Thursday, September 27, 2018

Brett Stuart and Project Red Dog

Q.  This one you really do not need to watch the video (it is a little lengthy).  There is a man named Brett that remote views objects / places.  He is discussed a "Project Red Dog."  Please just focus on the location he called a "cavern" that he sees during his remote viewing session.  Beneath it he saw a pyramid what looked liked what he called an "ascension chair."  What do you see with this?

Here is a quote from the video (article and link is below) starting at 49 minutes:  

Brett introduces Project Red Dog. The project target was “the most significant undiscovered artifact in North America.” Underneath a tundra is a cavern site, the entrance of which is “masked” by technological means. Deep down is a pyramid which houses an “ascension chair.” Once certain conditions are met, the user becomes aware of all their past lives and of Earth history. They are then given the opportunity to enhance their genetics and transform into an ascended being. The designers, who were most likely Atlantean, created this as an ace in the hole in a timeline where evil prevails. -
A. Brett does feel very genuine and gifted at being able to remote view a location, explore and describe what he sees.  I wanted to tap into both him (to try to see things as he sees them) and also focus on this location.  

As I tune into him and this "chair" with the intent to explore this myself, I see myself floating above the country (North America), and I am drawn magnetically to Alaska (I'm not sure if he discloses where he located this cavern).   I see miles and mountains of mountains and snow, and happen upon a flatter area that is more grassy (versus the snow).  In exploring the grassy area there is a lake, and I jump in (??).  After jumping in, I realize after you go deep enough, it isn't a lake, but rather a portal to this "cavern" that is underground.  

In the center of the cavern is the pyramid.  I note that it isn't completely dark inside the cavern, and the stone walls seems to reflect light from something (??). It isn't brightly lit, but there is enough that your night vision is able to adjust and see as if you were walking by moonlight.  My impression is this cavern is made of crystals, and this is like being inside an enormous geode.

In walking up to the pyramid, it hear a low hum. When I touch the pyramid it feels to be vibrating. I relate this to the vibration you feel from crystals.    

There is no obvious door or opening to the pyramid.  It seems as if you have to be "worthy" of gaining access.  It looks like you have to place your hands upon it and IF you possess the right vibration, you can basically walk right through the wall.  I hear that the experience of getting into the pyramid, and the energies inside would fry our 3D systems.  Only certain people can handle the intensity.  Inside the pyramid, there is only one chamber, and in that chamber is where the "chair" resides.  It looks like a very elaborate throne.  

I then flash to history, and see someone sitting in the chair.  I see it more of a healing tool (??) rather than ascension.  It does look to infuse you with a very intense, specific vibration (I'm not sure if our bodies have an "optimum" vibration, but feels to be something like that). I could see how this vibration could aid in the ascension or even a certain enlightenment that provides truth and history.  However, the goal looks to be healing and complete health leading to a greater longevity (people looked to have longer life spans), and the other is a side benefit.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-  

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  1. Thanks Lynn for the reading. Watch below the video Ancient Technology to Amplify Consciousness by David Sereda. The Link is valid for 24 hrs.

  2. Wonderful reading. I've seen some of his videos and always wondered if he was gifted and saying the truth. The question is, has anyone petrenetad this pyramid? If so, who? What era? Will it ever be exposed?

  3. You are correct, it is Alaska and the area is known as Denali ( The big one). The lake mentioned is not Wonder lake but could be another need a map to be sure. You are correct in Pyramids were used for healing with crystals and turning forks basically for a better word. It is accessible for the enlighten ones true enough, wouldn't want the evil to be able to continue on there is a separation and needed. Military have control of this Pyramid which is below ground and cave like. Was several stories told on this subject even one local news event and quickly removed couldn't get a copy of the discovery of this pyramid. Was once a bank being built and during construction they broke through to a ancient tunnel system went right under the river and the walls were baby butt smooth, and was not part of any known entities at that time. Loves your articles! Raven

  4. Why was Alaska chosen to build these? Was it the location on a series of ley lines or was there a previous society that lived there thousands of years ago, under better conditions that we don't know about?

    I wonder what the chair would reveal about Earth's history that we don't know about now.

    Thanks Lynn !

  5. Who would have such a high enough vibration to go into the pyramid and built in such a cold, remote area like Alaska and under the lake in ancient times? Were they aliens?
