Friday, June 12, 2015

Africa... Xenophobic Attacks and Load Shedding (Electric Power Cuts)

Q. Hi Lynn.I have emailed about doing a reading on the xenophobic attacks in South Africa in February... Did you manage to do a reading on the attacks? If not. would you mind instead doing a story on load sheddding (Powercuts) in South Africa.I would like to know if corruption is involved or really the South African electricity monopoly giant does not have enough funding to distribute electricity efficiently.Thank you
A. I would like to break this down into two separate questions..
First, the xenophobic attacks..

When I focus on what is happening, I see that it isn't the people that are the focus, but rather the land. I see what is happening mislabeled for what is really going on (the much bigger story), Africa looks to have a lot of natural resources that other countries want a piece of. Then, I get an image of a huge lake of clean, fresh water. In order to take the land, or have access to resources, they have to have the people either be submissive, or willing to work for whoever is coming over. Africa may be dry and hot in some areas, but I also see lush, green, vibrant "oasis" looking areas as well. The fight is over these "lush" areas.. I see Africa (in many ways) being the future and cultivated to where people will want to go..

I don't see the African governments allowing it to happen, but they aren't stopping it either. The have a "passive" feeling toward it. It looks like some deals have been made, and they have the "accepting of their fate" attitude. It looks easier to go with the forceful change than it is to fight it.

I'd like to now focus on the load shedding..
I see this as a tactic to keep people scared and to create a divide. I see the cost of power rising, and those that can afford it will have it, and others will be forced to cut back drastically or do without (because they can't afford the high cost). The stress and worry of this keeps vibrations lower AND creates a passive society (it is hard to worry about orchestrating an uprising if your basic needs aren't met and you are worried about your family and their safety). I do see this as an intentional act by the government in order to have the agendas formed by the Powers that Be go over more easily.

And that is all I have for this reading. If those of you that just read this could take a minute and send some positive energy and protection to these people, it would be a beautiful thing. They really do need our positive thoughts. Love and light-


  1. Hi Lynn, there is a hyperinflation going on in Zimbabwe, is it a man-made event by Power to be???

  2. That was my thought, if we could all take a few moments and send positive loving thoughts towards Africa maybe we can change things over there for the better!

  3. Well, I'm on board. Sending thoughts to Africa and looking forward to the meditations. Thanks Lyn!

  4. sending some energy and love to them now.

  5. Good read Lynn... I understand the complexities of all that you interpret.

  6. where's Da-da? I missed Five-for-Friday.

  7. I visited South Africa last year on a conducted tour. Our tour guide took great pride in telling us that SA is an exporter of electricity as they generate far more electricity than they can consume. He then went on to tell us that every South African citizen has their first 60 kilowatt/hours of electricity supplied free of charge.

  8. Done.
    They shall overcome :)

  9. @Baku: Yes…. They are creating a situation where the rich will be able to buy up the land and resources.

    @Everyone: They do need our love and healing thoughts…
