Sunday, June 14, 2015

Strange and Extreme Weather

Q.Hi Lynn, what's going on in east coast Texas? We been having so much rain and flooding in my area. Is the crazy weather caused by the earth's wobbles or just normal? Thank you!
A. I see this is partly the wobble, and partly due to HAARP.  I hear the phrase that Texas is getting the "double whammy."  I see this is a set up intentionally and getting ready to lead into Jade Helm.  I see some kind of exercise sparking onset of Jade Helm even before the "official" start date. I also get the Texas is viewed as the real wild card with regard to how this state will respond to an intense military presence over the summer.

Q. Can you give a reading on the extreme hot temperatures in the South of the US, specifically Miami. We are being bombarded with heat non stop, and I feel that the temperatures the news report are inaccurate. I lived here all of my life and I have never felt this intense heat before. What is it due to?A. I see this heat being tied to the increased intensity of the sun.  I get an image of an intense white light; hotter than ever coming off the sun.  I get that between the sun intensity and the fact that the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun right now in the earth's revolution, intense heat is going to be experienced.
Q. Can you see what is going on with the CA drought?  Can you see it ending?
A.  I see it ending, but not this year.  There will be minimal rain this year, but it looks to start to shift (very slowly) back to a more normal precipitation amount next year.  I also get that it will be a gradual comeback, not at once, and a few areas will turn into a desert area (more toward the central southern portions)... Meaning it will get a little better next year, but in no way be back to a normal limit.  It will take several years to get back to normal limits.

Q.There are also rumors of a volcano going off in southern California...  (Thanks for the link Dada :-).
A. When I tune in on this, I cannot see a full out volcano erupting, but I do see this "gurgling" effect at the fault line.  It looks like a tremendous amount of pressure is built up, but it releases like a slow gurgling leak. It looks as though this is happening now. I also get that in this area the air has a strong smell (like sulphur).

Q. In our living memory, this is the FIRST time that earthquake has struck in Malaysia, in the state of Sabah in East Malaysia, causing a landslide at the mountain, which is considered a sacred place by the local tribes. According to Malaysian media, there are some locals who believe the 6.0-magnitude tremor was caused by ‘mountain spirits’ who were angered over the crude photo shoot which occurred high above the clouds. question is - what really caused that earthquake? Will there be more earthquakes in Malaysia as our buildings are never built to withstand earthquakes, especially those many of those high-rise buildings. This earthquake came as a shock to us. Thank you.  A. I cannot connect to this being related to mountain spirits.  I see this island sitting on top of an inactive volcano.  This volcano used to be active, and the base the island was actually formed by this volcano millions of years ago.  As the core layer (the molten layer) heats up (which is slowly increasing), it is creating pressure in "weak" spots.  Under Malaysia is one of those "weak" areas.  I do not see a full on eruption (or a reactivation of the volcano), but I see these "rumbling" effects occurring due to the pressure and heat.  I do see after shocks occurring, but they look to be less severe than the original earthquake.
And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-


  1. I think it's great you did a post on Sunday!

  2. What is causing the earth to wobble?

  3. I have felt for a long time the sun is hotter. What is causing this? The reflective chemtrail particulates or a shift of the earth?

  4. Hello East Texas...can we please have some of your rain and flooding you are experiencing out here in Central California. We need it bad. Hundreds if not thousands of our beautiful, mature trees along Highway 99 are dead and are dying from lack of water. It is so sad. Please send us your Light and positive thoughts for more rain. We deeply and sincerely appreciate it.
    Love and light to all!

  5. In Colorado we are getting an insane amount of rain as well. Someone has a weather machine and it isn't controlled by us. I was told a wile back HAARP was sold or changed hands, maybe true. It is messing up the farming. This may be by design and necessary for their master plan. So far I'm disappointed in their master plan. These people are not good planners... Happy flag day and Bilderberg week.

  6. @Dada: Thanks. I don’t very often, but just happened to have some time yesterday.

    @KC: It is wobbling because of the Red Comet / Nibiru system that is encroaching upon us. It has the gravitational forces a little off balance causing this “wobble.”

    @Robert: I see the sun goes through cycles too, and it is actually burning hotter. In my mind I see it glowing white hot versus yellow or orange…

    @Mark: I always see it as the technology is there, but the people using it don’t really know what they are doing and are using the earth as an experiment. It is like giving a child a car and telling them to drive; They may not know, but don’t fully understand the dangers or have the forethought to prevent an accident.

  7. Perhaps for a future group meditation, we could focus on weather relief for California and other affected areas?

  8. Thanks for the answer. Will the comet cause anything as severe as a pole shift or cause severe problems that cause us to struggle to survive?

  9. @23 tulips: I think that is a great idea. I will include it in one of the weeks.

    @KC: I do see some major weather events, but I don't see a true pole shifting..

  10. mentioned the red comet.. Will it still cause the 3 days of darkness or has the engery shifted. I think it was last month but a hurricane type system formed off the coast of Florida which is odd. Do you think more of this will happen due to the wobble or are these type of storms HAARP related. Thank you for taking the time to do the readings. I don't comment often but I always stop by.Blessings of love and light to you

  11. mentioned the red comet.. Will it still cause the 3 days of darkness or has the engery shifted. I think it was last month but a hurricane type system formed off the coast of Florida which is odd. Do you think more of this will happen due to the wobble or are these type of storms HAARP related. Thank you for taking the time to do the readings. I don't comment often but I always stop by.Blessings of love and light to you

  12. @Mimzy: I don't see it as 3 days, but I do see some unusual weather. I also see it eventually creating such a tug on the earth that the earth slows (and the days get longer).
