I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
Q. Hi Lynn, I was hoping you could share your thoughts on the Mandela Effect. The theory that hits me the most is the BernstEin and BernstAin Bears. I used to read those books to my son and I remember them as BernstEin Bears. Then, there is Snow White's "Mirror, mirror on the wall" vs."Magic mirror on the wall" I even remember watching the first Snow White Huntsman movie a few years back and Charlize Theron, the witch, said Mirror, mirror on the wall" but in this year's release she says "Magic mirror on the wall" and I found that odd. That was before I heard about the Mandela Effect. Now it might be that the original Disney movies had both lines. I'm not 100% sure, but I would swear on a stack of bibles that the bears were BernstEin and I'm not "mis-remembering" as some say on the internet. http://ahistoryofmystery.com/unexplained/mandela-effect-library-examples/mandela-effect-examples/ A. When I tune into this, I get that this is a phenomena in which the collective conscious of a group goes on an alternate timeline, and when the timeline syncs up, the memories are recalled differently by different groups of people. For example, I get in one time line Bernstein was spelled "Bernstein" and in another it was spelled "Bernstain." People are not mis-remembering events, the are tapping into the timeline that they followed (and the one that is part of their conscious memory). We have several timelines running in parallel all the time. The majority (due to collective conscious thoughts) follow the same timeline, but occasionally there are "glitches" due to vibrational differences in a section of society or perhaps a very large group is evolving at a different rate. When those "glitches" occur, different events happen (some subtle like a spelling, and some large like a death) within the reality of that groups timeline. When the syncing of timelines occur, that is when the conflicts and comparisons occur. I am also being shown that if enough people create a large enough collective consciousness (with a similar belief system) the timeline can be changed to reflect that belief system. The timelines will want to go back (and sync up), but if the level of consciousness is raised and maintained (the PTW use fear to lower the vibration and "break" the collective consciousness) we have the power to change this world. And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I remember it being spelled both ways, Berenstein and Berenstain. (Actually it is BEREN rather than BERN.) Does anyone know the Berenstain couple? And does that mean I have been visiting both realities? (Well, that would explain a lot (chuckles)).
I owned almost the whole collection of the Bernstein books and remember when the "e" switched to an "a", I figured they just wanted to change the spelling at the time. Are some ofl these changes done on purpose just to mess with our memories? Like gaslighting us to make us question our memories? Gaslighting is a trait of the sociopath/narcissist which these PTW are.
Why are we all noticing this now and nobody's ever noticed this before a few years ago? Has this always happened since the beginning of man or is this Mandela affect something new in the last 20 years?
@They Live, Love the Gaslight concept, as these things all seem pretty minor and connected to pop culture which might suggest a mind game. Do old VCR tapes and books of Snow White reflect the "Magic Mirror..." instead of "Mirror Mirror," or do they keep the old phrase, because that would go against the gaslighting.
I wonder if this Madela effect gets into bigger physical things like changing the shape of a building? The people at Chick a Filet must be going crazy
So, thought takes form in action. Let's get organized. We need to start IMAGINING what THE EVENT is going to be like. What might The Event look like? If we can all imagine the same thing, it has a better chance of happening. Is The Event a wave of LIGHT that washes over us for at least a few days? And besides being an awesome light show, it also somehow reminds us all of our connection to SOURCE? Is that how others see it?
(Forgive if my earlier comment is awaiting approval, I'm new to this.) The Mandela Effect has become my latest obsession. Fiona Broome coined the term but Cynthia Sue Larson has had a blog going since the 90s. It really got going about a year ago with the Bears' spelling when I got on board. I'd had copies of the books since the 80s, read them to my kids, used them in teaching and my definite memory was of 'E'. Teacher friends agreed. My physical copies are now 'A'. There are more than just pop examples. The world map has changed for many of us, we're in a different part of the universe!, Bible verses are changed and there are hundreds of examples you can find on the net. Physical copies of proof are invalid because the 'change' has always been like that in this reality, although it's possible to find 'residue'. Not everyone has the same glitches though, and some memories are fuzzy. When a genuine ME hits you, you get a sick feeling in your stomach - that, "We're not in Kansas anymore." (In this reality it's, "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.") But it might explain events we put down to misremembering that really happened to us. Arguments between family and friends might genuinely be different experienced realities. Interestingly, we don't seem to go back to those realities we remember. Personally, I believe I might be sending a message to myself as a wake up call.
But what did we all focus on at the same time to cause such an effect that books and movies changed & dead celebrities are alive now. What did we focus on that we all jumped timelines together ?
Most of the ones I've heard of can be explained rationally. For example Pete Townshend's name once being spelled without the 'h' is simply because a lot of people got it wrong. Or Looney Toons originally being Looney Tunes was because the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit changed it to fit with the storyline about Toon Town.
The one oddity that sticks out is the Berenstein bears, because the couple that wrote the books used their last name. On wiki it is berenstain with the a, but there are books on Amazon with BOTH spellings, which is very strange. Berenstein seems more likely as a surname. a person on YouTube made a search comparison of both spellings and the graph showed that both spellings were searched equally until around 2010, then the one with the A became more prominent. There are many testimonials from people who had the physical copies tucked away, vividly remembering the E, but upon finding the old books saw it was A which really freaked them out. Wonder if 2012 energy has anything to do with it. Wow
It was predicted by one of the archangels. I forget who but he said time would be speeding up FAST and out timelines would merge and I had no clue what that mean then! This was in 2010, I think*?? Tell me time isn't flying.it's going crazy fast! Then We have people not dead anymore or vice versa. There is just too much to type. Like Patrick swazys death I thought was a much longer ymtime ago than in reality or this reality. Then the forest Gump. Momma said life WAS like a box of chocolates not IS like abox. Crazy times to be alive. I think this is how new earth will come into play. Those dimensions time lines possibly came to us this new earth time lines will come to us subtly until everything is different. Interesting
Interesting. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" "Magic mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" The syncopation, in my ear, disappears with the second refrain: the word magic is unaccented and benign. I also think "mirror, mirror" invites the viewer into the story whereas "magic mirror" automatically defines the situation and excludes the use of imagination. I mean...it's a magic mirror...so weird things are going to happen. Would replacing "mirror" with "magic" constitute an attempt to lull the mind and decrease visualization on the part of the individual viewing? Like replacing 432 hz with 440 hz tuning?
"Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953. However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, it’s possible that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness." Try this article.
Ah, Hannon. "I'm focusing on the heroic containment of the almost nuclear meltdown, that never happened in Japan!" If you mean Fukushima...how true. The ice walls are melting. Just as the Standing Rock Sioux don't exist. Or Russia hasn't called out the U.S. to the U.N. Security Council for blatantly violating the Syrian ceasefire and bombing to allow radical terrorists a victory. None of this exists.
Folks!!! I'm having so much fun today from Da-da's jazzy "Stars and Stripes" to the reception of Hillary's book on Amazon and the controversy over Amazon deleting the inordinate number of posts negative to her book. SOTT has this article. The comments on Amazon are scathing and hillarious!
Great reading!! Thanks Lynn!! "See" you in a 11 min!!
Wow, that's really thought-provoking. I picture strands (timelines) twisting together to form a rope (history). How would you define "timeline"?
I remember it being spelled both ways, Berenstein and Berenstain. (Actually it is BEREN rather than BERN.) Does anyone know the Berenstain couple? And does that mean I have been visiting both realities? (Well, that would explain a lot (chuckles)).
I owned almost the whole collection of the Bernstein books and remember when the "e" switched to an "a", I figured they just wanted to change the spelling at the time.
Are some ofl these changes done on purpose just to mess with our memories? Like gaslighting us to make us question our memories? Gaslighting is a trait of the sociopath/narcissist which these PTW are.
Why are we all noticing this now and nobody's ever noticed this before a few years ago? Has this always happened since the beginning of man or is this Mandela affect something new in the last 20 years?
Also everyone's blaming CERN... so they have nothing to do with this right ?
@They Live, Love the Gaslight concept, as these things all seem pretty minor and connected to pop culture which might suggest a mind game. Do old VCR tapes and books of Snow White reflect the "Magic Mirror..." instead of "Mirror Mirror," or do they keep the old phrase, because that would go against the gaslighting.
I wonder if this Madela effect gets into bigger physical things like changing the shape of a building? The people at Chick a Filet must be going crazy
CERN is toast. Forget about it.
So, thought takes form in action. Let's get organized. We need to start IMAGINING what THE EVENT is going to be like. What might The Event look like? If we can all imagine the same thing, it has a better chance of happening. Is The Event a wave of LIGHT that washes over us for at least a few days? And besides being an awesome light show, it also somehow reminds us all of our connection to SOURCE? Is that how others see it?
(Forgive if my earlier comment is awaiting approval, I'm new to this.)
The Mandela Effect has become my latest obsession. Fiona Broome coined the term but Cynthia Sue Larson has had a blog going since the 90s. It really got going about a year ago with the Bears' spelling when I got on board. I'd had copies of the books since the 80s, read them to my kids, used them in teaching and my definite memory was of 'E'. Teacher friends agreed. My physical copies are now 'A'. There are more than just pop examples. The world map has changed for many of us, we're in a different part of the universe!, Bible verses are changed and there are hundreds of examples you can find on the net. Physical copies of proof are invalid because the 'change' has always been like that in this reality, although it's possible to find 'residue'.
Not everyone has the same glitches though, and some memories are fuzzy. When a genuine ME hits you, you get a sick feeling in your stomach - that, "We're not in Kansas anymore." (In this reality it's, "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.")
But it might explain events we put down to misremembering that really happened to us. Arguments between family and friends might genuinely be different experienced realities. Interestingly, we don't seem to go back to those realities we remember. Personally, I believe I might be sending a message to myself as a wake up call.
But what did we all focus on at the same time to cause such an effect that books and movies changed & dead celebrities are alive now. What did we focus on that we all jumped timelines together ?
What is the meaning of the W in the PTW?
The powers that where instead of the powers that be
So, is there an end goal to Mandela Effect? What is the point of the Mandela Effect?
Is there way to consciously switch to the timeline that has the things spelled that I remember?
Most of the ones I've heard of can be explained rationally. For example Pete Townshend's name once being spelled without the 'h' is simply because a lot of people got it wrong. Or Looney Toons originally being Looney Tunes was because the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit changed it to fit with the storyline about Toon Town.
Agree, that's one good way- checking out old tapes, etc., to figure out if it is in fact a glitch/universe jump or gas lighting tactic.
The one oddity that sticks out is the Berenstein bears, because the couple that wrote the books used their last name. On wiki it is berenstain with the a, but there are books on Amazon with BOTH spellings, which is very strange. Berenstein seems more likely as a surname. a person on YouTube made a search comparison of both spellings and the graph showed that both spellings were searched equally until around 2010, then the one with the A became more prominent. There are many testimonials from people who had the physical copies tucked away, vividly remembering the E, but upon finding the old books saw it was A which really freaked them out. Wonder if 2012 energy has anything to do with it. Wow
It's very much new within a matter of a few years
Oh I'm Damn sure cern is aiding and abetting lol on one way or another
I would love that! I'm in
It was predicted by one of the archangels. I forget who but he said time would be speeding up FAST and out timelines would merge and I had no clue what that mean then! This was in 2010, I think*?? Tell me time isn't flying.it's going crazy fast! Then We have people not dead anymore or vice versa. There is just too much to type. Like Patrick swazys death I thought was a much longer ymtime ago than in reality or this reality. Then the forest Gump. Momma said life WAS like a box of chocolates not IS like abox. Crazy times to be alive. I think this is how new earth will come into play. Those dimensions time lines possibly came to us this new earth time lines will come to us subtly until everything is different. Interesting
It was always Bernstein and mirror, mirror to me! I'm focusing on the heroic containment of the almost nuclear meltdown, that never happened in Japan!
I think we will have a wakeup about how we treat animals and cause is to rethink our way of diet as well as our origion.
Is the timeline where we are where it's Chick-Fil-A and not Chic-Fil-A a positive/high vibrational one or is it the opposite?
Timelines are absolutely fascinating.
Interesting. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" "Magic mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?" The syncopation, in my ear, disappears with the second refrain: the word magic is unaccented and benign. I also think "mirror, mirror" invites the viewer into the story whereas "magic mirror" automatically defines the situation and excludes the use of imagination. I mean...it's a magic mirror...so weird things are going to happen. Would replacing "mirror" with "magic" constitute an attempt to lull the mind and decrease visualization on the part of the individual viewing? Like replacing 432 hz with 440 hz tuning?
"Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953. However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, it’s possible that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness." Try this article.
Ah, Hannon. "I'm focusing on the heroic containment of the almost nuclear meltdown, that never happened in Japan!" If you mean Fukushima...how true. The ice walls are melting. Just as the Standing Rock Sioux don't exist. Or Russia hasn't called out the U.S. to the U.N. Security Council for blatantly violating the Syrian ceasefire and bombing to allow radical terrorists a victory. None of this exists.
Folks!!! I'm having so much fun today from Da-da's jazzy "Stars and Stripes" to the reception of Hillary's book on Amazon and the controversy over Amazon deleting the inordinate number of posts negative to her book. SOTT has this article. The comments on Amazon are scathing and hillarious!
(BTW, I support neither candidate.)
Sorry for another post...but for those of who have had enough of the election, think about ordering a Lalalala!
@Buddhist Lady: I went on Amazon to enjoy some of the comments and burst out laughing. Thanks for the stress relief. xoxo-
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