A. I don't see this as a spiritual connection to each other, but more like a spiritual connection in relationship to past experiences and current lessons based on where their paths are taking them (experienced similar deaths, working through similar karmatic issues). Similar life paths running parallel, but not necessarily tied to each other. I do see that birthmarks are related to past life trauma or a past life karma to that individual soul.

Then I get the image of a person being chased by dogs or wolves, and they were attacked. In their current life they they have a birthmark in the shape of a dog. It is as if the trauma was "stamped" on them and until they rid themselves of it, they will have a similar marking in each next life.
Another person I see died from a bullet wound to the chest, and even though they were not born with a birthmark, they developed one (it came out) when they were in their twenties. (Then I am told that technically may not be called a "birthmark", but is a marking relating to a past life).
The examples keep rolling in my mind of how psychical markings you have now can tell a story of who you are, and even explain some irrational fears.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
What about frickles?! I heard something similar
Does the same go for Da-da's "stigmata" hand?
My daughter has a very interesting birth mark (I think they called it cafe au lait) on her left arm. I am covered with freckles - curious to hear where they could come from.
I've got a big Australia on my ribs...and I live in Australia, wonder what's behind this birthmark
I also wonder about freckles on the face. Does it mean anything? Is it something you can get rid of?
I have a small Ivy leaf on my left arm , my name is Ivy as well . I always wonder the meaning behind the birthmark .
I have a big brownish birth mark on my elbow. I keep thinking but I can't relate it to any kind of death in a past life. Any ideas are welcome :p
Lynn does the same count for physical appearance? Not diseases or impediments, just the kind of body you have. If that's the case I know I must have done a very bad thing in a past life just looking at my nose ¬¬
@Bee and Dada: Yes, freckles, moles, scars that appear with no injury…all those things can be related to past life trauma or karma..
@Me too: I see this relating to a fear (much milder form of a phobia) that she will work through in this life. I would have to think about what scares her and help her process through it..
@Vortex and Ivy: That very well could be. The biggest thing is to see how it resonates with you. For example, I have one the shape of a dog on my thigh- I used to be scared of large dogs, but worked through it… I love dogs..
@Lysa: You can bleach them with lemon juice or diluted lemon essential oils…
@Juli: It doesn’t have to be a death, it could be an injury (an accident of some kind)… I keep getting an image of someone falling and trying to catch themselves but land on the bony part of their elbow..
Appearances can matter, but also remember that our human body is like a shell and what we determine as pretty or ugly are just words… To the universe we are all perfect and look just as we should. You may have what you “think” is an ugly nose, but maybe your nose if more pronounced because you have a gift of sniffing out all twelve ingredients of a cookie you just ate.. Everything is about perspective. :-)
I have a birthmark in the webbing between my ring finger and middle finger on my left hand. Its pretty unique and i have always wondered about it and what it could mean. Can you tell me what that birthmark may signify Lynn? Thank you. :)
Oh ! Oh! Me too ! Me too ! :)
I have what looks like a third nipple ( bumpy dark redish skin), right below my left normal one (4 inchies), between two ribs. As everybody, what is ti meaning ! Oh ! And i am not this woman in "Total recall"(scharzi one!) with three of them : I am not the right gender ! ^^ (sorry, couldn't resist).
Awwww many many thanks! I asked this question because I saw a girl on youtube who had the same birthmark as mine but hers is on her arm and mine on my shoulder. We have similar features and both are involved with sharing certain truths about the world with others.
Wow thank you Lynn!!!
Now I remember in a past life regression I saw myself as a guy with a red cape, falling to his side (the same side I have the mark) like he was just killed. Just that, but now you say this maybe it's related! I had forgotten about it!
@Emily: I get this image of you falling and a stake of some kind (looks like a rail road stake) caught between your two fingers while you were moving fast (like you fell or were pushed off a train). It tore you hand between your fingers. I get you still have issues being outside and moving fast (like roller coasters)..
@PimpMyBrain: I see this as a wound (like a gunshot).
@Everyone: Thanks for the great comments. :-)
Thank you !!
@Lynn AAAah ! Touché in the heart ! (easy one, i know) Well, I dreamed that I was drowning, I was choking, but killed by a gunshot ... hmmm ... need to think a little on this one. Thanks on this one !
Perhaps this is why I am always looking mediation rather than confrontation. Perhaps because of what earned me the injury ... it's the first thing that comes to mind.
Wow so glad for this post. Usually I notice a new birthmark where I know it wasnt existing before. There is a small but perceptible birthmark that looks like the shape of Africa on my right arm. What does it imply PF? Appreciate it! :)
Very interesting! I have a red birthmark on the outside of my left calf and my 7 month old daughter has a brown birthmark on the outside of her right calf. i like to think this means something, but not sure.
Thought I was burned to death - hv random birthmark like dark stains on my arm
I know I'm late in asking, can you see how I received the birthmark on my right shoulder? It's very dark and looks like an island, it gets alot of attention, people think it's a tatoo from a distance, I see that it kind of is.
Many appreciations.
Hi Lynn,
I know it's a bit late.I as well have unique birth marks on my hands & feet,I was told as a child it's Telangiectasias the medical name..Just curious what happened in my past life?Thanks.
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