Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).
June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dada forwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it. http://galacticconnection.com/
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.
I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn
I have read about the healing water and the use of prayer and positive intentions. Good idea!
I'm so excited to do this! Thank you for choosing Sundays!! I think this is going to be huge for our world. All of us focusing on the same thing is going to be powerful!! Can't wait! Love and light to all and thanks and gratitude to Lynn.
This is great!
This is great!
This is a great idea; I'm in! Love the topics as well. Thanks for all you do. Always so interesting and enlightening!!
Lynn, I'm wondering, is there a way (if any) to channel with cat/dog ETs? I can't find info about it.
Thank you!
Ill be there...lets do it
@Everyone: This is great. I am glad this looks to work out for you!
@Juli: I don't know that I would recommend channeling (allowing the being to take over your body), but you could definitely communicate via a mediumship or meditation/telepathic way. You just have to focus on it, and put the intent out there.
Thank you for the suggestion and effort everybody, and Lynn for organizing it. Unfortunately for me, Sunday is family time. But, my thought will be with you all at that specific time. Anyway, whenever I do meditation, at the end of it, I send positive thoughts to all sentient, perhaps now I can include Nature? :)
Thank you Lynn, I think I used the wrong term, I meant to communicate with them to 'welcome' them, as you always said they're the cool ones, who want to help us but they need our permission to work on us and on Earth.
I'm putting them in my meditations lately and try to visualize them. I hope they get my message ;)
Thank you!
I'm changing my meditations, prayers and intentions following your advises and I'm really feeling better even though my life is pretty much a chaos! I'm really positive and I pretty much don't care/worry a lot about those things. I'm really getting my peace. I owe you that to you and this blog. <3 <3 <3
Luckily, Da-da's new grounded bed is allowing him to take up two hours EARLY every morning!
Should we all meet astrally atop the Eiffel Tower? Mt. Rushmore? Library of Congress?
I'm excited you're doing this and look forward to joining in. There's a great group here and I think collectively we can do a lot of good!
Nice. Just checked with timezoneconverter. And since it's in the afternoon for me. I can paticipate.
Thank you Lynn and Dada! I look forward to these mediation sessions!
@Everyone: Thanks for the great feedback! I am looking forward to it. I also like the idea of us trying to “meet up.” For those that are interested, how about meeting above Sedona (I wanted to pick a spiritual and energetic location)?
Before I practise meditation on a regular basis, I was able to recall my dream the next day and I know I dream almost every night. However lately, I noticed that I can't recall my dream anymore as tho I have stopped dreaming.
Then I did less meditation since two weeks as I couldn't do deep breathing (blocked nose reaction to hayfever again) and I noticed that I do have some vague recall of my dreams tho not as clear as before.
My question is: Is that normal due to meditation or just a coincidence?
Btw, do we have to activate our chakras to achieve astral travel? I read that it's "dangerous" to open our chakras, especially the third eye as our third eye will see more than the normal human eyes can see.
Thank you.
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