Q. Thank you for all you do! I really enjoy your readings on Death, the Soul and the white light tunnel etc.. Your readings fit with many other info I have found about that subject.. Anyway, to my question, let's flip the coin.. A 1 month old human baby seems to have good functional eye sight, yet of course can not talk.. What are they thinking? It seems they may have a foot in both worlds at that time, and wonder where they are now? Tell us what you see? Thank you.
A. I do see a baby is at a very special point in their life where they can see not just the 3D reality, but they can experience other realities too. They haven't formed their rational, conscious mind that tells them they cannot do something. They have not yet developed a belief that what they experience makes no sense or the experience isn't logical. Babies accept things for what they are. They are innocent and have a wide open pineal gland. When we get older, outside influences shape our thinking (activates the rational mind) and the exposure to toxins start to block us biologically.
I get that at this age their experience of their environment is very primal and very pure. They can experience more than one reality at a time, but I don't see it in a deep philosophical way. It is more feeling and emotion based. They can see with their physical eyes, but even more so in their mind's eye, and from there they have a gut, emotional response.
It looks like their root, sacral chakra and solar plexus are incredibly active. As they get older, the rest of the chakras start to light up, and by the age of three (everyone is unique so this is just a generalization) everything is opened. I see this time frame being the peak time to encourage intuitive gifts because from there environment starts to infiltrate the mind (and weaken their ability to easily tap into their intuitions).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Biologically, babies sight fully develops last. According to Michael Newman's Journey of Souls, the soul comes and goes in a newborn/toddler - maybe to preserve their innocence. It's constant once they reach school aged. Any confirmation on this Lynn⁉️
Lynn can u give us aww3 update and trump...update cus its gettin scary.
@Bee: That does makes sense. I did see it like their "mind's eye" was very active, which triggered physical and emotional reactions. Other development happens much later.
@Wendy: I will look at doing another update. It is scary..
I swear that I remember seeing fairies in the grass when I was a baby. So whenever you see a baby squeal with delight for no reason, they may be seeing something that you're not.
Trump is being mind controlled somehow. I suspect they've either done hypnotism or subliminal messages piped into his living quarters. Also, there are master yogis and other practitioners who have the ability to sneak into your dreams at night and rewrite your scripts. I personally know someone who can do this and he's not a good soul. I don't doubt the CIA, etc. has recruited people with these abilities, which can be used for good or evil.
@WendyTascione ~ Hi, Wendy. There will be no WW3. It's not being allowed by the Light Cavalry (and has been thwarted about a hundred times, already). Ignore (and note) any outlets spouting fear right now. Actually, the amount of light energy coming into the planet (and us) is truly epic. Reeeeally good things are coming.
That reminds me, I meant to do a special fairy post on my other site. Let's see...
My comrades (lol) on YouTube are saying there are signs of a nuclear false flag in the works. Trump is meeting with the entire Senate on Wednesday to discuss North Korea. It sounds like the PTB have decided to take out the North Korean leadership. The Feds did a "nuclear bomb detonation" drill in NJ today. They always do those drills right before a staged event.
@Christina: If fairies are around, I am certain babies would be the ones to see them. I think you are right.
I also agree with the mind control. That is why I did the meditation last week. Regardless of our political beliefs, he is our leader and we need someone that is not being manipulated by a group that does not have our best interest. We may need to do another one.
@Dada: I feel good things too. :-) I am feeling optimistic and excited..
I have asked Lynn in another post whether Trump will detonate a bomb in North Korea and she said no. So your statement that Trump is considering this action is shocking.
@Alex, I didn't read what Lynn said earlier about Trump detonating a bomb, but I do know that the buzz on alternative news sites is that something is up, and it seems to revolve around April 26. Trump is meeting with the Senate at the WH about North Korea, which is very unusual. The Feds, coincidentally, are having a major "crisis" drill in Washington, DC on April 26 that will be spread out to both the Maryland and Virginia suburbs. This drill is officially confirmed. On April 24, the Feds completed a nuclear detonation drill in Manhattan. This has been officially confirmed. There are rumors that drills are also going on today, April 25, in LA and SanFran. The Navy has scheduled their big ship (don't know the name) to arrive in waters off North Korea also on April 26. And, finally, I've been around long enough to know that we're in the Silly Season of the year. "Big Things" tend to happen nationally around the end of April: riots, bombs, you name it. So why not a false flag.
@Alex and Christina: I do find his actions concerning, and it does feel like lots of other free will are constantly intervening. I can't see it happening yet, but I will say the timeline is constantly changing (the PTW want a war and want to do anything that will cause problems for Trump). We just need to put some positive mojo out there and hope this doesn't happen (and if it does it will be tied to some false flag event as that is the way of the PTW). Sigh...
Lynn, I don't think any of this North Korean buildup is Trump's idea. I think it's been in the planning for years by the PTW. They don't really care who's in office. They just lie to the sitting president, get him to sign off, and go about their business. I just heard that the intelligence heads from 5+ countries met in NZ two days ago. Comey is seen landing at the airport. Air Force One even flew into the same airport, but the government has officially stated that the president was not on board.
If all of this is leading somewhere, it fits with the Spiritual Research Foundation's stance that WW3 has actually been going on in the spirit realm for a couple of decades, with some spillover into the physical realm. Maximum physical spillover is supposed to be reached in 2017/2018, and then slowly dissipate. Looks like we're right on schedule.
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