Friday, August 31, 2018

Ped0f1les... (A Read Between the Lines)

Q. Hi Lynn, My question is: What is happening with all of the satanic ped0f1les?  Will it really stop now that it is being more exposed?  Unspeakable acts are being committed on the innocent of our world and I cannot imagine a world sicker than ours. I am deeply troubled by these truths so I am hoping you see a better place in our near future.  More than ever before people are disappearing in our forests and public places. Is this about alien abduction or the human trafficking epidemic?  Thank you for your good work,  Best regards,
A.  Such an important topic! People are disappearing, and human trafficking is on the rise at epidemic levels.  I get that with the Deep State being exposed, borders being [somewhat} more monitored (and the threat of illegal entry in countries becoming more difficult), traffickers are working overtime to make money and abduct people for the agenda while they still can.  Leaders of these "rings" are desperate to "increase their assets" while the still can (and before they go into hiding or have to alter their plan).  Not all missing people are tied to trafficking, but there is definitely a good majority.  

I do get Trum9 is the wildcard that they (the ped0 leaders) never counted on.  The PTW (Powers That Were) could not believe that they didn't win.  Many of the agendas (and darker / shady practices) have been derailed, and our timeline has shifted to allow these lower vibe people and plans to be exposed and stopped.  People are waking up, and our collective consciousness is rising.  

Don't be paranoid, or life in fear, but stay safe, listen to your intuition and focus on the high vibrations.  

[Many times when people find themselves in dangerous situations, or become a victim, their intuition told them something was wrong.  They overrode their intuition for fear of being rude, and got too close, too helpful, etc. making themselves vulnerable.  Be kind, share, and be an example, but if your gut tells you something is wrong, honor that nudge and get out of harm.]

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
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  1. Thank you for this post. Relating to this going back years and years -thinking of Maddie and a list of others with what really happened...will it ever reach the mainstream public as a way of closure? Today this website had a related topic. I am not posting the direct like because the word is in the post title but it is easy to locate. Having a mainstream political cartoonist publish really made me think!

  2. I will stay safe and focus on love and light.

  3. They have been protected by the fact that what they do is so horrible most people can't even imagine it is real, or even think about it. It's not just politicians, but clerics up to the Pope, and entertainers like Bill Mahr and Stephen Colbert, Podesta's best friend and a comedian who starred in a show called "Strangers with Candy." They really do put it right in your face and notice both are the loudest in fighting Trump's campaign to get them locked up.

  4. Many years ago when I was in my early 20's I was traveling Europe with a friend. A man approached me one night at a hostel in London. We talked for a while and then he offered to have me meet a friend of his to get some free plane tickets. Strangely, he said I needed to come alone. That night I had an awful premonition in a dream that they would kidnap me for several days and do horrible things to me. The next morning I woke up and decided to go if I could get my friend to go with me. We got down to the place that we were to meet and waited. I saw them approach at a distance. They saw there was two of us instead of just one, discussed it for a few seconds, and turned and left. God warned me, I listened, and a life-altering traumatic event was avoided.

  5. The link posted in the 1st comment is no longer to be found at that website. I am posting the direct link here since we no longer have to worry about you being banned. Thank you for speaking out!

    1. And here is the political graphic originally referenced.

  6. Here is another link about how they operate. Does this mean the executive order the president signed it corrupt or has been co-opted? Such a difficult topic - praying the truth will set people free.

  7. The truth will always come out, even if it takes a while. Truth runs naked, and it is lies that need covered. @Unknown: How scary this happened, and I am glad to her you stuck to your intuition!!

  8. i believe this is why you were banned from youtube :(
    The truth will always come out, I believe that too..... I think they are just buying time till midterms.
