Friday, August 31, 2018

It was bound to happen...

Hey folks.  Guess YouTube didn't like the truth coming out.. Good thing I started using REAL.Video.

One more thing... I have always backed up content, but in the event this too disappears, please bookmark me at  I will be slowly moving that way.  The blog is a little rough there, but at least I can still keep in touch as I smooth out the wrinkles.  I love all of you! -Lynn

The verdict of the appeal is in already.  Appears I have breached the "community guidelines."  Must be preparing their platform for the midterms and next general. I'll chose to take it as a compliment.


  1. This censorship is getting ridiculous! So sorry this happened to you, Lynn. Hopefully you can be back up and running soon. Luckily your blog is still up.

  2. This is horrible! Shows they felt your truth was a threat. Google, the owner of Youtube, used to have a motto before they were sold that read "Don't be evil." The new owners don't share that philosophy. is better than Google search in terms of not blocking political things. I know a lot of others have challenged such suspensions, and got reinstated by public outcry.
    maybe they are knocking a lot of people out now before they are regulated like the public utility they are. Hope everyone here sends energy to get Lynn reinstated.

  3. Disappointing that we cannot express freely. Glad you have been preparing! Positive prayers for all who are being prevented from speaking.

  4. So basically the US is now the same as China in terms of censorship- and with popular support pushing it that way!

  5. I would be interested to know what exactly triggered the suspension.. The notice says repeated and what words? In the end these are private companies and can pretty much do what they want to. One way to get around it is to have your own domain and site, provided the server is much more tolerant and not connected to any big players. It will all work out. We will follow you wherever you go, you know that I hope.

  6. Wow! The PTW are pulling out all the stops to silence the truth! This would be scary except we know the PTW are desperate to hold on to power and their censorship tactics will ultimately backfire on them. Too many are awake now. Lynn, we're with you wherever you go to get the word out - we don't need Youtube, there are other platforms.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That is so sad and I am truly sorry hear this Lynn... I will continue to follow you and your wonderful content. Just be safe, So many truth seekers met there demise only wanting to spread the truth. Love & Light!...

  9. Allow me to give my thoughts on this. Lynn's blog has been around many years and not just recently.

    In the past, there were a lot of interesting topics like past-lives, aliens, moon-landing hoaxes, medical issues but recently the posts seem to focus on the PTW and how Trump is fighting them.

    There are many Youtube videos on past-lives, aliens, nibiru, moon-landing hoax, pharmaceutical scams but why are these videos not deleted?

    Yes,we all know that the PTW which are the reptilians are controlling the world but is it necessary to repeat the same mantra when we can search for past posts that already mention them? I suggest the blog move to the various interesting topics in the past rather than focus on PTW, Clint0n etc.

    If we have too many posts of Trump as the HERO trying to save the world, then there may be many anti-Trump readers who don't like to hear that. I am posting this as an observer not that I am anti-Trump.

  10. Now you can use it in your marketing, Lynn. An official recognition that you are providing high quality information. Google will be so busy and one day they wake up without customers.Lynn, I have so much admiration and respect for what you do. You could take you blog Patron so we could support you on a regular basis, or similar.

  11. Wow, this is a shame. Who needs the KGB and the Gestapo if you got Google and Facebook?

  12. Well... doesn't google own wordpress now, too?

  13. We do live in very tough times, and there does feel to be a monopoly on many of our media outlets. I knew I was being watched because of the stats. It started here with ad revenue that I put toward the blog (like $100 a month), then they cut it down to once every 3 months because my content "wasn't appropriate for most of their advertisers." Keep in mind they still ran the same ads, and my hit count was the same, but it is near impossible to get them on the phone, or calculate their algorithm. The sad thing is that they really mess with people's livelihoods doing this (this is a full time job for some). I use what I make from the blog to give back to my family (I'm truly grateful that I can share info, help people and use that to give to also give to my family- it is a great balance that I feel good about). Sorry for the little rant, I'm just frustrated but also trying to remain optimistic. I do love all of you and I do thank you for the support!

    @King of Pentacles: I actually am on Patreon, but I didn't think to do the whole blog that way. I have been backing up often, but not sure I can import the whole thing. I could look at doing posts their too as a way to diversify.

    @Dada: I'm not sure, but I need to check it out. Feels like their hands are in most everything somewhow...

  14. Hi Lynn, I also follow you on Patron under a different name, my point was that it is quite fair you get paid for what you do otherwise we have no Lynn. I do not know if Patron is the best system out there. You could still keep your webpages so that google or non-censured browsers can pick up keyword and new people can find you. A headline/snippet of your post at Patreon, posted at the blog could lead us to Patron where you get paid. You could have different tiers, e.g. 1 is read only 2 is 1+your chat, 3 is 1 and 2 plus you get to ask on question per month, like your priority blog. Most of us can find 10 USD per month, for example. Apologize, not really my business, just a suggestion.

  15. @King of Pentacles: I am all for ideas. I am trying to diversify. :-)

  16. Raymond that is so damn funny ha ha!! :)

  17. I hope everyone here takes the time to write an email to Youtube, telling them they are suppressing free speech by taking down the Psychicfocus channel and that you will be reporting them to the FCC, your congressmen, and the president urging them to regulate Youtube and other social media outlets as public utilities to prevent such censorship.

    By the way, questions to Lynn on political topics played a big role in this and while we are all curious and seeking affirmation of what's been happening and what's going on, there are a million other great sites, posters and you can go that specialized in politics, deep state, ect. to find out what's really going on without having to ask a psychic. There is so much to explore beyond the political sphere, which is almost a distraction to the things that matter much more connected to life.

  18. Are they really private companies though? When the government supports these companies with start up money, tax incentives, tax workarounds, contracts (not publicly disclosed) private deals only enabled thru the highest levels of government, you have to ask where the $ is coming from and ultimately you find it is our tax dollars that enable the companies. Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla to name a few. Go back to the beginning and look at the origination-without government support these companies would not have made it. I am in no way anti-government but you have to ask yourself are these really “private” companies? They are symbioticly reated to the government and would not have, could not have been, cannot be without government support. If a person look into it there exists evidentiary support for this. It may be hidden in incubators, start-up funds, innovation/innovators for the future, etc. but the $ leads back to us and our tax dollars.

  19. I admire you Lynne, not just for your abilities, but mainly for your courage to tell the truth.


  20. Check this website "Drop Google" out:-

  21. Please stay on twitter as long as you can so we know
    you have posted a new reading !
    thanks luv ...
    your work is amazing ...!

  22. “Fire bun babylon system” The Universe will work something out

  23. So sorry to hear this Lynn. Worrying times. Then again, I have seen so many perfectly reasonable users punished for undefined sins on social media platforms, it's practically a badge of honour these days. There will be blowback for these companies.

  24. I find it amazing how Lynn's YouTube videos that had a few "likes" and a couple hundred views were targeted but my kids who use a restricted filter keep winding up finding videos with 50-100 Million+ views of Barbie and Ken doing sexual things and even playdoh videos that turn abusive and xxx & I can't even get those banned or just censored (18+), so the kid filter catches them - wtf.

    It goes to show you they were watching her from the blog but YouTube was an easier way to get at her.

    That's ok though, the universe will steer Lynn to a better platform for videos where she can truly be free.

  25. "Real video" is better than YouTube anyway!

  26. Hi, Lynn. I get postings from the Western Journal, which is a conservative news outlet everyday. One of their postings I saved because I knew that someday I may need it. It is an article that has an alternative to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and it states that it's platform is decentralized. The website is and the article is posted at www.the Hope that might help you in some way. Love you!

  27. Noted author & journalist, Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize winning ex-NYTimes war correspondant. He recently gave a talk which devoted a segment on how the corporate state quells dessent through media manipulation:

    Start at 47:00
    Lynn - Glad to hear you've gone to REAL.VIDEO!

    Going from strength to strength. Del Bigtree, the producer of VAXXED just placed his internet show, Highwire, with them also.

  28. I just had an idea for a future post. Can you please look into John McCain's energy and see if he's really dead or still alive? A lot of people are suggesting that he's still alive because he might have been arrested for treason and sent to live the rest of his days at Gitmo. Plus, he had a closed casket funeral so that adds more reason to question his death.

  29. Omg. too bad you didn't go under the radar. Is it just me or is anyone else getting tired of this "corporate policy mentality".

    It's not just you who has been suspended but many more.

  30. Thanks so much for the support! I appreciate all of you so much! Big hugs!

  31. I am going to migrate to, soon. You get e-coins depending on how popular your input is.

    Lynn, did you ever get some examples of how your YouTube content violated their guidelines? Specific videos, or snippets, and how you could fix it?

    We are fast coming to the point where the law is going to have to step in and regulate these public forums as soapboxes that have to be content neutral, unless they are committing a crime related to trafficking and advocating violence.

    Peace be upon you.

  32. @Ma'at: YouTube didn't provide me with anything. I had no strikes (you are supposed to get 3??). They didn't give an example of any video violations, and shut the whole channel down rather than a specific offensive video, which is odd considering how offensive and hateful some videos are out there. I did an appeal, and they basically said that my channel would stay suspended and not to contact them again.

  33. Very sad. It is hard to believe but it really is happening. With more and more news coming out it does seem that the alphabet company is a part of DARPA so once again it our $ being used against us.

  34. internet bill of rights has been floating around on the chans....maybe saying that internet is a public utility that all should have access too.....would open the possibility to regulate in public interest.
