appear balanced in one's statements. This is a war for the very existence of Western Civilization, not some trivial political game.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the real men, real statesmen, who used to stand firm in the defense of the West? Men of moral stature and inner courage! Where are they?
The West has been feminized, neutered, and faggotized. And it the weak pathetic men who allowed this to occur who should be considered the inner enemy of the West. But since they all died over a century ago, there is not much that can be done in the way of justice on that account.
Now we have to face a rising generation of males who are being told that masculinity is evil, that altering one's sex is a constitutional right, that race is a fiction, that Christianity is for fools, that Western Civilization deserves to be razed, and that plugging one's consciousness into a machine is the wave of the future.
I am so sickened by the weakness of Men. Sickened.
If a philosopher-king type leader does not arise to lead the West soon, the West is finished, the White Man is doomed to extinction, Christianity will be smothered to death by Islam, and the world enters a sci-fi dystopian epoch of the bizarre and the grotesque.
Lynn wrote in the blog post:
I do get there was some trauma endured by Ford. She had a point in her high school years that she drank, like many of her friends (which was admitted and just what they did). During one of "those" nights, she had a very scary and traumatic encounter. Luckily it was stopped, but that doesn't change the fact that it stuck with her and haunted her for years. She didn't know or remember who it was that caused her this pain, but it was very real.
And now Q just posted today:
Something did happen to Dr. Ford in her past.
Use of that 'something' to 'frame' Justice K.
Where can I find Q's blog? (I'm probably out of the loop)
DeleteThank you for the reading ... I like the way the information you provide gives me a deeper understanding of the what, the who's and the hows. I posted this on my FB account and someone responded that it gave them a way to support both sides. A new way to view the flow of various information streams. That is how I am experiencing this reading. I get how others are charged, sympathetic, annoyed, discouraged, hopeful ... I get all of the emotions as I have experienced them myself. Thanks again, Lynn!
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting little bit of information.
ReplyDeleteFord was connected to a research paper 10 years ago on Self-Hypnosis:
Looks like the Left is going to have more temper tantrums.
ReplyDeleteHow far will they go?
The moment anyone or anything gets in the way of their demented goal of razing Western Civilization, they go bonkers.
May the True, Beautiful, and Good triumph.
This contradicts what Tom Moore’s channeled friend told him. Thoughts? https://www.thegentlewaybook.com/mailwizz/index.php/campaigns/kn837dlohz7e4
ReplyDeleteContradictions are of the very nature of most people who claim to have sources of information beyond the everyday human intellect. And when I say that, I mean not only contradictions between one "clairvoyant" or "channeler" and the next, but also contradictions within the overall system of the individual clairvoyant. It seems to have been this way since the onset of recorded history.
Very few spiritually oriented people who claim to have access to knowledge beyond the material veil, have also developed a totally consistent overall philosophical system which is a rational expression of Truth. In fact, to my knowledge, only Rudolf Steiner comes close.
So, who is Mr. Moore's discarnate "friend"?
Is that friend a human soul, or non-human entity?
Does Mr. Moore have an agenda beyond the seeking of Truth?
Does this friend of Mr. Moore's have a particular agenda?
How exactly does Mr. Moore "channel"?
Is channeling even a legitimate source of knowledge in our epoch?
How does Mr. Moore check the truthfulness of his friend's information before disseminating it to the public?
I could go on....
And by asking these question I am neither attacking you or Mr Moore.
I also might add, I am not personally defending Lyn either.
Truth alone should be our Quest.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say makes sense, but you contradict yourself by taking this blog as a legitimate source of info without even bothering or caring how Tom is. Lynn said herself she only reports what she sees, even if they don't end up being true. The truth is without evidence of what really happened, we'll never know what the case is, and some people will rely on what others see to remote viewing (or other methods) thinking that's the truth.
ReplyDeleteI never said at any point that I agreed with Lynn on anything, in this post or any of her others. I simply comment now and then on this webpage whenever the mood comes upon me. No contradiction on my part here.
@Amanda: I use YouTube and search for Q posts. There may be an easier way, but I do that when I am curious as to what he is posting.
ReplyDeleteYou can see all Q posts here: https://qanon.pub/
ReplyDeleteQanon.app or Qanon.pub will take you directly to Qs posts.
ReplyDeleteRe: Tom T Moore's prediction - I believe he communicated the probability was at 50% and going in the direction of a no vote. I've communicated with Tom via email and understand that he likes to stick to probabilities for the very reason of free will choices. But, that said, I do wonder who he is communicating with and what might be their agenda!? (Btw his site appears to not be responding when I attempt to open his latest or even older blog entries).